【Ding!Kendo celebrities received red envelopes! 】


The [-] points were all divided up by the group members in the blink of an eye.

After Aqua, Thanos, and Saeko Dushima joined in, there are now nineteen members in the All Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms group, including the group owner Luo Fu.

Luo Fu divided the red envelopes into eighteen.In other words, all the members came out in the blink of an eye.

After all, this is [-] points.Even if it is equal.Almost everyone can get more than [-] points, nearly [-] points.

This is simply equivalent to the harvest of a mission for nothing.

Pipixi: "...Are you monsters? You are just ordinary people, but your hand speed is faster than me, the king of angels!"

My sister is mine: "The hand speed is really too fast. I received the red envelope as soon as I received the prompt from the group system. But it was still one step behind them!"

Iron Fist Wudi is quiet and cute: "There's no way! As an ordinary person, I don't have any extraordinary power, and I can't even participate in tasks. I only rely on the points that I sign in every day, and I barely make a living. The group owner sent such a big message. Red envelopes. Wouldn’t it be regrettable for the rest of your life if you were slow?”

Holy Sect Master: "Thank you for your generosity to the elder brother!"

Kaguya Yeji: "@Beyond all existence, thank you Lord of the group. Give us poor and weak ordinary people a chance to pursue the extraordinary!"

Sage Hui: "@Beyond all existence, thank you Lord of the group!"

Mo Tong: "Wow! The group leader is so generous. I grabbed [-] points in one fell swoop."

Iron Man: "I'm fine. Three thousand six points!"

Goddess of Water: "Hahaha... Tremble under the unstoppable force of Lord Aqua. I got [-] points!"

Along with the group members, one by one kept jumping out to show off the points they had grabbed.

Soon, everyone found out that there was still one person who didn't bubble up for a while.

Mo Tong: "@Let's dance together. Uncle Ban, why don't you talk? The group owner sent a red envelope of [-] yuan. How many ' ' did you grab?"

Ninja world.

Underground not far from Shenwu Kun Bridge.

Madara Uchiha, who had regained her youth, was lying on the ground in a frustrated posture of bending forward, and there was no vigor in his eyes.He muttered in despair.

"How could this be? [-] points, a total of [-] people grabbed it, why do I only have it? Is my luck really that bad?"

The blood wheel eye itself is red.But Uchiha Madara saw the guys in the group showing off their red envelopes, and his eyes became more and more red with jealousy.

Among the members of the group, even the most unlucky ones have earned more than a thousand points.

However, I was only in the three digits!

Iron Man: "I think, Mr. Ban should be embarrassed? His luck has always been bad. Maybe, now he has the least points in the group, and he simply stops bubbling."

Pipixi: "Things like luck are really scary. I didn't expect Madara Uchiha to only grab the points."

Mo Tong: "Sister Hexi, how do you know how many points Master Ban grabbed?"

Iron Fist Wudi Jing and cute: "This is the level of elementary school mathematics! The group owner has given out a total of [-] points. After subtracting the points we got, isn't the rest of Mr. Ban's? But... Mr. Ban actually Really only got six hundred and sixty-six points! This luck is really... It makes people speechless!"

Devil boy: "Elementary school math problem? What is that?"

Iron Man: "Poor boy, I think you need to make up for a basic course! But your world seems to be the Shang and Zhou periods in the age of mythology. It seems that there is not even a school for imparting knowledge. It's better for me to teach you personally. You know, I'm a rich genius, Tony Stark. Just give me a thousand points!"

Kaguya: "Too bad, to deceive a child."

Mo Tong: "The points are mine. I won't give them to others! @ Let's dance together. Mr. Ban. Don't be sad, aren't you the only points? It doesn't matter. I'm getting used to it."

iron Man:"……"

Pipixi: "..."

The hundred-year-old Taoist priest: "Nezha's little friend is really... staring at Mr. Ban all the time!"

Let's dance together: "Damn! What if I only get [-] points? Nezha! You wait for me, when I become a ten-tailed person, and my strength and luck will be improved. I'll definitely let you know, the bear boy will be beaten!"

Mo Tong: "I'm not afraid! Because Mr. Ban, you can't have so many points at all. Besides, I'm not a magic pill Nezha now. I'm a Hunyuanzhu! It's uncertain who will beat whom!"

Kendo celebrity: "Nezha's words make sense. Mr. Madara Uchiha is a powerful ninja. But Nezha is a god. A ninja can't beat a god, right?"

Let's dance together: "Damn!!"

The information on the chat interface made Luo Fudu laugh out loud.

However, Madara Uchiha's luck really leaves people speechless.

In the past, he was unable to get his turn to grab the task quota.Several others have even participated twice, or even three times.He just got a pitiful opportunity to participate in the mission.

Now the same is true for points grabbing, [-] people get [-] points, but in his hands, there are only poor three digits, and it's still funny!

Existence beyond everything: "I still have a weapon on my side, does anyone want it?"

Holy Sect Master: "Weapons? Brother, what's wrong? First of all, [-] points were issued, and now you have even taken out the weapons?"

I am the little fox demon: "The group owner is generous! Even if it is something that the group owner does not like, it is a great treasure for us, right? As for weapons, do you say yes? Gungnir?"

