God, can I fail?


The one who defeats the sky, I am the only one who defeats the sky!

Dugu defeats the sky and stands in emptiness.

The Demon Lord looked up, glanced at him, and snorted coldly.

The Chen Lord and the Ghost Lord said solemnly: "Okay, you are here!"

Dugu Baitian swept away the existence of the three Xeons and said solemnly, "I'm here!"

The existence of the four supreme powers has aroused the worship of countless gods and demons.

In the void, in the land of trillions of trillions, a terrifying sword intent was formed.

This sword intent points to a space channel as large as tens of billions of light-years!

"I'm here for this space channel!"

Dugu Baitian swept away the three powerful beings and said solemnly.

"This space channel appears so abruptly. I don't think it's easy!"

Chen Zhu pondered for a moment and said.

He raised his sword-like eyes, as if seeing something.

The ghost master said solemnly: "How about we go to that space passage together?"


Dugu Baitian and other powerhouses said in unison.


The Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Tomb World also felt that a space passage as large as ten billion light-years appeared in the Heavenly Tomb World.

The Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World, I used my divine sense to explore it, and I understood it instantly.

"Behind this space passage, it turns out to be a big world!"

Heavenly Tomb World Heavenly Dao suddenly understood.

He probed into his divine sense and felt that this world was more aura than the Heavenly Tomb World.

The spiritual energy that oozes out, makes the Heavenly Tomb World greedily suck it.


In the void!

Countless Heavenly Dao might form a pupil of Heavenly Dao.

This day, the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World suddenly appeared above the Gods and Demons Cemetery.

The four supreme beings, Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, and Chen Lord, all raised their heads and looked at the way of heaven!

Dugu Baitian asked in a deep voice, "Heavenly Dao, what can you detect?"


In the void, the pupil of the Heavenly Dao shook for a while.

"I have learned that this is a passage to another world, but I can't find out what kind of existence this other world is. Wait, would you like to go and explore?"


Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Chen Lord and Ghost Lord all showed a shocked look.

This space passage is connected to a different world?

"Another world? My Demon Lord is willing to go!"

The Demon Lord smiled in a deep voice, quite proud.

This otherworld, he wants it!

Dugu Baitian heard the words, looked at the Demon Lord, and said solemnly: "If you go, it will not be right after all, Heavenly Dao, I am willing to go!"

He stood proudly and directly blocked the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord snorted coldly when he heard the words.

Heavenly Tomb World Tiandao heard the words and said solemnly: "Okay, you go to this other world to explore and see what kind of world this other world is!"

Dugu Baitian turned around, he stepped into the air, and flew towards a space channel that was tens of billions of light-years long.

Wherever he passed, countless stars collapsed when he couldn't bear his power.

The Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World sweeps away three powerful beings.

"Wait, get ready!"

Immediately, the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Tomb World disappeared.

The Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, and Chen Lord looked at each other and snorted coldly.

"It's just a different world, and the way of heaven also asks us to prepare, which is too contempt for us."

"With the strength of Dugu defeating the sky, it is easy to conquer this other world!"

"We are waiting for good news, wait and see!"


The existence of the three supreme powers nodded in unison.

This god and devil cemetery, countless gods and devils tombstones, made a sensation.

The entire void is shaking!

A universe collapsed suddenly!


The wild world!

Gods chat group!

Qin Tian transformed into the Heavenly Dao and descended into the group!

He informed these great powers of the Heavenly Tomb World.

When these great powers heard the words, they were very excited.

"Tiandao, I would like to go to the world of the tomb of heaven!"

"Tiandao, I would like to go to the world of the tomb of heaven!"

"Tiandao, I would like to go to the world of the tomb of heaven!"

These gods of the great wilderness, all worship the way of heaven devoutly.

Another world that earns merit has come.

If you fight, you can get considerable merit.

These great powers in the wild are all excited to want this task.


Qin Tian felt a sudden change, appearing from the Great Desolate Realm Sea.

He snorted coldly, and with his divine sense, he knew the end.

There are other world powerhouses who saw the space channel and came to spy on the information.

Not only Qin Tian, ​​but also some of the great powers guarding the Great Desolate Realm Sea also felt it.

In the void of the Great Desolate Realm Sea, a figure suddenly appeared.

This figure, majestic and unparalleled, stands proudly.

He stood in the void, with a war intent, rushing straight to the top of the sky.

This figure, step by step, stepped from the distant horizon to the sea of ​​​​the prehistoric world.

One step will shatter the galaxy and destroy the universe!

One step, it will shock the world and destroy the world!

One step, it was not far from the Great Desolate Realm Sea.

With a pair of cold eyes, he swept the sea of ​​​​the world, and suddenly, greedily sucked the infinite innate spiritual energy.

"The innate spiritual energy here is really strong. If I conquer this world, I will practice in this world!"

He swept the world of trillions of trillions and sneered.

One person, proud of the world!

One person, shock the world!

His arrival shakes the Great Wall of Chaos and the Great Wall of Chaos!

Many prehistoric powerhouses, prehistoric powers, all know that this is a powerful existence.

Hongjun sat cross-legged in Zixiao Palace.

When this powerful existence appeared, he calculated with his fingers and knew the end.

"Dugu Baitian, one of the four supreme beings in the Heavenly Tomb World, a powerful existence!"

Mount Sumeru!

Rahu, the ancestor of the demon, felt the sky-defying figure appear in the void.

This figure is full of aura that looks down upon the world.

The demon ancestor Luo Hu snorted coldly and said in his heart, "It's another ant, coming to the Great Wilderness to die!"

He showed a hint of coldness, and did not take this strong man in his eyes.

He has learned from the words of Tiandao that this strong man is called Dugu defeated Tian!

Dugu defeated the sky, proud of the world, as if everything was despised by him.

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