Under Yuhabach's terrifying sight, Yuglan Hasward reluctantly took over Gungnir.

"Remember, the speed must be fast! Do your best to destroy everything!" Youhabach urged again worriedly.

Corpse Soul Realm, in the fifth division station.

Luo Fu's eyes flickered, and he said disdainfully: "It's really a bachelor. He actually planned to use this method to buy time for himself to escape! As expected of the system host, his heart is indeed cold! However, you have the Star Cross Knights, I Not bad!"

You must know that Luo Fu was the quasi-sage who advanced to the advanced stage after he took the ancestor of Ming He in turn.He perfectly inherited everything from the ancestor of Ming He.

Even the cause and effect of the ancestor Ming He was firmly inherited by Luo Fu's evil corpse.

The most impressive ability of Ancestor Ming He is his ability to survive without a sea of ​​blood and immortality.

In addition, the [-] million blood gods are the reason why no one dares to provoke the ancestors of Ming He.

Each of these [-] million blood gods has the strength of Taiyi Jinxian, and even some of them are comparable to Daluo Jinxian.

The ability of the corpse, as the deity, Luo Fu can naturally master it.

Youhabach wanted to rely on the number of people, and in turn disrupted his control over the timeline, for fear that he had made the wrong idea. .

Chapter 141

All the power of the Quincy comes from the gift of Yohabach.

Youhabach can even take over the power of all his subordinates with a single thought.

Under such cruel constraints, Youhabach's control over the Star Cross Knights is so powerful that no other power can imagine it!

No matter how much they disagreed with the orders of Ulhabach in their hearts, Yugran Hasward and the other members of the Star Cross Knights did not dare to disobey~.

He could only rush out of the invisible empire against his will, and launched an indiscriminate attack on all the targets around him.

In the blink of an eye, I don't know how many gods of death and ghosts died tragically in the hands of Quincy.

Death and emptiness are like the two poles of the world.Yin and yang are reciprocal, reciprocating cycle.But the Quincy Master is different. The Xu who was killed by the Quincy Master will disappear completely, and he will no longer be able to enter the reincarnation of the world.

It can be said that with the continuous growth of the Quincy group, the world will be destroyed sooner or later due to the power of the Quincy, which is also the reason for the bloody battle that broke out a thousand years ago.

At this moment, watching so many gods of death and ghosts continue to die.Luo Fu clearly felt that the laws of the world began to disintegrate and collapse.

It's like a dense grid with holes suddenly appearing.

If you continue to let the Quincy slaughter like this, there will inevitably be problems with the operation of the world. At that time, it is impossible to say that Youhabach's plan will really succeed.

"Master Group Leader!" Through the communication network of the fourth division, Uzhihualie received a message from the fourth division's vice-captain, Toru Yuyin.

A clear shock flashed across Hana Lie's face, and said: "The Star Cross Knights rioted. They launched an indiscriminate attack on the god of death and even the wandering spirits, and now a large number of gods of death have died in their hands. ."

"It's not just the Soul Realm!" Luo Fu shook his head and said, "Whether it's the Human Realm or the Imaginary Circle, the quenchers of the Star Cross Knights have launched an indiscriminate attack on all creatures in this world. !"

Aizen's pupils shrank suddenly, and her heart was even more regretful.

It is no wonder that the commander-in-chief Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni paid such a high price to lead the Death God to completely wipe out the Quincy.

This is completely crazy! !

No matter how Aizen uses his intrigues, he always has a clear purpose.

In order to improve their own strength, break the boundary between the god of death and the virtual.Let the god of death become virtual, let the virtual break the face.Go one step further and stand tall in the sky.

But even Aizen can't accept what Yuhabach and the Star Cross Knights did!

"This respected powerhouse!" Aizen bowed slightly to Luo Fu and said, "Although I have the intention to cooperate with Youhabach, I have never thought of destroying this world. Now the practice of Quincy Master has become serious. Threats to the safety of the world. Please allow me to stand with you. Take care of the madmen like Quincy and Yohabach first!"

"Yah! Yah! Captain Aizen is planning to surrender?" Ichimaru Gin said with a smile: "But I think, whether it is Captain Uno Hanaritsu or this strong man, they should not accept us, right? After all, we were planning to work with Ulhabach before!"

"Cooperation is unnecessary!" Luo Fu shook his head and said, "It's just a mere group of Quincy Masters, nothing to worry about!"

The moment the voice fell, everyone was in the sight of horror.

Luo Fu suddenly drilled out of one after another slightly illusory blood-red silhouette.

Each of these figures brought great psychological pressure to everyone present.

There is no doubt that each of these blood-colored phantoms is a well-deserved powerhouse.

Thanos' eyes flashed, with a look of surprise in his eyes, he looked at Luo Hao who was on the side, and said, "This method of the group master is full of murderousness and blood. I remember that in your mythological system, This should be regarded as a means of the devil, right?"

Perhaps it was because of the Son of Blood that caused a misunderstanding in Thanos' heart.However, he regarded Luo Fu as the kind of guy who did all kinds of evil.

"It's just the means of the elder brother."

As the first licking dog of Luo Fu in the group, Luo Hao didn't know how to clean up Luo Fu at this time.He could only bite the bullet and say, "My eldest brother is beyond everything, pure good and evil, how can you judge your eldest brother?"

