The appearance of the task suddenly made everyone lose the mind of chatting.

I am the little fox demon: "Wow! No way? There are [-] points. Is Kikyo's wish so valuable?"

Iron Man: "Do you only focus on points? In addition to points, another reward makes me feel a little strange. What is the friendship of Kikyo? As members of the group, everyone is friends, right? Why still Will there be rewards like Kikyo friendship?"

Black Cat Girl Control: "Isn't it simple? Since it can appear as a reward, it means that it has not been there before. That is to say, up to now, Kikyo has not regarded everyone as a friend at all. Meow! It's really interesting!"

Iron Fist Invincible Jing is cute: "It's definitely not like this."

Black Cat Girl Control: "If that's not the case, then why is Kikyo's friendship a reward?"

Tacheng's black song is indeed very reasonable...  

But as the group owner, Luo Fu couldn't let everyone continue to delve into this issue.Otherwise, it will inevitably destroy the atmosphere in the group in the end.

Existence beyond everything: "I don't think there is any need to discuss the second reward. Don't forget, Kikyo was determined to die before. She has always felt that if she embarks on that predetermined destiny, human beings will embark on a beautiful journey. The future. For a shrine maiden who is kind-hearted and determined to sacrifice herself for the sake of mankind, isn't it normal to not have friendship with others?"

The hundred-year-old Taoist priest: "The group leader is right. Miss Black Cat's views are too extreme."

Black Cat Girl Control: "Is that so? People don't know. Meow!"

Holy sect master: "You cat demon is really the source of trouble. I, Luo Hao, in the name of the sect master of the Five Prisons, announce that you are absolutely not allowed to approach my elder brother."

Let's dance together: "Why isn't there a lottery for this mission? Instead, it has been designated by Kikyo?"

Iron Man: "Huh? Yes! This time is different!"

Pipixi: "Although this mission is indeed different from the previous one, it's not surprising to think about it. After all, the emergence of this mission is because of Kikyo's obsession and desire. Therefore, it is logical for her to designate mission members. things!"

Let's dance together: "@Demonic witch, designate me! In your world, human beings are threatened by monsters. The hatred between the two races can only be achieved by killing to stop killing and completely exterminating the other race. .Although my body is old, the ten-tailed golem provides me with vitality and chakra. The monsters in your world are not my enemy at all!"

Mo Tong: "I think it's better not to choose Mr. Ban. He is so old, what if he dies in your world before he fights?"

Madara Uchiha is going crazy.

This damn Nezha!The bear child who kills a thousand knives, why always fight against him?

When the quota was drawn, curse him for not being selected.Now it is directly preventing the designation of Kikyo.

Let's dance together: "I swear, when I regain my youth, I will let you know that there is a limit to naughty children!"

Demon-breaking witch: "I choose the group leader, Queen Hexi, Hades Acha, Master Luo Hao, and Captain Maozhihualie!".

Chapter 93

Kikyo will choose Hexi and Ah Cha because of their previous discussions, and they are actually helping Kikyo to find a way to realize her wish.

And Luo Hao was chosen because he and Luo Hao once participated in the mission of Zhang Sanfeng's world.There is always some trust in comparison.

And Mao Zhihualie, perhaps because of her gentle appearance, is too deceptive.It may also be that Uno Hanaritsu and Kikyo joined the chat group at the same time.Compared with other group members, in Kikyo's heart, there is some subconscious trust.

Although Madara Uchiha wanted to get involved, Kikyo couldn't trust him.

After all, in the future of the ninja world uploaded by Luo Fu, Madara Uchiha is an out-and-out villain! !

Mo Tong: "Sure enough, Sister Kikyo didn't choose Uncle Ban!"

Let's dance together: "Humph! The woman who didn't choose I am Kikyo is just stupid!"

When Nezha came out, Madara Uchiha was already prepared that he would lose the election.Maybe he's getting used to it too.

Baqianliu: "Hey? Did you choose me? It's really surprising!"

Demon-breaking witch: "I believe that Captain Unohana won't let me down."

19 Baqianliu: "I feel pressured to be trusted so much."

Demon-breaking witch: "Master group leader. There are everyone else, then everything is up to everyone!"

Pipixi: "Don't worry. I'm also very interested in those monsters! To enhance the power through the darkness and fear in the human heart, this is just like in mythology, the gods use the believers' beliefs."

Queen Chacha: "I will go to the underworld to find a way. Although the underworld in your world is different from mine, I am very familiar with death."

Holy Sect Master: "I will assist my elder brother!"

Seeing the designated members, all of them were in high spirits and had no chance to participate in this mission, even though they felt like they had eaten lemons.But he still maintained a minimum of politeness and respect.They all comforted Kikyo.


Inuyasha world.

At this moment, the time point in this world is the stage when Kikyo has not yet encountered Inuyasha.

Kikyo is still the shrine maiden who has a great reputation, has the power to destroy demons, and is hated by countless monsters.He is full of hatred for monsters.

It is full of maple trees, and in early autumn, the maple leaves turn red, as if on fire in the Maple Village.There was a constant cry at this moment.Almost every household is immersed in a sad atmosphere.

On the hill next to the village, holding a pair of cattail bows in her hand, wearing white clothes and red clothes, with a cold expression and a holy face of bellflower, at this time, her cheeks showed a rare look of unease.

