There, he offended Luo Fu, it was clearly Luo Fu who was cunning, cut off his chance, and robbed his disciple.

However, his skills were not as good as others, and after hitting the door, Luo Fu drove him all the way.

Gritting his teeth, Zhenren Yuding said bravely: "." This Luofu Taoist has a cunning mind and insidious methods. He didn't know where to get the news, cut off my chance, and took my disciple. He took the Immortal Slaying Sword, and he was chased and beaten all the way!"

Seeing the aggrieved appearance of Yuding Zhenren, Qingxu Daoxue Zhenjun suddenly felt a sense of empathy.

After all, he was now also taken away by Luo Fu with the five-color magic light and the stun gun and the heart nail.

After taking out the five fire and seven bird fans, the True Monarch Qingxu Daode stared at Luo Fu and said, "Brother Luo Fu, although you and I belong to two sects, we both belong to the Pangu sect and belong to the Sanqing School. Why do you deceive Brother Yuding like this?"

"So shameless!" Luo Fu cursed loudly, saying, "This fellow Yu Ding came to my mountain gate inexplicably, and kept saying that I would cut off his chance and take away his disciples. However, it is like today's confusion and ignorance of cause and effect. I just want me to hand over the disciple I just received. Do you think I am weak and can be bullied? Today I must let him give me an explanation! Qingxu Moral True Monarch, please get out of the way, don't let this shameless person deceive!"

Luo Fu kept saying that he was very aggrieved.But he never mentioned the fact that he had just taken away the stun gun and Fei (Wang Zhao) of the Qingxu Moral True Monarch.

As for the Immortal Slaying Sword of Yuding Zhenren, even the Qingxu Daode Zhenjun knew that it would not be easy to get it back.Who makes both sides hold their ground now.

How to make the other party bow their heads regardless of whether they are high or low.

Everyone has close relatives.Qingxu Daode Zhenjun and Yuding Zhenren are the same disciples and brothers, and they are also the twelve golden immortals. In any case, they will not stand in Luofu's position.

At the moment, the True Monarch Qingxu Daode secretly slandered the real person Yu Ding as being unreliable, but his face was stern: "Senior Brother Luofu, you and Brother Yuding have their own opinions, but I don't know if I should believe the two of you. As for the one in the middle, why don't you all follow me to the Yuxu Palace to be judged by the sage Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, how about you?"

Luo Fu narrowed his eyes.He secretly thought in his heart, this pure and innocent moral real monarch looks righteous, but he did not expect it to be a traitor in his heart!

Let yourself go to Yuxu Palace, isn't that there is no return?

Who doesn't know that Yuanshi Tianzun is the most protective of the short?Even if it is for face, it is impossible to admit that his disciples are wrong.At that time, relying on the dignity of the saint, it is not impossible for the big to bully the small! .

Chapter 80

Don't think that Yuanshi Tianzun is a saint, and he will judge disputes between juniors impartially and impartially.

You know, in the Battle of Conferred Gods, Sanxiao was really attacked by Tianzun Yuanshi himself.

Yunxiao was okay, but it was just wrapped by Lao Tzu with the Qiankun map and suppressed under the Qilin Cliff.

Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao were miserable.The former was directly smashed by Yuanshi Tianzun with the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi.The latter was even received by Yuanshi Tianzun in the jade box, and the people and mounts were all turned into blood.It is appalling.

From this point of view, Yuanshi Tianzun's mind is absolutely irrelevant to broadness.

No matter what, Sanxiao is the disciple of his junior brother Tongtian Sect Master, right?

Could it be that Yuanshi Tianzun, the dignified sage, could not arrest Qiongxiao and Bixiao and hand them over to Tongtian for disposal?Even if you want Lao Tzu to treat Yunxiao, you can suppress it.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun was angry that Sanxiao used the Hunyuan Jindou to shave off the twelve gold immortals under his sect, cut off all the three flowers on the top, and five qi in his chest. It can be said that this is to bully the small and avenge the private revenge with the public.

Even this thing can be done, how can Luo Fu believe that Yuanshi Tianzun can be fair and straight?

"Master Yuanshi Tianzun is the supreme sage. If there is a conflict between me and this jade tripod, why bother my master?" Luo Fu said with a look of thought for Yuanshi Tianzun, "I think it's better for you two to follow me. Let's go to Jinao Island. It just so happens that I have just accepted the disciples, so I can report to the master. I wonder what the two brothers think?"

how is it?

