This is the appearance of a top powerhouse in another world.

Even the power of the law of the ancestors of Yin and Yang was shattered.

Who can break such a strong man?

Longevity Mountain!

Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun glanced at each other, the two strong men walked away!


Dugu Baitian looked up, and two figures appeared in the void.

He smiled in a deep voice and said, "Wait for the ants, just come out and die, what am I afraid of!"

In the blink of an eye, the galaxy collapsed!

Dugu Baitian shouted angrily, he stood proudly between the heavens and the earth, with the sky above his head and his feet on the earth of hundreds of millions, he looked like a saint!

Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun glanced at each other, the two strong men in the wild, sacrificed their magic weapons and walked towards Dugu defeated the sky.

Dugu Baitian smiled and said, "Destroy it!"

With a loud shout, Dugu Baitian waved his hand to suppress this magic weapon.

Hongyun shouted loudly, a red cloud, covering the land of trillions of trillions, pressed towards Dugu Baitian.

Dugu Baitian waved his hand, a powerful force, like shattering the void and tearing the universe apart.

With a wave of his hand, the endless red cloud suddenly seemed to be annihilated.

Seeing this, Hongyun was furious.

Zhenyuanzi sacrificed a magic weapon and hit Dugu Baitian in the back.

Dugu Baitian shouted loudly, waved his hand, and blocked the magic weapon.

Zhen Yuanzi casts the universe in his sleeves, covering the billions of trillions of heaven and earth.

Dugu Baitian sneered and punched away.

This punch can explode the stars, shatter the universe, and suppress all beings.

In this town Yuanzi's sleeve, the universe can hold the sun and the moon, and the heaven and earth.

One punch, one sleeve, one fight.


This punch shattered the void.

The universe in Zhen Yuanzi's sleeve was shattered by a punch.

Zhen Yuanzi's Taoist robe sleeves were destroyed, he could only be dumbfounded, with his bare arms!

Hongyun also showed a touch of shock.

Zhenyuanzi said in his heart: "This otherworldly powerhouse is really powerful, I might as well 々~!"

Immediately, he shouted to the chat group: "Sages, the cultivation of this Dugu defeated the sky is probably in the realm of saints, I can't wait!"

Sound off!

A figure said solemnly: "Daoist Zhenyuan don't need to panic, I will help you!"


A vast holy prestige suddenly appeared, sweeping the land of trillions of trillions.

This holy power directly enveloped the world.

I saw a Taoist standing in the sky.

Many stars were smashed by him when he stepped on them.

Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun were overjoyed when they saw this.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist Tongtian, for coming to help!"

Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun bowed in unison.

The comer is none other than the Tongtian Sect Master, one of the Three Purities!

Standing in the sky, he carried his hands on his back and looked up at Dugu Baitian!

"Dugu Baitian, the name is a good name, but I don't know how strong it is!"

Under the saints, they are all ants!

Tongtian stands proudly and talks to Dugu defeating the sky.

Dugu Baitian sneered, and he took a step forward.


One step, a huge earthquake in the heavens and the earth, and everything is turned upside down.

Countless stars turned into powder.

As time goes by, it will collapse.

Tongtian heard the words, hehe smiled, and took a step!

One step, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the void turned into nothingness.

A terrifying breath swept through the heavens and the world.

The land of trillions of trillions is shrouded.

Dugu defeated Tian said solemnly: "I am Dugu defeated, invincible in the heavens and the world. Today, in the flood, there is finally a strong person appearing!"


Another step, the galaxy collapsed, and the universe made a tearing sound.

"is it?"

Tongtian sneered and took another step.

In this step, everything between heaven and earth is wrapped in volley.

Even the billions of trillions of spiritual energy are showing a tendency to collapse.

In the wild world sea, a wave was set off.

This wave is a world.

The waves are rolling, countless worlds, ups and downs.

These visions made Dugu Baitian look shocked.

What followed was a burst of ecstasy.

It turned out that this prehistoric land was such a powerful place.

Even in this wild world, countless worlds are still surrendered.

So, if you fight the floods and seize the floods, can you also take these worlds?

Dugu Baitian was excited, as if he had discovered something, he was really excited!

He raised his head and looked into the distance.

He found that the Great Wall of Chaos, which surrounded the Great Desolation, turned out to be a treasure.

And that Realm Sea dam is even more powerful.

Thinking of this, Dugu Baitian smiled, he waved his hand, and shouted, "This place, I want it!"

No one can stop him!

What he wants, he will get it!

Dugu Baitian gave a deep smile, his deep and piercing eyes, looking into the distance.

In the blink of an eye, the galaxy collapsed and turned into nothingness!

The demon ancestor Rahu saw everything in his eyes, and he was very angry.

This Tongtian, what do you have to say to Dugu Baitian?

Is it not fragrant to rush directly over and beheaded?

Just say something innocuous.


The demon ancestor Rahu thought in his heart.

It must be so!

The Hongjun Taoist ancestor of the Zixiao Palace was extremely pedantic.

Now, his Sanqing disciples have also been infected with a pedantic character.

The demon ancestor Rahu was a little angry.

Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu looked towards the battlefield.

Tongtian didn't take action for a long time, I'm afraid there must be a reason.

Hongjun Daozu made a calculation in Zixiao Palace and knew the end.

Dugu defeated Tian, ​​smiled solemnly, and said, "You want to fight me? It's a pity, you are not my opponent!"

Shaking his head, he changed the subject, and said again: "If you surrender to me, I would like to make you my subordinate. I am the first taboo god of the ancient times, proud of the world, I am the most powerful existence in the heavens and the world! "

Dugu Baitian's eyes rolled, staring at Tongtian.

Hearing this, Tongtian smiled lightly and said, "Really?"

With a big wave of his hand, he swung toward the sky and shouted, "Come on the sword!"


It was far away in the Kunlun Mountains, and a sword shook violently.


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