The Holy Emperor was extremely shocked, his face was as pale as earth.

Holy Emperor Monument, broken!

The divine chain of order is broken!

The runes turned into meteors and disappeared.

The Holy Emperor was shocked and hurriedly retreated.


From the endless river of time, from the shrouded ferocious aura.

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

This voice has no temperature, with endless banter.


A cold light passed through the Saint Emperor's body protection light, penetrated into his body, and shattered his body!



The Holy Emperor screamed and was penetrated by a cold light.

who is it?

He roared fiercely, trying to keep this last bit of dignity!


Feeling that the body was broken, only one primordial spirit was left, which was also penetrated by the cold light.

"Damn, who is it~!"

The Holy Emperor shouted, and he suddenly felt sloppy.

If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have stepped forward!

In the fierce aura, a figure gradually emerged.

He, with black robes and black hair, seemed to be shrouded in endless demonic energy.

Do not!

He seems to be releasing a trillion trillions of magical energy.

He looked coldly at the Holy Emperor whose body was shattered, the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a hint of playfulness.

"I am a sage of the Great Desolation, the Demon Ancestor Rahu!"

It turned out that it was none other than the Demon Ancestor Luohu that penetrated the vicious aura and shattered the Primordial Spirit of the Holy Emperor!

"The Demon Ancestor Rahu!"

The Holy Emperor was gnashing his teeth.

A source of avenues, gushing out from his body, rushed towards the God-killing spear, and towards the demon ancestor Rahu.

Distance, so close!

This is the desperate fight of the Holy Emperor.

He wants to kill this demon ancestor, and then reshape the body of the Holy Emperor.


The demon ancestor Luo Hu sneered, and with a slight shake of the God-killing spear, billions of magic lights suddenly appeared.

The source of this avenue was immediately suppressed, decayed, and turned into ashes!

The primordial spirit of the Holy Emperor was also penetrated by countless magic lights.

With a scream, the Holy Emperor turned to ashes.

Demon ancestor Rahu, don't give him any chance to reshape!


The eight holy emperors were completely angry.

The holy emperor who came from eternity is invincible, making all the heavens and the world, countless creatures tremble.

However, he was chased to the initial world and directly killed a holy emperor.

How to swallow such deep hatred?

The eight holy emperors are full of anger!


The land of trillions of trillions is completely shrouded in the origin of the Great Dao.

Following the demon ancestor Rahu, holding the God-killing spear, he stood in the air!

The space channel that was [-] billion light-years long suddenly shook violently.

Countless great armies, about [-].

The arrival of the hundreds of millions of trillions of floods shocked countless creatures in the initial world.

Some creatures in the initial world felt a burst of fear.

Among them, there is a powerful existence, who shouted in a deep voice: "Our creatures in the initial world, take up arms and defend our homeland!"

Nothing is more important than defending your home.

Seeing the hundreds of millions of trillions of floods and famines, the invasion came.

The billions of trillions of creatures in the initial world set up their battles.

Under the leadership of powerful creatures, guard the initial world.

The eight holy emperors, looking into the distance.

When the army of trillions of trillions appeared, several vast holy might descended from the sky.

This holy majesty came, and several great powerhouses appeared.

The eight holy emperors suddenly sneered.

"We came from eternity, and we have smashed the river of time and countless stars. I didn't expect that after these hundreds of millions of years, there will be several more saints in the heavens and the world!"

"Do you think that you can conquer my initial world by becoming a saint? Although you can kill our holy shadow, our body is not easy to destroy!"

"Wait for the ants, don't kneel down yet!"

The eight holy emperors are quite majestic!

However, there was already a holy emperor who was beheaded by the demon ancestor Rahu.

Therefore, the sages of the Great Desolation, Hong Jun, Yang Mei Daxian, Nuwa, Sanqing and other sages, showed no fear.

Tongtian carried the Four Swords of Zhuxian on his back, stepped forward, and shouted: "Which ants, come here to die!"

Sound off!

But I saw one of the eight holy emperors, carrying the holy emperor's stele, striding out!


The source of the avenue, surrounding him.

The entire void is shrouded in the origin of this avenue.

"You are like ants, and you dare to come to my realm to spread wildness. Today, let you know how powerful we are!"

This holy emperor shouted angrily, and a holy emperor monument suddenly appeared!

In the void, the origins of the great avenues turned into a chain of order gods, delusionally imprisoning Tongtian.

Seeing this, Tongtian said coldly, "Just here?"

He threw his hands and threw out the Four Immortal Execution Swords, like the sword intent that enveloped the land of trillions of trillions.


A sword intent covering the heavens and the world descended from the sky.

The four swords of Zhuxian turned into terrifying sword beams.


The Sacred Emperor's Heavenly Monument of the Sacred Emperor was immediately hit by the sword intent.

Traces of cracks spread from the Sacred Emperor Heaven Monument, like a spider web.

When the Holy Emperor saw this, he was furious and was quite distressed!

"My holy emperor monument, damn it!"

The Holy Emperor shouted angrily.

One after another, the origin of the avenues, and the divine chains of order, rushed towards Tongtian.

Even if it is the sword intent of a trillion trillions, one can't help trembling under the origin of the avenue.

Void Shake!

Under the coverage of the source of the avenue, countless stars were broken.

Countless creatures were shocked and their expressions suddenly changed.


The battle of planes has begun!

The [-]-imenti Famine army had the first wave of collision!

In the eyes of countless prehistoric monks, these countless primordial creatures are the merits of walking.

Killing one is a merit.

Kill a group, there is more merit.

Countless cultivators in the prehistoric wilderness, excitedly, swung their weapons to kill.

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