Whether it is the Qingxu Daozhenjun or the Yuding Reality, the corners of the mouth are all twitching.

Of course not.

Just as Luo Fu would not follow them to the Yuxu Palace anyway, the two of them also absolutely refused to go to Jinao Island.

Under normal circumstances, it would be more than enough to visit Saint Tongtian in Biyou Palace.But now they are filthy with the direct disciples of Tongtian Sect Master.

Even if the Tongtian sect master could really be selfless and impartial, they would not dare to go.

As if seeing the decision of the two, Luo Fu sighed and said, "It turns out that the two of you were actually lying to me just now. Since that's the case, I'll wait and use the means!"

"Junior brother wait!" Qingxu Daode Zhenjun panicked in his heart.He was eager to say something.

It's a pity that at this time, Luo Fu has completely refused to give them a chance.

The five-colored divine light behind him suddenly burst out with terrifying mana fluctuations that shot into the sky.

The power of the five elements stirs the universe.

Let this Qingfeng Mountain, which is even more vast and boundless than the solar system, fall into darkness in an instant.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that there are only five giant pillars that reach the sky, stirring everything.Let Qingxu Daozhenjun and Yuding real person, even the operation of mana appeared stagnant.

"Damn it!" The expression of the True Monarch Qingxu Daode changed, and his heart was full of bitterness.

"Senior Brother Yu Ding, what kind of magical treasure is this five-color divine light that can actually stir the five elements of heaven and earth!"

It's no wonder that the True Monarch Qingxu was stunned when he saw the five-color divine light showing his power.

In fact, the magic weapon he was most capable of was the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fans.

However, the five fires and seven bird fans belong to the fire of the five elements. Although it can overcome gold and wood, it can only rest when it hits Luofu's five-color divine light.

In particular, the five-color divine light creates and suppresses each other, and the cycle is endless.I am afraid that the flames fanned by the five fires and seven birds will be instantly involved in the five elements, but it will add to the power of Luofu.

The real master of Yuding naturally knew why the real emperor of Qingxu morality had a bitter face.He comforted: "Junior brother, don't panic, I'm on the way to find you, and I have already notified other senior brothers. This Luo Fu relies on supernatural powers, even if he can be fierce for a while, when all the brothers and sisters arrive, he will definitely be waited by me for ten years. The two gold immortals are captured. You and I will delay for one hour and three quarters!"

True Monarch Qingxu Daode gave a wry smile and said, "Stop! Stop! Stop! This is the end of the matter, and there is nothing else I can do. I'll do my best!"

"Excuse me, Junior Brother!" Master Yuding bowed his hands with a look of gratitude.

In this realm stirred by the five colors of divine light, for Luo Fu, it is equivalent to having home field advantage.

Even the conversation between Qingxu Daode Zhenjun and Yuding Zhenren could not be concealed from him.

When he heard that the two were going to delay him for a while, Luo Fu was not surprised but happy.

The innate yin and yang that lingered around the body, swirls and turns, and instantly submerged into the ground under Luo Fu's feet. In the area where he stepped, a yin and yang, connected end to end, and endless cycle of Tai Chi yin and yang fish came.

Under the yin and yang cycle, although there will be no special performance in attack, the defense is unbreakable and impregnable.

With this innate yin and yang protection, Luo Fu is already invincible even if he faces the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao at the same time.

No matter how bad it is, he can also delay the arrival of Tongtian Cult Master.

Although Luo Fu has not yet notified the Tongtian sect master, asking for help from the Tongtian sect master.

But when he fought against the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, most of the prehistoric world was shocked by such a big movement.As a saint who scrutinized the three realms, it is impossible for the leader of Tongtian to be blocked to such an extent.

However, in order to avoid the most tragic situation, Luo Fu called Sanxiao in advance.

Please, Sister Sanxiao, if something goes wrong, ask to see Master Tongtian immediately!

"Junior Brother Luo Fu, you are relying on your supernatural powers. You bullied Senior Brother Yu Ding. You are poor and incompetent, but you can't bear to see such a tragedy happen in front of you. Offended!"

After saying a scene in a pretentious manner, the True Monarch Qingxu Daode clenched the fan of five fires and seven birds, and swiped it towards Luo Fu.

Fire in the air, fire in stone, fire in wood, fire in samadhi, fire in the world.The five fires came out together, and the flames flew into the air.

It directly burned the originally beautiful Qingfeng Mountain into a lava hell.The black smoke billowed upwards.

