These heavenly realms of heaven have been suppressed by the ten ancestors for hundreds of millions of years... 0

He, who was just born, saw the horror of the prehistoric world!

The Dao Law of the Great Desolate Heaven made the Heavenly Dao of the True Realm of Heaven tremble for a while.

"How can this prehistoric world be so terrifying?"

The way of heaven in the real world was suppressed by Qin Tian.

Qin Tian sneered, this battle of heaven, he has won!

Hong Jun, the demon ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other sages from the prehistoric times, bowed down to the ground.

They all saw that the prehistoric way of heaven suppressed the heavenly way of the real world.

The way of heaven in the true realm of God is suppressed everywhere!

Countless beings in the real world of God were dumbfounded.

The way of heaven summoned by gathering the power of all living beings is so bad?

This made countless creatures in the real world of God shocked and trembled!

One after another divine chain of order, shattering countless universes, and tying the transformed heavenly realm into a zongzi.

The suppressed Heavenly Dao of the True Realm of God hurriedly begged for mercy: "The Great Desolate Heavenly Dao, I would like to worship the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao as the master!"

He has been suppressed for hundreds of millions of years, but he doesn't want to be killed by the Great Desolate Heaven!

At the same time, he also admired the power of the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao very much.

Qin Tian heard the words and said indifferently: "Since you are in the way of the heavens and worship me as Lord, I will spare you, and if you have a different heart, I will wipe you away!"

Qin Tian's words made the real world of heaven beg for mercy: "My lord, my subordinates dare not!"

Those who survived in the real world of God were shocked.

Even the way of heaven has been defeated, and the prehistoric way of heaven is still the master!

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have successfully conquered the real world!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, reward the host with [-] billion merits!"

"One hundred billion merits?"

A burst of system prompts came to my ears.

When Qin Tian heard the words, he immediately burst into ecstasy.

This is one hundred billion merits!

He swept away all living beings in the prehistoric wilderness, and said solemnly: "The real world of God has surrendered, and you wait for the class teacher to return to the prehistoric wasteland. When the time comes, you will be rewarded for meritorious deeds!"

As soon as these words came out, all the sentient beings in the Great Desolation were excited.

"Abide by the laws of heaven!"

"Abide by the laws of heaven!"

Every prehistoric saint, prehistoric cultivator, bows devoutly to the way of heaven in the void!


Hundreds of millions of trillions of prehistoric army, driving the war cloud, leaving the real world of heaven, and returning to the prehistoric!

At the same time, countless souls who died in battle also entered the cycle of reincarnation.

Qin Tian drank in a deep voice and cast his supreme mana.


These three thousand avenues of law, turned into the order chain of countless avenues, are like holding up the entire real world of heaven.

Immediately afterwards, the real world of the gods, which was held up, directly merged into the sea of ​​​​the prehistoric world.

After completing the task, Qin Tian returned to the Heavenly Dao space!


He opened the system template and glanced at it.

On this system template, it is clearly written which primordial master killed which ancestor.

Which prehistoric clan killed how many armies of the True Realm of God!


Hundreds of trillions of prehistoric army returned to the prehistoric world.

The four saints, Hongjun, Luohu, Nuwa and Yangmei, still guard the Quartet of the Jiehai dam.

Sanqing, Western Ersheng and other prehistoric saints began to cultivate in the dojo near Jiehai.

Other clans, such as the Phoenix clan, the dragon clan, the monster clan and other prehistoric clans, all returned to the land of all clans under the leadership of the strong men such as Yuanfeng, Zulong, and Dijun Taiyi.

And in the chat group of the system.

The great powers and powerhouses who returned to Honghuang consciously came to the group.


In the void, a holy power of the heavens, shrouded the flood of trillions of trillions!

Qin Tian transformed into the Heavenly Dao and fell into the group!

At this time, the East Prince who entered the Six Paths of Reincarnation said excitedly in the group: "My East Prince, shed the last drop of blood for the flood!"

Prince Dong said in the group that he was very proud of this matter.

"I don't have any requirements either. I hope that Heaven will not treat me badly. My Xianting cultivator is almost finished. I beg Heaven to reward me with more merits. I will explain. Otherwise, I will not be willing to reincarnate."

Prince Dong was talking in the group.

He mentioned from time to time that he had shed the last drop of blood for the flood!

Hong Jun, Demon Zu Luo Hu and other great powers in the wild, all listened quietly.

The demon ancestor Rahu frowned, a little disgusted.

This prince of the east, shed my last drop of blood for the flood and keep repeating it!

Hongjun Daozu frowned.

He was in retreat when he was woken up by the chattering Duke Dong!


In the group, there was a loud noise!

All the great powers of the Great Desolation sense that the Dao of Heaven is coming!

I only heard Qin Tian's voice, and it came over!

"Prince Erdong has guarded the flood for [-] years, and my heaven will never treat you badly!"

Sound off!

Qin Tian's words shook the floods.

When Duke Dong heard this, he couldn't help showing a look of ecstasy!

Heaven, did not forget him! .

Chapter 77

In the chat group!

The words of the Dao of Heaven shook the floods!

When Duke Dong heard the words, he was very excited and moved.

This is Heavenly Dao respecting him!

All the great powers of the Great Wilderness know that the Dao of Heaven has come here to arrange rewards for meritorious deeds.

Therefore, both the great power and the powerhouse of the Great Wilderness showed anticipation.

After all, this time, it is more difficult to fight in the real world of heaven than in the immortal world.

In the same way, the rewards obtained should be very generous.

When the Dao of Heaven came, Qin Tian swept away the powerful people in the group and spoke slowly!

"The battle between the prehistoric world and the real world of God, the battle for more than [-] years, is finally over today!"

"I am the way of heaven, and I will distribute merits for you!"

Qin Tian's words made all the gods and all beings in the chat group look forward to it.

Daozu Hongjun said in his heart: "This time, Duke Dong has shed the last drop of blood for the flood, and he deserves the first credit!"

There was some change in his opinion of the East Prince.

This Prince of the East, for the sake of the flood, guarded the Jiehai for ten thousand years.

The million immortal courtyards appeared, and they were killed by the ancestors of Ashes.

Even the Duke of East shed the last drop of blood for the flood.

Hongjun admired the Duke of the East.

Yang Mei Daxian glanced at the East Prince and said in his heart, "He is the leader!"

Not only Hongjun and Yang Mei, but the rest of the gods of the Great Desolation think so.

Xianting guards the sea of ​​​​jie, and it is indispensable!

Qin Tian swept the chat group and announced it in public!

"The first merit of this battle should be given to Duke Dong!"

"Prince Erdong leads Xian Ting, guards Jiehai for [-] years, supports the real world of heaven, and collects a lot of information for the prehistoric battles in the real world of heaven. This is the first credit!"

"Today, I am for the Tao of Heaven, and I distribute merits for you. Prince Erdong, I have received three billion merits of the Tao of Heaven!"

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