The army of the real world of God is pressing towards the flood!

A dull breath extends from the horizon.

The strong dead aura covered the sky and the sun.

Even like a powerful creature, he couldn't help trembling and let out a wailing sound.

All creatures suddenly felt chills down their spines.

A strange song resounded through the sky.

It seems to penetrate the eardrum, stimulating every living being present!

The Great Wall of Chaos, the Jiehai Dam!

Countless flood and desolate monks guarded it.


Sanqing, Nuwa, Western Ersheng and other six heavenly saints stand on the dam.

Yuanshi, Laozi, Tongtian, these three Qings, all looked into the distance.

On the distant horizon, nine figures that seemed to be withered, came with an ancient bronze coffin.

These nine withered figures are no different from that ancestor of ashes!


The Six Sages of the Great Desolation, led an army of hundreds of millions, rushed out of the Jiehai dam and the Great Wall of Chaos.

A plane battle is about to start!


There was a loud bang, as if the sky had collapsed, and a star was immediately burst open!

Saints such as Hong Jun, Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian, etc. are also watching in the Great Desolate Realm Sea.

Heavenly Space!

Qin Tian stood proudly, sweeping away the battle of the planes that was about to begin!

A strange breath pervades the land of trillions of trillions.

Countless strange creatures dragged their heavy steps and flowed black blood.

The rotten smell pervades the four fields!

Every strange creature flashed with scarlet blood, as if it were a dead bone in a tomb.


There are endless strange creatures from the plateau and from the earth.

Above the sky, a rain of blood fell.

Ancestor Ming He, licking his tongue.

He drank in a deep voice and released [-] million blood gods.

The whole sky is trembling, trembling!

The nine ancestors are all supreme beings.


The galaxy trembled, and the universe was howling.

No one would have thought that these nine ancestors would be so strange and terrifying.

The flood camp!

Lao Tzu's eyes sank, and he said solemnly: "These nine ancestors, especially the ancient bronze coffins, are very strange, remember, be careful!"

Yuan Shi and Tong Tian, ​​Zhun Ti and Jie Yin heard the words, and said in unison, "Yes!"


Countless cultivators of the flood and desolation are killing the strange gods.

And the souls of the gods also killed the monks in the flood.

Between the two sides, a desperate battle was launched!


The monks in the flood and desolation sacrificed all kinds of magic weapons and weapons, and rushed to the dead bones and evil spirits in these tombs.

And these billions and trillions of strange creatures are also biting down on these countless cultivators.

For a time, these countless cultivators screamed in agony.


An ancestor, striding out!

He swept away the strong man in the opposite direction, hehe smiled.

"Wait for the ants in the wild, trying to resist the coming of God, what a stupid and regrettable thing!"

This ancestor, sneered and sneered, did not put the prehistoric powerhouse in his eyes at all.

As the supreme being that has been dormant for countless years.

As the ancestors of the real world of God, as saints, they are extremely arrogant!

Tongtian stood with his hands behind his back and sneered.

"Since you want to come to the flood and die, we will let you die in the flood like ashes!"

The sect master of Tongtian mentioned the ancestor who was killed before.

Ancestor of Ashes!

As soon as this remark came out, the ancestor was furious.

His empty eyes stared at Tongtian.

The first ancestor sneered and said, "It's useless to talk too much. You are destined to lose. Since you are going to lose, why resist? Could it be that you want to experience the joy of death?"


A strange aura emerged from this ancestor.

Hearing the words, Tongtian suddenly moved!


Tongtian drank with a deep voice, and directly sacrificed the magic weapon Qingping Sword!

The Qingping sword is the origin of the teaching, with a blue lotus on it, surrounding it.


As soon as this sword came out, the surrounding was full of terrifying coercion, and the land of billions of trillions was shrouded in sword intent.

The sword light suddenly came out, and its brilliance was like an ancient sun star.

This ancestor, suddenly felt dazzling light, could not help but close his eyes!

In this flash of lightning, the might of a sword pierced through countless stars and directly killed the ancestor!

Tongtian stood proudly holding the Qingping Sword.


With the power of a sword, kill an ancestor.

Countless creatures in the real world of God were shocked!

"The ancestor was actually killed by a sword?"

"Why is the sword of this prehistoric saint so terrifying?"

"The strong existence of Wu Etu, the terrifying powerhouse of the plateau, can't stop this sword?"

"What a terrible sword!"

In the real world of God, countless creatures are extremely shocked.

The eight ancestors looked cold!


An ancient bronze coffin exudes a dazzling and eerie light.

A figure appeared on the bronze ancient coffin.

He is the ancestor who was killed by a sword just now.

He reshaped his real body and appeared in front of Tongtian.


The ancient bronze coffin emits a strange light.

This ancestor, with a face full of anger, stared at Tongtian!

"The ants of the flood, I am immortal and immortal, and I will live with the Tao forever!"


This ancestor has thick long hair and an iron rod all over his body.appeared in his hands.

This is an iron rod that has gone through years of precipitation and has fought countless worlds in the long river of time.

Above the iron rod, there are pits and pits, and just by being held in his hand, a universe not far away will collapse directly!

Countless creatures seem to have left their marks on the iron rod before dying.


This ancestor, with a deep voice, drank the iron rod directly.


In the void, the divine chains of order broke apart before they touched the iron rod.

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