Hongjun Daozu, standing in the void, looked at Luo Tiandaoxian with a cold expression.

In the void!

The Great Immortal Yang Mei and the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu are here!

The hundreds of millions of demon soldiers from the demon ancestor Rahu crossed over and rushed into the formation.

The demon ancestor Luo Hu swept away Hongjun Daozu and said solemnly: "Hongjun, how about I deal with this ant?"

Hearing this, Daozu Hongjun smiled lightly and said, "How can I give this merit to fellow Daoist Luohu?"

In a word, the demon ancestor Rahu was so angry.

With a cold snort, he pushed back to the side and watched the battle with Daxian Yang Mei!

Luo Tiandaoxian ignored the conversation of these great powers.

He looked at Daozu Hongjun and said coldly: "This starry sky, respect me, I am the master of this starry sky, you must obey my orders, I am the rules!"


As soon as the voice fell, the entire starry sky shook, as if to confirm the words of Luo Tiandaoxian.

Countless stars radiate bright light.

Luo Tiandaoxian, standing in the depths of this starry sky, smashed one universe after another.

Under this starry sky, the rules, he has the final say.

He is the rule!

Luo Tiandaoxian's arrogance caused the demon ancestor Luo Hu to snort coldly.

"I'm crazy enough, but I didn't expect that there would be someone more crazy than me."

He was about to ridicule Luo Tiandaoxian for a few words, but when he saw Daxian Yang Mei, he frowned.

It seems that this Immortal Yang Mei has something on her mind.

Chaos Void!

Luo Tiandao Jie Tiandao smiled solemnly.

He appeared.

Luo Tian Dao Xian, the most powerful existence in the Luo Tian Dao world.

With his appearance, it is very easy to destroy this flood.

My starry sky, I respect it!

This is Luo Tian Daoxian!

When Hongjun Daozu heard the words, he smiled lightly and said: "In this case, this starry sky has no meaning to exist!"


Luo Tiandaoxian, who was complacent, was furious.

This Hongjun is too arrogant, right?

"My starry sky is my honor, you are like an ant, and you dare to say such a thing, die!"

A big drink!

Luo Tian Daoxian shot!

The entire starry sky is trembling and trembling.

He is the master of this starry sky!

Countless starlights turned into a chain of gods, permeating the starry sky! .

Chapter 95

I respect the vast starry sky!

I am Luo Tiandao Xian!

Countless stars, turned into terrifying chains of gods, gradually shrouded down from the sky!

Luo Tiandaoxian snorted coldly and moved towards Hongjun with one finger.

This finger, as if the eternity of the sky will be annihilated.

The speed is fast, and it comes in an instant.

Countless stars were swept past by his fingers.

Hong Jun sneered, and a vast holy might turned into a giant palm of trillions of trillions, pressing towards Luo Tiandaoxian.


The land of trillions of trillions is shrouded in giant palms, and countless stars collapse.

Luo Tiandaoxian stretched out his hand, as if the sky was torn apart, and the endless evil spirits surged.


Confronting the palm of your hand, the land of trillions of trillions has been reduced to - ruins.

Only a sound of cracking was heard, and countless stars and universes were reduced to ruins.

Luo Tiandaoxian's eyes sank, and he suddenly felt that Hongjun's strength was tyrannical.

However, no matter how tyrannical he is, can he still defeat himself?

This starry sky, respect him!

Even a saint of heaven, once he steps into this starry sky, he will obey his rules!

Luo Tiandaoxian drank in a deep voice and said, "You are like an ant, and you dare to be brave!"


Luo Tiandaoxian, shouting suddenly, a chain of gods turned into a starry sky, covering the sky and the sun, and smashed towards Hongjun.

Hongjun is the ancestor of the Honghuang Dao, how could he be afraid of this Luo Tian Dao Xian?

He transformed the power of countless laws and blocked Luo Tiandaoxian's offensive.

Seeing this, Luo Tiandaoxian was furious.

In this battle, countless monks saw such a terrifying scene for the first time.

The primordial gods were also very shocked.

This Luo Tiandaoxian and Hongjun Daozu, you come and go, the sound of killing, shaking the sky and moving the earth.


From time to time, there are stars shattered and turned into dust!

From time to time, a galaxy collapses into ruins.

The universe is shaking!

Countless creatures are collapsing!

The fighting continued.

Countless starry sky monks were surrounded by hundreds of millions of monks.

Dragon Ancestor Dragon, Phoenix Clan Yuanfeng, Kylin Clan First Kylin, Minghe Ancestor, Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun, Yin-Yang Ancestor, Fortune Ancestor... These prehistoric gods, prehistoric and powerful, are killing countless cultivators in the starry sky. .

Ancestor Ming He shouted, and [-] million blood gods rushed away.

Ancestral Dragon transformed into a form, and a dragon claw tore apart millions of starry sky monks.

Countless starry sky cultivators have become the blood food of [-] million blood gods.

The battle of planes is extremely tragic.

However, there are also casualties among the monks in the flood.

One of the strongest among the monks in the starry sky, slapped it with one palm, and [-] monks in the prehistoric era were all killed!

This star powerhouse laughed.

Before he was happy, he was directly hit by the Fortune Ding of Fortune Ancestor.

Suddenly, the body shattered and the primordial spirit shattered.

A blood god child rushed forward and greedily devoured it!

This battle of planes has almost reached the realm of destroying the world.

Countless flood monks and countless starry sky monks started to fight.

Some monks in the starry sky were surprised to find out.

The countless flood monks who came here showed excitement and excitement.

These countless cultivators were excited to kill the cultivators in the starry sky.

In particular, when he killed a starry sky cultivator, he showed an excited look.

This shocked countless starry sky monks.

In the void!

Luo Tiandaoxian suddenly smelted out the ghosts of the starry sky monks floating in the void.


He shouted loudly and released a terrifying forbidden technique!

Ghost Road, devour!


A ghostly aura that enveloped the land of trillions of trillions, with an incomparably hideous look, headed towards Hongjun.

Seeing this, Hongjun sneered, punched in the air, and smashed towards the ghost.

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