Demon Lord Jidu, Demon Gods, Earth Demon Gods and other demon powerhouses directly surrounded and killed dozens of barbarian gods.

These dozens of barbarian gods are like the merits of walking to the powerful demons such as Mozun Jidu.

Every demon powerhouse is very excited, and they are happy to earn merit.

From time to time, a barbarian god was slaughtered.

These dozens of barbarian gods drank in a deep voice, trying to kill the demon powerhouses such as Demon Zunji, Tian Demon God and so on.

Demon Venerable Ji shouted loudly, and slashed a barbarian god to death with one knife, even breaking the primordial spirit.


From time to time, there are barbarian gods, who die in the hands of powerful demons.

These savage gods let out bursts of mourning and roars.

These cannot change the fate of the barbarian god being slaughtered.

Dozens of barbarian gods were slaughtered by the demons of the demon race at a very fast speed.

Countless barbarian armies also died at the hands of these countless demon armies.

A massacre against the barbarians has begun.

Headed by Demon Venerable Jidu, hundreds of millions of demons were besieged and killed.

The blood light dyed the sky red, and dyed the clothes and armor red.

All the demons, the hundreds of millions of troops, shouted and killed, and the killing sound shook the sky!


Demon Saint Su Ming stood in the void, and he saw countless barbarians being slaughtered and dozens of barbarian gods being killed.

Immediately, Demon Saint Su Ming was extremely angry.

He drank in a deep voice and said angrily, "I want to slaughter these hundreds of millions of demons!"

"I want to pay homage to my barbarian god with the blood of countless demons!"


Demon Sage Su Ming roared loudly, and the sound shook the four fields.

Countless stars were shattered by the roar.

Many demons were blown away by this roar on the spot!

Seeing this, the demon ancestor Rahu was furious.

He drank in a deep voice, and countless ferocious auras turned into a god-killing spear, killing the Demon Saint Su Ming.

"Blood sacrifice!"

Demon Sage Su Ming roared, and a huge altar appeared above his head.

The slain demon army was turned into the blood of the altar and sacrificed by his blood!


The God-killing spear came in an instant with endless vicious aura!


A splash of blood dyed the altar red! .

Chapter 92

"Blood sacrifice!"

Su Ming Demon Sage, standing in the sky, roared like a broken void.

God roar!

This roar, like a sonic boom, quickly spread out and swept across the trillions of trillions of land.

Countless stars were shaken by the roar.

Countless demons were turned into ashes by this roar.

Countless barbarians bowed down excitedly.

The barbarian roared, shaking the heavens and the world!

Blood sacrifice!

A splash of blood dyed the altar red!

The demon ancestor Rahu swung out the god-killing spear, wrapped in endless fierce aura, and pierced the sonic boom of the demon saint Su Ming.

Demon Sage Su Ming stretched out his hand to block it, but was penetrated by the God-killing spear and spattered a puddle of blood!

Blood stained the altar.


All of a sudden, the huge altar shrouded in trillions of trillions shook violently.

From the altar, a behemoth like a giant tree was born.

This giant tree, just the canopy, supports the sky of trillions of trillions.

A terrifying aura emanated from the giant tree.

Is it?

The breath of the avenue!

This giant tree seems to have experienced endless years, making all living beings shake and tremble!

Su Ming, Demon Sage, greedily sucked the aura of the Great Dao emanating from the giant tree.

His demonic energy is also condensing!


The Demon Ancestor, Luo Hu, drank in a deep voice.

The God-killing spear is wrapped in endless vicious aura and penetrates into the giant tree!

However, it was blocked by this giant tree.

Demon Saint Su Ming waved his hand and ripped apart the void directly.

He looked at the demon ancestor Luohu coldly and shouted, "Die!"


Earth shakes!

Demon Sage Su Ming stretched out his hand and pointed to the eyebrows of the demon ancestor Luo Hu.

This finger is like snaring the entire trillions of trillions of voids.

This finger, with the endless aura of the giant tree, rushed towards the demon ancestor Rahu.


The Demon Ancestor, Luo Hu, drank in a deep voice.

The God-killing Spear was wrapped in a ferocious aura and moved towards the finger of the Demon Saint Su Ming.

Demon Sage Su Ming gave a gloomy smile, his finger can break the universe, the world, and the saint.

No magic weapon could stand his finger.

The magic saint Su Ming offered his finger, and the heaven and the earth were collapsing and destroying.

Every universe, in this finger, trembled, and reduced to ruins.


One finger can destroy the sky!

One shot can destroy the universe!

This finger, and the God Slaughter Spear, suddenly confronted.

Wherever he goes, the world is collapsing and becoming chaos.

The primordial gods showed a look of surprise.

The finger of the Demon Sage Su's name is comparable to that of the Demon Ancestor Rahu's Slaughtering Spear?

Truly a saint!

However, how arrogant the ancestor Rahu was, he was instantly furious.


The [-]th Grade Destruction Lotus Platform rose into the air and smashed towards Demon Saint Su Ming.

Demon Sage Su Ming chuckled, he repeated his old trick and poked it with one finger.


Suddenly, the finger of the magic saint Su Ming was directly imprisoned by the [-]th grade lotus platform, unable to move.

This Su Ming Demon Saint, his expression changed suddenly.


The Demon Ancestor Rahu sneered and once again brought out the God-killing spear.

This god-killing spear, with endless suffocation, smashed Su Ming's body.

Demon Sage Su Ming was horrified, and hurriedly retreated thousands of miles away.

He was completely shocked!


The demon ancestor Rahu shouted loudly.

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