Kaguya: "Gangnir? Meteor gun? Isn't this Odin's weapon in Norse mythology?! How could it be in the hands of the group master?"

Holy Sect Master: "This is the trophy of the elder brother! This weapon originally belonged to the mission target of the world of the flower fierce. After he died, it fell into the hands of the elder brother and the dragon."

Let's dance together: "As long as the group owner doesn't give out lucky red envelopes, then everything will be fine!"

Goddess of Water: "How can a weapon be divided among [-] people? Of course, it is a red envelope for the task. Whoever is lucky will get it."

Iron Man: "If it's a lucky red envelope, then we can exclude Mr. Madara first. It's impossible for him to get this weapon because of his luck."

Demon-breaking witch: "Are you sure to hit the gun? If you bless my magic-breaking spiritual power, it should be able to kill monsters with one hit, right?".

Chapter 150

Iron Fist Invincible is quiet and cute: "Gungnir, the sure shot. I really want it!"

Kaguya: "I really want it, too. If I get the sure-fire Gungnir, I'll drop anyone who doesn't look good to me!"

Sage Hui: "It's not good to do this? It's too dangerous!"

Iron Man: "Sure enough, I'm still a child. @Existence of transcendence, the group owner, I think if you send Gungnir to the group with a lucky red envelope, it's better to block the likes of Si Gong Hui Ye and Nezha. , Aqua, these people. They are either children, indifferent, or mentally retarded! This kind of person gets Gungnir, it is a disaster! Like us adults are different. I said no wrong?"

Let's dance together: "Tony Stark, you rarely said something that makes people agree."

After Uchiha Madara was the first to respond to Tony Stark's words, the group instantly exploded.

Tony Stark's words are so annoying.

If nothing else, those members whom he named and hoped that Luofu would block, immediately quit.

Look at the noisy atmosphere in the group.

Luo Fu smiled.

An existence beyond everything: "Tony Stark, since anyone can grab the lucky red envelope, of course it depends on their luck? Even if Aqua is indeed mentally retarded, as a group member, she has the qualification to grab the red envelope. ."

Holy Sect Master: "Brother, you really see a thousand miles! Be fair and straight!"

【Ding!The existence of detachment sent a lucky red envelope!Come grab it! 】

The sudden group system prompted that those members who were making a fuss suddenly couldn't care about anything else.Hastily started to grab red envelopes.

By the time they made their move, it was already too late, and the red envelope was already empty.

Iron Man: "Master, you are completely unexpected. Before I could react, the red envelope was sent out. Then it was snatched away in an instant. Who is it? Where did Gungnir fall? Who owns it?"

Let's dance together: "It's not me. When I grabbed it, the red envelope was already empty."

Hundred-year-old Daoist: "It's not a small path either."

Saint Hui: "I didn't grab it either."

Pipixi: "This is so unscientific. This time, I turned on the celestial computer, and my reaction speed is definitely less than one hundredth of a microsecond. Even so, I didn't get any red envelopes."

Iron Fist Invincible Jing and cute: "It should be the limitation of the group system, right? After all, you gods and demons are much faster than our ordinary people. If the group system does not have a balance mechanism, this kind of luck red envelope, we ordinary Don't people have no chance at all?"

Queen of Chacha: "Quiet and lovely, could it be that Gungnir fell into your hands?"

Iron Fist Invincible Jing and cute: "Sorry, no. When I robbed, the red envelope was already taken away."

Holy Sect Master: "Who is it? He took away the Gungnir sent by his elder brother. After receiving such a gift, don't you know how to express your gratitude to your elder brother?"

Black Cat Girl Control: "Grateful for Dade's thanks or something. Is it too exaggerated? Meow! They are going to have children with the group owner. Gungnir should be regarded as a gift from the group owner to the future children!"

I'm the little fox demon: "No way? Gungnir actually fell into your hands? Could it be that you have been researching this meteor gun just now?"

Black Cat Girl Control: "That's right!"

Demon High School World.

Inside the hidden stronghold of the Troubled Group.

Tacheng Heige, who was wearing a black kimono, suddenly showed a look of surprise in his golden eyes.

Scallion Baisu grabbed lightly with his hand in front of him.

The next moment, a spear with countless runes inscribed, shining with a faint divine brilliance, appeared in her hand.

Caressing this artifact that is well-known in the multiverse, the heavens and the world.

There was a sudden shock on Tacheng Heige's cheeks.

"Meow!! Good... so strong!! It's even more powerful than the God Slayer!!"

As a member of the calamity group, Tacheng Heige has naturally seen several god-killing tools.

Not to mention, the Holy Spear of Twilight in the hands of the hero sent Cao Cao is the well-known superior god destroyer.

But at this moment, Tacheng Heige felt that the Gungnir in his hand was even more terrifying than Cao Cao's Holy Spear of Twilight.

From this Gungnir, Tacheng Black Song felt the power of a very strong oath.

Tacheng Black Song itself is the lost demon who killed his master.Demons are a race that is quite good at playing with contracts.

Compared with the binding force of the oath brought on this Gungnir, the demon contract is as fragile as toilet paper.

This should be the reason why after swearing to Gungnir, it will definitely come true.

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