Shi Qilin, standing in the void, looked into the distance.

On the distant horizon, no otherworldly figure was found.

He is also waiting.

"The dragon clan, the witch clan, and the demon clan can all go to war. As one of the three prehistoric clans, my Qilin clan can be compared with the two lich clans?"

Shi Qilin seemed to have thought of something, he summoned the strong Qilin clan to prepare secretly.


All the great powers of the Great Wilderness, the patriarchs of all clans, are looking at the distant horizon.

On the Great Wall of Chaos, there are monks of all ethnic groups standing in the Great Desolate Realm Sea!

Luo Tiandao Jie Tiandao looked at Qin Tian angrily.

Qin Tian smiled faintly, making this Tiandao even more angry.

Luo Tiandao world!

"Meng Yaosheng, save me!"

One after another, the shrill screams spread throughout every corner of Luo Tiandao world.

In a holy place shrouded in demonic energy, a figure suddenly appeared and stood in the void.

"Su Ming Demon Saint!"

This powerful existence full of demonic energy called out the name of Su Ming Demon Saint.

He looked bewildered at first.

Immediately, he learned that Demon Saint Su Ming had been slaughtered.

This is the will of Luo Tiandao, the world of heaven, handed down.

"Damn it!"

This powerful existence roared, very angry!

"Wang Shenjun, Void Ghost Sage, Su Ming Demon Sage, were all slaughtered?"

This will of the Heavenly Dao handed down the prehistoric world to him.

This powerful existence released billions of trillions of demonic energy.

"I would like to lead hundreds of millions of monks from the demon race to fight the flood and seal all the ants in the flood!"

"I am willing to fight the floods and take down the ants in the floods!"


Around him, there are billions of trillions of demonic energy.

He is the number one demon in the heavens and the world.

The powerful existence known as the demon saint.

My life is like a demon trying to seal the sky!

He stepped through the void, removed the layers of demonic energy, and returned to the Holy Land.


In the void, several figures appeared.

As soon as these figures appeared, the powerful coercion caused the stars to tremble and collapse!

These figures looked at the monster-like being and shouted, "Why did you let us come here?"

That powerful being swept away these figures and said coldly: "For nothing else, fight the flood with you and others!"

"Conquering the Great Desolation? I can't wait!"


Several figures were about to leave.

That powerful being stepped directly up the mountain. He swept away the figures, snorted coldly, and said, "I will lead the army to go today, wait, don't go? If you don't go, you have to go!"


He unleashed a majestic demonic aura that swept across the land of trillions of trillions.

The faces of those figures changed slightly, looking at this powerful existence.

"My words are orders, wait, how?"

This powerful existence said coldly.

Sound off!

Several figures looked at each other and snorted coldly, "Are you forcing us to wait?"

Sound off!

He sneered and said, "My words are orders!"

As soon as these words came out, several figures were furious.


Several figures drank in a deep voice and were about to flee.

That powerful existence directly sacrificed a magic weapon and directly trapped these figures.

For a time, these figures showed a look of shock.

"Wait, follow me to destroy the floods and famines, otherwise, I will destroy you in ashes!"

He stood proudly and swept away these figures with a contemptuous expression.

These figures seem to have thought of something, and hurriedly said: "We are willing to follow the demon saint and win the prehistoric world!"

It turned out that he was the master of this holy land, the demon saint of Megatron Luo Tiandao Realm!

Meng Yaosheng!

Meng Yaosheng swept away all the figures and said solemnly: "You wait to gather the army and follow me to fight the floods!"


Soon, the Meng Yaosheng gathered hundreds of millions of troops and headed for the flood.

In the void, the majestic demon cloud covered the sky and the sun.

Countless army, murderous.

The Great Wilderness Sea!

Countless great powerhouses stood on the Jiehai dam and looked into the distance.

They are all waiting for the arrival of the alien powerhouse.


as predicted!

In the void, terrifying demon clouds filled the air, covering the land of trillions of trillions.

Countless stars, a galaxy of galaxies, shattered in the sky.

From the distant horizon, countless armies appeared.

Hundreds of millions of troops, stepping on the demon cloud, went to the sea of ​​​​the prehistoric realm.

Countless cultivators in the prehistoric wilderness clenched their magic weapons and waited.

The primordial gods smiled proudly, and the opportunity to earn merit has arrived.

These great powers of the Great Wilderness all looked into the distance excitedly.

Every prehistoric power is looking forward to it.

Above the demon cloud, is the first powerful existence.

He snorted coldly and said, "My life is like a demon, trying to seal the sky, you can't escape death today!"

He drank in a deep voice, and his voice spread throughout the void.

Countless cultivators in the flood and desolation all looked at him.


The most excited is Di Jun of the demon clan.

"Monster saint?"

Di Jun smiled slightly, isn't this demon saint here to send merit?


Di Jun drank in a deep voice, and rushed over without waiting for the other gods to react.

But see, Emperor Jun transformed into a three-legged golden crow, standing in the void.

Seeing this, many gods of the Great Wilderness were immediately stunned.

Was this cut off by Di Jun?

The gods of the Great Wilderness are full of resentment.

The demon clan already has a saint, is it possible that they still want to have a saint?

In fact, the demon clan thought so!

Emperor Jun transformed into form and stood in the void!

Suddenly, from the direction of the Great Desolate Realm Sea, above the endless demon clouds, ten demon saints, hundreds of millions of demon clans, came on the clouds!

Meng Yaosheng looked into the distance, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"The Prehistoric Demon Race?"


A vast holy might descended from the sky.

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