Countless monsters were shocked.

"Fight again!"

Drink in a deep voice!

Tai Yi and Di Jun, killed them.

The second sage of the demon clan is still the Chaos Bell and Hetu Luoshu above his head, killing the holy ancestor.

Seeing this, the Holy Ancestor said coldly: "You are really beyond your own power, destroy it!"


A loud bang!

Heaven and earth collapsed, and the universe shattered.

The second sage of the demon clan was shaken back tens of thousands of miles by the holy prestige of the sage ancestor.

The second saint of the demon race showed an extremely shocked look.

At this moment, facing such a powerful ancestor, the second saint of the demon clan is even more afraid.

The two saints of the demon clan looked at each other, and then went to the group.

In the group, some of the great powers of the Great Desolation have explored the spiritual consciousness, and they have known the end!

Di Jun and Taiyi hurriedly shouted in the group: "Fellow Daoists, in this longevity world, there is still a strong existence, and it is still a saint's combat power. ."

"I beg fellow Daoists to come and help."

Sound off!

The entire chat group was silent.

These great powers and saints of the Great Desolation, no one made a sound.

The two saints of the demon race thought of something. They gritted their teeth and said, "If the saint kills this saint, we will take down the Longevity Realm and give the saint half of the merits."

As soon as these words came out, these saints in the group made a sound.

Among the saints of Sanqing, Yuanshi Tianzun said: "You wait for the demon emperor, my Yuanshi Tianzun, go to help you!"

This Yuanshi Tianzun directly cut off the rest of the saints and robbed this task.

The demon ancestor Rahu was angry, why did he give all the good things to others?

And he didn't get anything.


The demon ancestor Rahu was very uneasy.

Hongjun was very happy to learn that Yuanshi had gone.


Longevity world!

This holy ancestor shouted angrily, shaking the heavens and the world.

Countless immortal creatures are worshipping.

Countless demon armies are trembling!Husband.

Chapter 81

All sentient beings are discussing.

This strong man in the longevity world still hides a saint?

Yuan Shi learned that he directly stepped into the air and came across the border!

If he defeats this holy ancestor and conquers the longevity world, he will get half of the merits.

Longevity world!

The void shook!

That holy ancestor, majestic and terrifying!

A streak of bloody magic shrouded his body.

He stood in the void, with countless stars on his feet, and the sky above his head was chaotic.

Countless creatures from the longevity world worshipped.

This holy ancestor showed a coldness.

With gloomy eyes, he swept away the countless monsters above the battle cloud.

The Holy Ancestor said solemnly: "I woke up from my deep sleep, and you dared to invade my realm. Today, you will be turned into blood!"

Blood light dyed the sky red.

This Holy Ancestor stretched out a palm and cut through the sky of the land of billions.

Wherever it passes, the galaxy is destroyed, and the universe collapses.

The entire sky, such as being hit hard, fell to pieces.

The Holy Ancestor sneered, a palm, as if from eternity, spanning the long river of time.


With a sound, time and space exploded, and the battle cloud was destroyed!

Countless monsters fell from the battle cloud.

At this moment, the five emperors showed excited expressions.

The Holy Ancestor's action will definitely destroy this vast army of monsters!

At that time, he encouraged the ancestors to invade this prehistoric world.

Think of the prehistoric world, this space channel, overflowing spiritual energy.

These five emperors were very excited and excited.

With the Holy Ancestor present, breaking through this prehistoric world is as easy as the palm of your hand!


The void shakes!

The universe has collapsed.

The countless monsters were caught by the ancestors, turned into blood lights, and devoured by him.

"Damn it!"

The second saint of the demon race was furious.

This million monsters were killed by the patriarch of the Holy Ancestor?one thirty zero

This is a million monsters!

This time, Emperor Jun Taiyi, led the army of hundreds of millions of demon clans, and wanted to break through this longevity world.

Who knows, the appearance of this holy ancestor blocked the way.

For a time, Di Jun and Tai Yi were furious.

At the same time, they are also looking forward to the arrival of Yuanshi.

The Holy Ancestor is fearless, destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

He swept away Emperor Jun Taiyi, and said solemnly: "If you destroy my sleep, you won't die!"


The Holy Ancestor stepped forward, and a holy might descended from the sky.



Rao is this Emperor Jun's head on Hetu Luoshu, and Taiyi's head is on the Chaos Bell. He couldn't help but be defeated by Shengwei and forced to retreat thousands of miles away.

This scene made Di Jun and Tai Yi deeply experience it.

Even in the quasi-holy realm, in front of the saints, they are nothing but cannon fodder.

Emperor Jun Taiyi drank in a deep voice.

Three hundred and sixty-five big demons of the demon clan suddenly formed a great formation of the demon clan!

The stars all over the sky suddenly lit up, forming a terrifying formation!

"Do you dare to be brave in a mere formation?"


But see, this holy ancestor sneered, and the terrifying giant palm slammed down directly.

Suddenly, the void shook, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

This giant palm directly shattered the formations of the three hundred and sixty-five great demons!

All these monsters were injured.

Countless creatures of the longevity world were boiling and cheering.

These countless creatures are happy and excited.

Who can stop the might of the Holy Ancestor?

Looking at the heavens and the world, no one can reach it!


This holy ancestor, his eyes sank, towards Di Jun and Taiyi, wielding a terrifying holy might.

Dijun and Taiyi.Suddenly, Shengwei was attacked, and he couldn't breathe well.

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