At the same time that Luo Fu released the Son of Blood.

Several members of the Star Cross Knights who inherited the holy script also rushed to the station of the fifth division.

Seeing them rush up murderously.

When Tacheng Heige and Su Da were subconsciously preparing to start, Luo Fu floated around the blood god child, suddenly swarmed up, and instantly rushed towards the members of the Star Cross Knights who inherited the holy text.

At the moment when the Son of Blood rushed, the members of the Star Cross Knights sneered, and each exerted their own abilities.

The Son of Blood is invisible and formless. Pure physical attacks and energy attacks are completely ineffective. Even attacks on the soul can be immune to the powerful suppression of the deity quasi-sage.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

It can be said that Luo Fu made the blood god son of the ancestor of Ming He appear in the low-level world of death, which is purely a crushing effect.

All the means of the members of the Star Cross Knights could not even stop the Blood God Child in an instant, and the Blood God Child rushed up in an instant and swept away everything about him.

When the Son of Blood left from the members of the Star Cross Knights, these Quincy masters who were still majestic before, who did not know how many death gods and wandering souls had slaughtered, could not even maintain the state of mummified corpses.

In a breeze, it turned into fly ash.

Blood God Son's mighty might has reached such a level! !

"Hi! It's scary!" Ichimaru Gin was still smiling though.But no one could hear the fear and awe in his tone.

Aizen could not help but narrow her eyes.

...... 0

No matter how much he tried to overestimate Luo Fu, the vision of being born in a lower world firmly restricted him.

He thought that Luo Fu was powerful, but he couldn't even resist these bloody phantoms that Luo Fu released at will.

Instantly slaughtered it, plundering the flesh, soul, memory and even everything of the surrounding Star Cross Knights members.The blood gods scattered, and in the blink of an eye, they traveled the entire world of corpses and souls.

All the members of the Star Cross Knights in the Soul Realm were not spared when they were targeted by the Son of Blood.

"These members of the Star Cross Knights, leave it to the Son of Blood to solve it. Let's go see the mission target of this time!"

As Luo Fu said, he swiped in front of him.

A space crack suddenly tore open, revealing the vast world on the opposite side.

"Is this the invisible empire? Another space hidden in the shadow of Seirotei!" Uno Hana Lie looked at the opposite side of the space crack with curiosity.

After learning about the future of his own world from among the gods of death uploaded by Luo Fu, Unohaka Lie also tried to find the invisible empire.

It's a pity that the Quincy masters hid too deeply.Moreover, the way the Quincy uses the Spirit Son is different from the God of Death.

Rao is Mao Zhihualie spent a lot of thought, but was not able to find the entrance to the invisible empire.

Never thought that in front of Luo Fu, the invisible empire that was deeply hidden was so easily opened a passage to the interior.

"Yah! Yah!" Ichimaru Gin said with a tone of schadenfreude, "Looks like our partner is about to die. Captain Aizen, even the old nest has been found!" Jiu.

Chapter 142

Aizen has not thought about digging up the invisible empire ever since he reached a cooperation intention with Yuhabach.

But he, like Mao Zhihualie, also did not discover the location of the invisible empire.

It can only be said that after the thousand-year bloody battle, the Quincy has been hiding too deeply.

Even Uno Hanariet, who knew that the invisible empire was hidden in the shadow of Seirotei, could not be found, let alone Aizen with black eyes.

After Luo Fu took the lead in stepping into the space of the invisible empire.

The group members followed closely behind.

Aizen couldn't help but hesitated.

There is no doubt that no one is paying attention to them at this moment, and this time is definitely a good opportunity to escape.

But does it really work to run away now?

Lan Ran couldn't help but think of the moment when a large bloody phantom appeared on Luo Fu's body.

Each of those blood-colored phantoms that were neither false nor true brought a deadly sense of threat to Aizen.

Now that I have discovered that there are strong people like Luo Fu in this world, Aizen has even dispelled the idea of ​​standing above the sky.

With Luo Fu around, he is afraid that he will never be able to ascend to the throne of that day for eternity.

"Captain Aizen, don't you want to run away?" Ichimaru Gin was keenly aware of Aizen's hesitation, and he pretended to be afraid and said, "The friend of Captain Uno Hanari is really scary. If you run away, I'm afraid you will be caught soon."

"I don't need you to remind me. Silver!" Aizen gave Ichimaru Gin a deep look, and then stepped into the invisible empire along the still-open space passage.

When Luo Fu and others appeared in the invisible empire, the members of the Star Cross Knights launched a suicide attack against them like crazy.

All kinds of seemingly grand and holy skills are constantly pouring out towards Luo Fu and others.The space of the invisible empire is set off like a paradise.Even faintly, one can hear the chant of the chant.

Unfortunately, the huge gap in strength cannot be made up by courage alone.

Luo Fu and others didn't even take any action. Just the Blood God Son who came in with them, wiped out all the resistance of the Quincy and the Star Cross Knights.

"I declare! This gun will hit, and the one hit will die!"

A thunderous oath suddenly reverberated throughout the invisible empire.

The next moment, a scarlet lightning bolt appeared out of thin air and shot straight towards Luo Fu Fei.


After a crisp sound.

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