That mighty existence that was heaven was killed by a saint?

Whether it is the powerhouses of the heavens or the four souls of Zhantian, they are all very shocked!

You You Chen said with a shocked expression, "How is that possible?"

Taishangtian is the most powerful existence among the powerhouses in the heavens.

Qingtian, Cangtian, Huangtian and other heavenly powerhouses are also angry and angry.

Qingtian said sadly and indignantly: "Before Taishangtian was killed, let us, the powerhouses in the heavens, slaughter all the living beings for him!"

He turned into a form, clenched his fists, and looked at Huang Tian, ​​Cang Tian and other heavenly powerhouses!

"Vengeance, slaughter all the living beings in the wild!"

"Revenge, destroy this prehistoric world!"

Cangtian, Huangtian, Netherworld, Chaos Heaven and other heavenly powerhouses roared incomparably angrily.

Qingtian nodded, he waved his hand and shouted: "Go!"


The strong in the heavens, leave the cemetery of gods and demons.

Soon, the powerhouses of the heavens summoned billions of trillions of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals to head towards the space channel as large as tens of billions of light-years.

Powerful beings such as Dugu Baitian, Chen Lord, Demon Lord, and Ghost Lord are still in shock.

God, he was actually killed.

The old man of the Great Desolation dared to fight against the sky!

Dugu Baitian said solemnly: "In this flood, the strong are like clouds!"

The ghost master swept away the other three powerful beings and asked, "Will we help the heavens?"

With a sword in hand, Lord Chen said with deep eyes, "No hurry!"

When the voice fell, the Demon Lord and the Ghost Lord nodded in unison, as if they understood something.

In the void!

Heavenly Tomb World, outside the space passage!

Qingtian, Youmingtian, Cangtian and other heavenly powerhouses led billions of trillions of celestial soldiers and heavenly generals into a space channel as large as tens of billions of light-years.

The Great Wilderness Sea!

On the Jiehai dam, above the Great Wall of Chaos on [-], countless monks looked towards the distant horizon.

The gods of the Great Wilderness also looked into the distance.

From the distant horizon, countless battle clouds appeared!

Above the battle cloud, there are densely packed, about hundreds of trillions of troops.

This army of trillions of trillions is headed by several strong men.

They, full of rage, very angry.

They are all powerful!

These few strong men came from the starry sky, as if they were like the sky.


The land of billions and trillions is like being shrouded in war clouds.

Hundreds of trillions of celestial soldiers and generals, the sound of killing is shocking.


The alien army is here!

The Jiehai dam, the Great Wall of Chaos, and countless cultivators, excited and excited, looked at the trillions of trillions of troops that appeared on the horizon.

Above the battle clouds, the drums of war sounded, and this army of trillions of trillions was huge.

The entire void seemed to be covered, the sky was torn apart, and the sun and the moon paled.

The flood camp!

Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin, the patriarchs of the three prehistoric clans, led the army and were about to fight.

The demon ancestor Rahu sighed in a deep voice and said, "Wait for the three tribes in the Great Wilderness to retreat, these ants, my demon clan has taken over!"

The demon ancestor Rahu stood in the void, blocking the three tribes of Honghuang.


Hundreds of millions of demons are about to cross beyond the boundary of the sea!

Suddenly, hundreds of millions of demon clans, killing the sky, rushed into the distance.

The demon army was led by the ten demon saints.

Di Jun and Tai Yi stood in the void.

Seeing this, the demon ancestor Rahu was furious.

Was he cut off by the demon clan?


The demon ancestor Luo Hu snorted coldly, how dare the demon clan cut him off?


There was a loud noise, and a figure that took shape came from the sky!

"I am Qingtian, the powerhouses of the heavens in the world of the tomb of heaven, you and other ants, dare to fight against the sky, my Qingtian will slaughter all of you today, and sacrifice your blood and essence to the heaven!"

Qingtian drank in a deep voice and looked at the hundreds of millions of monsters who appeared in the battle camp.

Thinking of Taishangtian's death, he was very angry.

Today, I want to slaughter the countless creatures in this great wilderness for the sake of the heaven.

Today, to conquer the prehistoric world.

Qingtian, Cangtian, Netherworld and other heavenly powerhouses can see it.

In this prehistoric world, innate spiritual energy is very abundant.

Moreover, there are countless worlds in this great sea.

Every wave of the world is a world.

These heavenly powerhouses are excited.

Especially Qingtian, showing a very proud look.

The demon emperor Jun and Taiyi stood in the void, looked at the sky, and sneered.

"God? My Taiyi, I will come to break the sky!"


The Chaos Clock is above Taiyi's head, standing in the void, sweeping the sky.

Immediately, the five-colored ray of light illuminates the heavens.

Pangu Shengwei, shocking the world.

As soon as the Chaos Clock came out, Qingtian suddenly felt a sense of oppression.

He grinned and said, "Haha, this magic weapon, I want it!"

As soon as Shen Sheng drank, Qingtian burst into a blue light.

The blue light is bright, shining on the land of trillions of trillions.

The blue sky stood in the void, with a grim face.

"Today, I will kill you and wait!"

With a big wave of Qingtian's hand, a piece of azure light, like overwhelming the sky and breaking the universe, rushed towards Taiyi.

Qingtian raised his hands to the sky, and countless blue lights came one after another!


Taiyi drank in a deep voice, and he was not afraid of the Chaos Clock above his head.


With a loud shout, the Chaos Bell made a sound like a bell from ancient times.


When the bell rang, it was like breaking the heavens and the world.

The billions of trillions of blue light were annihilated in an instant.

Seeing this, Qingtian was furious.

He shouted angrily and said, "Die!"


Another azure light, illuminating the heavens.

Countless stars trembled under this blue light.

Countless powerhouses were trembling under this blue light.

Cang Tian and Huang Tian shouted loudly and rushed forward.


Cang Tian and Huang Tian, ​​every time they took a step, they saw the stars shatter and the galaxy trembled.

Countless creatures are trembling and fearing.

This yellow sky, the sky comes out.

But seeing Di Jun drink in a deep voice, he said, "I'm here to fight the sky!"

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