Dugu defeated the sky, flipped his palms, and even the land of trillions of trillions was imprisoned.

Immediately afterwards, there is endless collapse and destruction.

Countless creatures, trembling in the chaotic stance, died!

This Dugu defeated the sky, looking coldly at this world like purgatory, like chaos.

However, Hongjun Daozu, who was in it, was not affected.

He stood with his hands behind his back, as if he was admiring this Dugu defeated Tian's masterpiece.

Dugu defeated the sky and was furious.

This Hongjun is not afraid of him?Aren't you afraid of his reversal?

"Reverse chaos? Dare to take out such a simple exercise? Dugu defeated the sky, it turns out that you are nothing more than that."

Hong Jun smiled lightly, revealing a touch of coldness and arrogance.

He already knew the ending of Dugu defeated Tian!

"is it?"

Dugu Baitian snorted coldly, and he stepped out, as if tearing the universe!

Just ask this world, who can stop him!

Dugu defeats the sky, holding Dugu.

He knew that he was going against the chaos, and it would not have any effect on Hongjun, but instead aroused his ridicule!

Immediately, Dugu Baitian shouted loudly, held Dugu in his hand, and moved towards the sky.


With a loud bang, the sword light shrouded away.

With Dugu as the center, there are billions and trillions of sword intents around!

Such a terrifying sword intent makes countless creatures tremble!


Hundreds of millions of gods and demons, with great spirits and high fighting spirit, are killing countless cultivators!


The patriarchs of the three clans including Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin drank in a deep voice and led an army of hundreds of millions of three clans to block countless gods and demons.

The twelve ancestor witches led the witch clan to kill countless gods and demons.

The ancestor Ming He released [-] million blood gods, and also killed countless gods and demons.

Jiehai dam, Great Wall of Chaos!

Countless cultivators in the wild, killed and blocked countless gods and demons.

These billions of gods and demons have been hit hard!

Some of these gods and demons were beheaded by the flood monks before they responded.

Every prehistoric monk seems to be very excited and excited.

This is a great opportunity to earn merit, and no one wants to miss it!

The attack of hundreds of millions of gods and demons was like a flash in the pan.

Immediately, these billions of gods and demons were defeated!


Dugu defeated Tian furiously, holding Dugu in his hand, turning it into a billion trillion sword intent, and slashing at Hongjun.

The first taboo god from Taikoo fought hard to kill Hongjun.

Seeing this, Hongjun sneered.

With a big wave of his hand, a divine light like a crystal wall covered the sky and the sun, covering the land of trillions of trillions.


This crystal wall divine light, impressively blocked the Dugu offensive of Dugu defeating the sky.


Dugu Baitian roared wildly, and Dugu directly hit the crystal wall with divine light.

Strange to say, this thin layer of crystal wall divine light directly blocked Dugu Baitian's strongest offensive!

How powerful that Dugu is, there is no mark left on this crystal wall of divine light.

At this scene, Dugu Baitian was shocked.

"My Dugu, can't break through this thin layer of crystal wall divine light?"

Dugu defeated the sky, showing a touch of anger.

He, but the ancient taboo god ah!

All the gods of the Great Wilderness have seen it.

"Hongjun Daozu is worthy of being the number one saint in my prehistoric wilderness."

"This Dugu loses the sky, loses!"

"With a wave of Daozu Hongjun, he blocked Dugu Baitian's attack of killing the three ancestors!"

All the gods of the Great Wilderness are in shock.

Too strong.

He is indeed the number one saint of the Great Desolation!

This Dugu defeating the sky will not have any influence on Hongjun Daozu at all!

The demon ancestor Rahu sat cross-legged and was recovering.

Hearing this, he snorted coldly and said, "Hongjun, this time, let Er steal the limelight again!"

This crystal wall divine light seemed to separate Dugu Baitian and Hongjun Daozu.

Dugu Baitian was furious and shouted: "Today, I don't believe that this crystal wall can't be broken!"


Dugu Baitian wielded a sword intent of [-] trillion and slashed away.

Countless stars are being destroyed!

Countless galaxies are trembling!

This sword simply split countless universes apart.

Dugu defeated the sky, his power was overwhelming, and he was proud of the world and the sky for eternity!

This Taikoo No. [-] taboo great god, arrogant, angry, and shot.


Countless gods and demons, millions of cultivators, became ashes under the sword of Dugu Baitian!

All the heavens and the world seem to have been opened by this sword.

The entire sky is collapsing and shattering.

Even if chaos appeared, it was instantly swept away by this sword!

Countless creatures turned into nothingness!

This sword embodies the ultimate strength of Dugu Baitian.

With a single sword, countless universes will be broken open.

The violent sword intent actually shook the Chaos Realm Sea into turbid waves.

Countless worlds rise and fall with the turbid waves.

Every wave is a world.

All the worlds are trembling!

This sword is enough to break the sky in the world of the tomb!

But in Honghuang, this sword can only slash to the divine light of the crystal wall.


The power of a sword is enough to form a terrifying chaotic vortex!

A sword slashed above the divine light of the crystal wall.


This crystal wall divine light swayed suddenly, and the divine light dimmed.

However, in an instant, the divine light of the crystal wall resumed.

But above the divine light of the crystal wall, a sword mark appeared!

All the prehistoric creatures are shocked.

This sword destroyed millions of cultivators.

However, for Dugu Baitian, he was very shocked.

There was even a trace of fear in his heart.

The sword he used with all his strength only left a sword mark on the divine light of the crystal wall?

Dugu defeated the sky, completely stunned.

This obvious gap made him raise his head, and his eyes were staring at Hongjun Daozu.

Daozu Hongjun raised his head and glanced at Dugu Baitian.

Dugu Baitian took a deep breath, such a strong person is really rare.

However, he came from the ancient times, and he was arrogant in his life. He never failed, never timid, and never retreated!

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