Countless fighting monks were killed and became the merits of heaven.

In order to prevent the fighting monks from fleeing, Hong Jun, Yin Yang and other great powers in the wild, also set up a terrifying ban!

This battle ended with the slaughter of all the fighting troops.

All the great powers of the Great Desolation have descended on this strange world of fighting!

at the same time!

The gods of the Great Desolation also saw that this great world of fighting was as big as hundreds of trillions of light-years.

The world is vast and boundless, full of spiritual energy.

And in this fighting world, there is also a towering mountain peak!

The entire fighting world can be regarded as a world.

But in terms of spiritual energy, it is not as good as the world of the wild.

And the gods of the Great Desolation who entered the Great World of Fighting didn't care about that.

What they care about is those fighting monks.

They are the virtues of the heavenly way of walking! .

Chapter 16

The endless slaughter caused a shock in the world of fighting.

Those gods in the wild, looked at this strange world.


Chu Tianjun, who was sitting cross-legged in a cave somewhere, suddenly felt a whim.

He pinched his fingers, surprised.

Immediately afterwards, the world mirror in front of her appeared one after another.

These are the prehistoric monks who invaded the fighting world.

Chu Tianjun's expression changed suddenly. Could it be that Meng De Tianjun and Bai Qi Tianjun were both killed in battle?

He pinched his fingers again, and a pair of eyes showed a fierce light.


Tianjun Meng De and Tianjun Bai Qi all died in the prehistoric world.

This also led to the powerhouses of the prehistoric world, invading the fighting world.

Countless fighting armies died at the hands of these great powers.

Seeing this, Chu Tianjun was furious.

These great powers in the wild, dare to kill like this in the fighting world.


Chu Tianjun slapped the table and said in his heart, "The cultivators of the floods invaded the Wudou World. If they were allowed to kill, the Battle World would be in danger."

A black hair, rising with the wind.

Chu Tianjun walked out of the cave and stood in the void.


Chu Tianjun exerted his supreme mana and immediately summoned the monks from the entire fighting world.

These fighting cultivators felt Chu Tianjun's call!

For a time, countless fighting monks arrived at the bottom of the mountain.

"Meet Chu Tianjun!"

"Meet Chu Tianjun!"

Countless fighting monks bowed respectfully to Chu Tianjun.

Countless fighting cultivators, great momentum.

Chu Tianjun swept away the countless fighting monks, and he said solemnly: "You wait for the fighting monks to obey the order, today, there are monks from the floods who kill my fighting warriors and invade the world of our fighting wars. You, come with me. , pick up the weapon, hold the magic weapon tightly, and drive these flood monks out!"


Countless fighting monks drank in a deep voice.

Wearing battle armor and holding divine soldiers, they gathered from all over the fighting world.


These fighting monks drank in a deep voice and said, "Zhan, take down the flood monks!"


After a few shouts, it was like the sky was falling apart.

These fighting cultivators headed towards the gods of the Great Desolation.


The three prehistoric clans that invaded the fighting world, the dragon clan, the phoenix clan and the unicorn clan, all manifested their true bodies!


The three patriarchs, Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin, led the three clans to block the countless fighting cultivators!


Countless fighting cultivators came in the air.

Soon, it will be not far from the monk Honghuang!


All the monks in the Great Wilderness World and the Great Fighting World are confronting each other!

Dongfu, the sky above!

The rest of the Heavenly Monarchs, such as Kongni Heavenly Lord, Xuanzang Heavenly Lord, Xuanyuan Heavenly Lord, etc. all arrived.

The three Heavenly Monarchs also noticed the change from the fighting world.

As soon as Xuanyuan Tianjun fell into the light, he said, "Chu Tianjun, what's going on?"

It turned out that the three Heavenly Monarchs were all in retreat just now.

Connie Tianjun and Xuanzang Tianjun also showed a strange look.

When Chu Tianjun heard the words, he swept away the three emperors, and he informed the three emperors of the deaths of the three emperors, Songde, Bai Qi, and Mengde, as well as the invasion of all beings in the wild.

When the sound fell, the three Heavenly Monarchs were suddenly shocked.

"What? Are Tianjun Bai Qi and Tianjun Meng De dead?"

"Damn, these wild ants dare to invade me and fight in the big world."

Xuanzang Tianjun swept away Chu Tianjun and said solemnly: "Chu Tianjun, if that's the case, how about I drive these ants out of the wild?"

Sound off!

Xuanyuan Tianjun and Kongni Tianjun also looked at Chu Tianjun.

Chu Tianjun thought for a while and said, "Okay!"

Immediately, the rest of the Tianjun nodded in agreement.

In this fight against the Four Heavenly Monarchs, he drank in a deep voice and walked away!

Countless monks from the two worlds confronted each other.

Hongjun, Yinyang, Yangmei and other great powers in the wild, very happy.

The countless fighting monks who have appeared here are all the merits of the heavenly way.

A lot of great powers in the wild, smiling slightly, showing a smug look.


Hongjun laughed, waved his hand, and released a divine might!

Wherever the divine might passed, many fighting cultivators could not stop the divine might and turned to ashes!

Hongjun immediately got some merits from heaven.

But these days, there are too few merits and virtues.

It is far better than killing a strong fighting warrior to get more merits of the heavenly way.

Just like the demon ancestors Luo Hu and Yang Mei Daxian, kill a heavenly king who is fighting the world.

Hongjun thought for a while, then raised his head and looked around.

He is waiting for the arrival of these fighting gods.

Doesn't it mean that there are still four fighting gods left?

The rest of the great powers of the Great Desolation also have these ideas.


The terrifying divine might descended from the sky!

In the void, there are dense clouds.

A black figure suddenly appeared.

Behind him, followed by three shadows.

This shadow has jet-black hair.

He swept away these flood monks coldly.

"I'm waiting to meet Tianjun!"

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