Only by killing, killing everything, can there be a turning point!

"Our ten ancestors, the existence of the strongest, and now, there are only three of us left. Today, we will destroy this flood and sacrifice for the dead ancestors!"

"Tremble, the ants of the Great Wasteland!"

"Fear is like a bug, climb up on your body, freeze your blood, and wait for the ants to die!"

An ancestor spoke up.

Another ancestor shouted angrily: "We have a reward for slaughtering the floods."

He is ordering trillions of strange creatures.

He's boosting morale!

Countless strange creatures walked, wailed, and cried strangely, with sharp laughter and singing, like a hell war song.


Black blood is still flowing.

Hundreds of trillions of strange creatures, completely crazy.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth was polluted by this black blood.

This universe trembled under the trampling of countless strange creatures.

In this universe, countless stars are bursting and shattering.

Hong Jun stood in the void and shouted in a deep voice: "You wait for the monks in the floods, annihilate these billions of trillions of strange creatures!"


The voice of Hongjun caused a response from the great power of Honghuang.

The ancestor of Ming He stood in the void!

The [-] million blood god sons were released and rushed towards the strange creatures.


In the void, as if the bells from ancient times, resounded through the sky, dispelling strange creatures.

It seems that it can't bear the killing of the bell!

Countless strange creatures were shattered by the sound of the bell and turned into ashes!


I locked the three ancestors, Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi and the Western two saints, and started to do it!

Lao Tzu stepped forward and sacrificed a Tai Chi map, directly intending to kill an ancestor!

Seeing this, the first ancestor gave a wicked smile on his strange face.


A loud bang!

The ancestor, sacrificed a god and demon map.


Heaven and earth shook, and the land of trillions of trillions was shrouded in gods and demons.

Soon, this god and demon map evolved into hundreds of millions of gods and demons, and was born in an instant!

When I saw this, I was overjoyed!

Billions of gods and demons rushed towards Lao Tzu.


Lao Tzu is not afraid of the Tai Chi picture on his head.

This Taiji map is the supreme open heaven holy artifact.

Possesses the power to calm the earth, water, fire and wind, transforms the power of Yin and Yang and the five elements, divides the power of heaven, and includes the power of thousands of elephants!


The whole body of the Tai Chi map is full of rays of sunshine and thousands of colorful colors.

Outside the picture, the avenues of prophecy surround it, and inside the picture, the talisman of the Dao of Heaven looms.

Five colors of light shine on the mountains, rivers and the earth!

Nine-colored auspicious energy, shocking the heavens and the universe!

The sky and the earth are moving, the sun and the moon are pale.

On this Tai Chi map, there is an image of Dao Wuji.

A white jade-gold bridge connects the heaven and the holy prestige, blocking the intruding enemy.


I have no fear on the Tai Chi picture on my head!

Hundreds of millions of gods and demons, releasing billions of trillions of demonic energy, rushed towards Lao Tzu.

The ancestor licked his chapped lips and showed a hideous smile.

He saw that this magic weapon was extraordinary, probably a spiritual treasure or something.

"Hundreds of millions of gods and demons, slaughter Lao Tzu and seize spiritual treasures!"

The ancestor drank in a deep voice and ordered!


Hundreds of millions of gods and demons smashed countless stars, shattered a galaxy, and swept the world of trillions of trillions.

The void cracked and collapsed, leaving behind chaos.

Every god and demon exudes a strong demonic energy and a dull death energy.

These demons, these gods, are not real gods and demons, but as if they were dead.

This is a picture of a god of death!

This is a god and demon condensed with the mighty power of the earth!

The first ancestor, carrying an ancient bronze coffin, muttered in his mouth.

The billions of gods and demons rushed towards the Taiji map.

All of a sudden, on the Taiji map, five colors of light shone on the heavens and the world.

Countless gods and demons hit the Taiji map, and in an instant, they disappeared.


Lao Tzu drank in a deep voice, and the Tai Chi diagram rushed straight into the void of trillions of trillions!


This Taiji map, wrapped in the sacred power of heaven, slammed and killed countless gods and demons that flew out of the gods and demons.


Countless gods and demons, in the screams, turned into nothingness.

The ancestor, his face changed suddenly, and said angrily: "Damn."


The sound of killing was so loud that even the universe collapsed.

Countless gods and demons were killed towards Lao Tzu.

Countless gods and demons were slaughtered, and countless gods and demons emerged from the Tai Chi map.

Lao Tzu knew in his heart that if he wanted to defeat this ancestor, he had to win the map of the gods and demons!


The infinite power of the heavens is shrouded in the Taiji map.

The image of the infinite avenues suddenly appeared.


A loud bang!

The gods and demons were shaky, and the magic light shrouded in trillions of trillions of lights suddenly dimmed!

The demon ancestor Luo Hu said coldly: "These pictures of gods and demons are nothing but fake demons!"


The ancestor was shocked.

He carried an ancient bronze coffin on his back and stepped into the void.

Infinite strange air permeates all around.

This ancestor is furious!

Lao Tzu's Taijitu suppressed the gods and demons.

God and Demon Figure, crumbling.

The first ancestor rose into the air and shouted, "Return my god and demon map!"

Sound off!

With a loud cry, he was swept into the picture of the gods and demons by a terrifying force.

Lao Tzu showed a sneer, and directly released the mighty power of heaven, killing the first ancestor in the gods and demons map!


How can the body of the ancestor be able to block the mighty power of heaven?

Even the primordial spirit is penetrated.

"I'm not reconciled!"

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