"Haha... Qingxu, your skills are exhausted!" Luo Fu laughed loudly, and the scarlet divine light flashed up against the five fires.

As soon as the fire of the Five Elements and the Fire of the Five Fires and Seven Birds came into contact, the red beam of light suddenly expanded.A little bit bigger.

In contrast, the flames fanned out by the True Monarch Qingxu Morality seemed to be absorbed in an instant, and the flames soared into the sky, wilting in the blink of an eye, and only a cluster of small flames remained in the blink of an eye.

Even the only remaining cluster of small flames disappeared with a puff under the stirring of the five elements.

True Monarch Qingxu Daode smiled bitterly, and he knew that for Luo Fu, who had mastered this terrifying five-element supernatural power, his own five-fire and seven-bird fan simply could not be used.

Luo Fu is not just extinguished the flame will give up.

After knowing that he would soon face the siege of the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao, before that, Luo Fu had to deal with the two immortals in front of him anyway!

The five-color divine light stirred, and instantly brushed towards the Qingxu Daode Zhenjun and Yuding Zhenren.

Seeing that the two are about to be brushed away.Above the head of the True Monarch Qingxu Morality, an umbrella-shaped flag flag was unfolded out of thin air.

When this umbrella-shaped flag flag was displayed, the Qingxu Daode Zhenjun and the Yuding Zhenren suddenly disappeared in place.The five-color divine light was instantly swept away.

His eyes narrowed, and Luo Fu instantly understood that this umbrella-shaped flag banner must be the Hunyuan banner of the Qingxu Moral True Monarch.

The umbrella bone is made of various animal leg bones, and the umbrella surface is paved with phoenix feathers.It was also incorporated into the Qi of Primordial Primordial by Yuanshi Tianzun. Although it is an acquired magic weapon, its subtlety is not inferior to the innate.Especially good at shrinking the ground into an inch and moving the void!

But at the moment, Qingxu Daode Zhenjun and Yuding Zhenren are waiting for other brothers and sisters to come, so the two of them will never run away.

If the True Monarch of Qingxu Morality relies on the power of Hunyuanfan to play guerrilla warfare with himself, Luo Fu's idea of ​​winning people is afraid that it will fail.

Thinking of this, Luo Fu flipped his left hand and took out the Luobao money again.

Hunyuan Fan is neither innate, but also a magic weapon, just happened to be restrained by Luobao money! .

Chapter 81

Sure enough, Luo Fu expected.

Borrowing Hunyuan Fan's ability to shrink the ground into an inch and move the void, he avoided the swipe of the five-color divine light.

Qingxu Daode Zhenjun and Yuding Zhenren really returned to Luo Fu once again.

"Senior Brother Luo Fu, you have to forgive others and forgive others. Even if it is Senior Brother Yu Ding, there is really something wrong. Is it too much for you to push each other so hard? Do you even start with me?" He looked at Luo Fu with regret.

"Junior brother needs to know that the Great Dao is fifty, and Tianyan is forty-nine. There is still a glimmer of life in the Heavenly Dao, so why should you be so decisive against Senior Brother Yuding, who is also a disciple of the Sanqing Saint?"

Where does Luo Fu have the intention to hear the ramblings of the True Monarch Xu Dao Dao?

The five-color divine light shone again.A look that is ready to be reluctant to brush up again.

"Junior brother, everything is too much, and the fate is bound to end early. The great catastrophe of the conferred gods is imminent. If you act like this, are you really not afraid of being involved in the cause and effect, and you will be ashes under the catastrophe? Why not..."

While the words of the True Monarch Qingxu Morality were just in general, Luo Fu suddenly threw out the treasure money from his left hand and hit the Hunyuan Banner floating above the heads of the two.

He was on guard against Luofu's five-colored divine light, but Qingxu Daozhenjun didn't see it. Luofu's five-colored divine light that penetrated the sky was just a pretense.

When he saw a golden light strike, the True Monarch Qingxu Daode was running his mana, and the envoy Hunyuanfan was ready to avoid Luofu's attack again.

Unfortunately, his response was one step late.

Luobao money collided with Hunyuanfan at the moment before Hunyuanfan moved to the void.

In the silent collision, Hun Yuanfan instantly lost all his miraculousness.A piece of money and Luobao money fell to the ground at the same time.

The Hunyuan Banner itself hangs on the heads of the Qingxu Daode Zhenjun and Yuding Zhenren.Even if it is beaten by Luobao money, it will fall into the hands of the two first.

How could Luo Fu allow such a scene to appear?

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