Nuwa put away the map of mountains and rivers, she was peerless in white, and she floated away.

Dugu Baitian, Chen Lord, Demon Lord and Ghost Lord were all taken aback.

All the prehistoric monks are happy.

These seven celestial women were finally taken away by Nuwa's Mountains and Rivers Society Jitu.

"As expected of a saint Nuwa!"

"The saint is mighty, and the otherworldly ants. Vulnerable to a single blow."

"Saint Nuwa, really amazing!"

These prehistoric monks, every word you say to me, is praising Nuwa.

Emperor Fuxi, standing on the Jiehai dam.

At first, he was very worried about Nuwa's sister.

Seeing that Nuwa was safe, he went over and said, "Sister, congratulations!"

Nuwa used the map of mountains and rivers to imprison the seven goddesses.

After conquering the Heavenly Tomb World, the Heavenly Dao reward, Nuwa's reward must be very rich.

Thinking of this, the human emperor Fuxi couldn't help feeling happy for Nuwa.

Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other sages in the wild, were also happy for Nuwa.


The most angry is none other than Zhantian Four Souls.

Moreover, most of the powerhouses in the world of the tomb died in the Great Desolation.

Only the four souls of Zhantian remain.

Chen Zhu held a sword in his hand, and said lightly: "All the heavens and Qijue goddess are dead, then, it's my turn!"

He is proud of the world, fearless, and full of fighting spirit.

"I will fight!"

The ghost master moved his bones and walked away.


The terrifying ghostly aura he unleashed is shrouded in the sky of trillions of trillions!uniform.

Chapter 104


The land of trillions of trillions is shrouded in terrifying ghosts!

The most powerful existence in the Heavenly Tomb World, the ghost master of one of the four souls of Zhantian, showed a serene edge and swept toward the Great Wall of Chaos and the Jiehai dam!

Those countless flood monks!


A loud bang came from the distant horizon!

Countless withered bones, stepping on the battle clouds, came out from the distant horizon.

The ghost master moved his skeleton and smiled!

"I haven't fought in another world for a long time. I feel a little lonely, and my muscles and bones are not flexible anymore."

The ghost master moved the skeleton again, and even took off the skull and wiped it carefully.

Immediately, he set it up and smiled sensibly!

This operation really shocked countless cultivators.

A lot of great powers of the Great Wilderness were also stunned for a moment, very surprised.

But Dugu Baitian, Chen Lord, and Demon Lord shook their heads.

The ghost master doesn't care about this!


Hundreds of millions of withered bone ghost soldiers, stepping on the battle cloud, bowed to the ghost master in unison: "See the Lord!"

"See the Lord!"

Hundreds of millions of withered bones and countless ghost soldiers bowed devoutly to the ghost master!

The ghost master waved his hand, smiled sensually, and said, "No gift!"

When waving, the skeleton made a rubbing sound and almost flew out.


Hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers, all marching on the battle cloud, shook the four fields!

The ghost master stood with his hands behind his back, and his green eyes swept away countless cultivators.

"I am the ghost master, who dares to fight me!"

Ghostly, countless stars, followed by annihilation!

The ghost master stood proudly, holding a skull.


The ghost master stretched out his hand and pointed forward. Behind him, the hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers rushed towards the Jiehai embankment and the Great Wall of Chaos with a killing sound.

One after another, the chains of order, shrouded the Jiehai dam and the Great Wall of Chaos.

The patriarchs of the Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin clans led the three tribes of the Great Wilderness and hundreds of millions of soldiers to kill hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers.

Hundreds of trillions of gods and demons, standing in the sky, fluttering battle flags, shocking the universe!

Dugu defeated the sky and did not move, and the trillions of gods and demons did not move!

Hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers, shrouded in a ghost fog of trillions of trillions.

Once a monk of the three tribes stepped into the ghost fog, or was eroded by the ghost fog, he was suddenly swallowed up, screamed and turned into nothingness.

This billions of trillions of ghost fog condenses a terrifying ghost image!


With a loud bang, the ghost shouted loudly, and shot towards the hundreds of millions of people.

Wherever they have passed, the army of one million floods has vanished into nothing!

This million-million-horse army, without even leaving a corpse, was slapped into powder by this palm!

Among the ghost shadows, there is even more green and green ghost light, covering the four fields!

Zulong drank in a deep voice, and he transformed into a form, with a body of hundreds of trillions of trillions, directly swept away the bones of millions of ghost soldiers!


How can these millions of ghost soldiers withered bones withstand the power of the ancestor dragon?

It turned directly into a terrifying piece of powder.

Yuan Feng spewed out surging flames, turning the bones of countless ghost soldiers into ashes.

The first unicorn roared in the sky, and trampled countless ghost soldiers to death with one foot!

The patriarch of the three tribes in the Great Wilderness showed great power and killed countless ghost soldiers.

Countless ghost soldiers turned into ashes and dissipated.

The ghost soldier was already dead and became a dead bone in the tomb, but now, it has completely disappeared.

The patriarch of the three clans, majestic, commanded hundreds of millions of three clan troops to kill.

The dragon, phoenix, and unicorn tribes, countless powerhouses, are killing hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers.

Hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers, flashing with ghostly blue eyes, walked away with soldiers in hand.

A new war of planes broke out.

Countless ghost soldiers and countless cultivators of the three tribes started a war.

Ghostly, radiant light!

Some dragons were pierced by ghost soldiers.

Some ghost soldiers were chopped to pieces by the monks of the three tribes and turned into nothingness!

When the ghost master saw this, he was furious.

"Wait for the ants, dare to destroy my ghost soldier!"


The ghost master stepped into the air and smashed countless stars in one step!

In one step, Shi Qilin, the head of the Qilin clan, was suppressed on the spot!

Countless ghosts rushed towards Shi Qilin.

Yuan Feng and Zu Long saw this and knew something was wrong.

The two patriarchs shouted and killed the ghost master.

The patriarch of the three prehistoric clans, fighting against the ghost master.

On the other hand, the ghost master is not afraid of danger.

Heavenly Tomb camp!

Dugu Baitian, Chen Lord, and Demon Lord looked at each other and smiled.

"The ghost master's demeanor has not diminished in the past. This dragon and phoenix unicorn, known as the patriarch of the three tribes of the Great Desolation, was suppressed by the ghost master!"

"The ghost master is so powerful that he dares to suppress even the Dao of Heaven. How could he be afraid of the patriarchs of these three clans?"

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