"Sister Kikyo!" It was still Lolita's Feng, and there were some tears on her tender and pretty face.He came to Kikyo and said, "Uncle Murata... is dead!"

Kikyo nodded indifferently.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the village at the foot of the mountain, you can vaguely see that the village that used to be very peaceful because of his protection in the past has been destroyed by monsters in a mess.

This time, after the monster broke through the Kikyo barrier, the damage to Maple Village was tragic.

Even though Kikyo rushed to the village immediately after realizing that there was a problem with the enchantment, some villagers still encountered the poisonous hand of the monster.

And after solving the monster that rushed into the village, Kikyo came out of the village non-stop and re-arranged the barrier. She didn't even have time to visit those villagers, so she could only ask her sister to replace her. went to the village.

"There are still many people who have also been seriously injured." Feng said with a dejected expression: "The villagers who are seriously injured, I have no choice! Although I tried my best, but...but..."

Seeing Feng was about to cry again.

Kikyo tried to keep his tone calm.

"It doesn't matter. Feng!"

"How could it not matter!" After all, he was still a child, even if he had been with Kikyo all the time, he had no idea how many battles with Kikyo and monsters he had experienced.However, after seeing the tragic situation after the village was ravaged by monsters, Feng's emotions still collapsed.

Kikyo bowed slightly and was about to comfort her sister, but her eyes suddenly stared behind her sister, as if she had seen something surprising, her eyes were full of joy, and a smile appeared on her cheeks.

"Looks like we didn't come at the right time!" Pipixi smiled and said, "Is this your sister? It looks cute. But..."

After a slight pause, Hexi looked in the direction of the village.

Even if the eyes of insight were not opened, Hexi's sight surpassed the limits of human beings, and she could clearly see the tragic situation in the village at the moment.

In the village that was ravaged by monsters, dilapidation, crying, and death became the main theme.

"Lower civilizations live on the same planet as unscientific things like monsters. It's really a miserable thing!" He Xi said flatly.

as the three kings of angels.Having experienced countless wars, just relying on the sight of Maple Village, Hexi could not be stimulated at all.

As for Luo Hao, Mao Zhihualie and Ah Cha, the expressions of the three of them were even more dull.

After all, even Luo Hao, the youngest among them, was over two hundred years old.

The tragic wars I have seen are too numerous to mention.Not to mention Uzhihualie and Ah Cha.

Mao Zhihualie was a famous villain in the Soul Society back then.The undead killed by her own hands can no longer be counted.And Ah Cha, that is the origin of the soul who ferryed the world, she has almost experienced the entire history of the new human beings.From barbarian times to modern times.Even more will not be moved by this stimulation.

The voice behind him made Feng turn around abruptly.

Seeing that Luo Fu and others were very familiar with Kikyo, Feng's attention quickly fell on Luo Fu.

After all, at this moment, Luo Fu's sense of existence is simply overwhelming.

That gorgeous gossip purple ribbon immortal robe, shimmering and dazzling.

Just standing there, revealed an extraordinary temperament.

Anyone who sees Luo Fu at this moment, the first impression in their minds will think that they have seen a fairy.

"Yes... is it Lord God?" Feng's voice suddenly stuttered.

Don't look at Kikyo always dressed as a witch, but in fact.In this world where monsters are rampant, human beings fear monsters far beyond their belief in gods.

Even Kikyo, the shrine maiden, did not enshrine any gods.

Where she lives, there is not even a shrine.Even the Higurashi Shrine built on the original site will not start construction until a long time after the death of the orange infarction.

For a long time, Kikyo expels and purifies monsters, relying on its innate spiritual power.She, the witch, has nothing to do with the gods at all.

"Master of the group, and everyone!" Kikyo put away Zi Gong, bowed slightly, and said, "Everyone is welcome! I'll leave everything to you!"

"Don't worry. I will help the elder brother!" Luo Hao said confidently: "As long as the elder brother is there, the monsters in this world can only surrender to humans forever!"

"Sister... does my sister actually know Lord God?"

Although no one has ever paid attention to Feng, through a few brief exchanges, Feng still decided that Luo Fu must be a god. .

Chapter 94

Maple Village, in the end, has just experienced the ravages of monsters.

Obviously, the village could not entertain Luo Fu and others.

However, Luo Fu and the others came here to help Kikyo realize his wishes and obsessions.

And the time period in which the Kikyo world is now, there is nothing to entertain at all.

After a simple greeting, led by Kikyo, the group came to the wooden house where Kikyo lived.

This is a very humble wooden house.There is no distinction between living room and bedroom, just a single room with a relatively large space.

And here is the residence of the shrine maiden Kikyo, who is so famous that countless monsters grit their teeth with hatred.

Although he didn't get a positive response, he had already decided in his heart that Luo Fu was definitely a god.

Kikyo's younger sister, Little Loli Feng, was served hot tea by Luo Fu and others.

Said to be hot tea, in fact, it is just a rough drink after concocting the bellflowers that I picked myself.

In this Warring States period, when there is chaos and there are monsters threatening at any time.Being able to have time to concoct bellflower as a drink has surpassed the vast majority of human life in comparison.

"Lord God, please use tea!" Feng, just like a little fan girl, brought a crude tea cup with a collision gap to Luo Fu.

After nodding, Luo Fu took the tea cup and took a sip, then said, "Jiangjian, have you ever thought about how to make your wish come true?"

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