
The ancient god of war screamed, his body collapsed, and his primordial spirit died!

Emperor Jun Taiyi swept the three major forces of the Nanling Demon Temple, the War God Temple and the barbarians.

Nanling, silent overnight!

Nanling was destroyed, and in one day, it spread to Zhongzhou, Donghuang, Beiyuan, Western Desert and other places.


The demise of Nanling shook the Zhongzhou Daxia Dynasty, Guhua Dynasty, Jiuli Dynasty, and Shenzhou Dynasty!

The Emperor Daxia sent monks to investigate and learned that Nanling was razed to the ground and turned to ashes.

The Temple of the Demon Emperor and the Temple of the God of War were reduced to ruins.

The ancient demonic spirit is gone!

Zhongzhou shakes!

East Wilderness!

The Holy Land of Fluctuation, the Jiang Family, the Holy Land of Dayan, and other holy places and noble families also sent cultivators to find out after learning of the Nanling earthquake.

Who knows, this Nanling, overnight, turned into nothingness.

Countless demon races, war temple monks, and barbarian armies disappeared without a trace, and seemed to be reduced to ashes.

For a while, the East Wilderness shook!

West Desert!


On top of a Buddhist holy mountain covering a land of billions of trillions, a bell rang from a large Leiyin Temple.

The sound of the bell rang out from the Leiyin Temple.

A resounding voice, with the voice of endless compassion, resounded through this Daleiyin Temple, the holy mountain of Buddhism!

"For all sentient beings in Nanling, we mourned!"

A voice spread all over the Western Desert.

West Desert, hundreds of millions of creatures, all worship each other sincerely!



One after another, good thoughts rose from the hundreds of millions of souls and poured into the Buddhist holy mountain, Daleiyin Temple.

These good thoughts form a belief force that covers hundreds of millions of places, saving all sentient beings!

At the same time, the power of faith is integrated into a magic circle guarding Daleiyin Temple!

30 Throughout the Western Desert, countless creatures are mourning for the living beings in Nanling.

Great Thunder Temple!

An ancient Buddha shrouded in the Buddha's light swept away all the Buddhas, Arhats, etc., and asked leisurely, "Do you know who destroyed the three major forces of Nanling?"

An Arhat put his hands together and said, "It is said that the forces that destroyed Nanling may be related to that [-] billion light-year-long space channel!"

"Space channel?"

"Space channel?"

In the Daleiyin Temple, all the Buddhas, the Arhats, and the eight tribes were all shocked.

This space passage in the ancient forbidden area is very mysterious.

Could it be that it is really a passageway to other worlds?

When the ancient Buddha heard the words, a pair of Buddha eyes seemed to penetrate the universe and see through the heavens and the world.

In the end, this beam of Buddha light fell outside the barren and ancient forbidden land.

The ancient Buddha took back the Buddha's light and said solemnly: "This space channel is very mysterious. Is there any movement in the heavenly court? Donghuang, Zhongzhou, is there any news?"

A Buddha, his hands clasped together, said: "Heavenly Court learned about this [-] billion light-year-long space channel for the first time, but there was no movement."

"On the other hand, the emperor of Zhongzhou Daxia learned that Nanling was dead. He invited the other three emperors to discuss something."

Hearing the words, the ancient Buddha said solemnly: "We, the Great Leiyin Temple in the Western Desert, should not take it lightly. This force that destroyed Nanling is extraordinary!"

"Follow the Buddha's orders!"

"Follow the Buddha's orders!"

The Buddhas, the Arhats, and the eight groups of people answered the Dao in unison.

The ancient Buddha was about to say something when suddenly, the entire Western Desert, the entire Buddhist holy mountain, and the entire Daleiyin Temple were shaking violently.

The plaque of the Daleiyin Temple, which contained the emperor's energy, was almost shaken off.

In the void, outside the Buddhist Sacred Mountain in the Western Desert, twelve strong men appeared.

Behind the twelve powerhouses, above the sky, shrouded in battle clouds, countless figures stun the sky of all ages!

These twelve powerhouses are the twelve ancestor witches who crossed the border from the Great Desolation!

The demon clan emperor Jun Taiyi led hundreds of millions of demon clans to cross the border to fight the Nanling Mountains.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch couldn't hold back, and asked the way of heaven and asked to fight against Buddhism in the Western Desert.

Heaven promised, the Twelve Ancestral Witch happily led hundreds of millions of Witch Clan to conquer the Western Desert!

Western Desert, the holy mountain of Buddhism!

The twelve ancestor witches looked up at this holy mountain shrouded in billions of trillions of Buddha light.

Qin Tian, ​​the Dao of the Wilderness Heaven, has been paying attention.

He knew that this sky-covering universe was an enhanced version of the sky-covering universe.

In the void!

Hundreds of millions of witches, dozens of great witches, looked at this Buddhist holy mountain.

A powerful forbidden magic circle shrouded it.

The ancient Buddha showed a surprised look.

"Who broke into my Buddhist holy mountain, hurry up!"

"Follow the Buddha's orders!"

A Buddha, striding out.

He stood outside the Daleiyin Temple and looked towards the void.

"Amitabha, who are you, who dares to break into the Buddhist gate of Western Desert?"

This Buddha released a majestic Buddha light and wanted to see through these twelve strong men.


Among the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Zhu Rong Ancestral Witch stepped forward and shouted: "Honghuang Zhurong, come to destroy Erfomen!"


Zhu Rongzu Wu stepped out in one step, and with tyrannical strength, directly broke this Buddhist magic circle!

Hearing this, the Buddha folded his hands together and said, "The place where Buddhism is clean, please don't make any noise!"


Zhu Rongzu Wu didn't answer, the second step was to directly break through the magic circle.

The tall and burly tyrannical body shook this Buddhist holy mountain.

The Buddha glared angrily and shouted: "I have repeatedly warned the donor, but the donor is stubborn, the Buddha Dharma is boundless, and it is the shore!"


A terrifying Buddha light pressed towards Zhu Rong Zuwu.

"These ants, dare to block the way of my Zhurong Zuwu?"

Zhu Rong Zuwu waved his big hand, and his violent aura directly shattered the Buddha's light.

This Buddha's expression changed suddenly.


Zhu Rongzu Wu took a step forward, and the powerful violent aura surged away like a galaxy.


This Buddhist holy mountain has set off the power of a magic circle, and annihilated all the violent energy!

"Block me? Break me!"

Zhu Rongzu Wu swung out a fist, a violent fist, shaking the power of the magic circle.


The power of the magic array shattered in response.

That Buddha was immediately pierced by a violent fist.

A bloody light dripped onto this holy Buddhist holy place.

For hundreds of millions of years, no one has dared to go wild in Buddhism!


The heaven and the earth shook, and the Four Great Vajras and the Eight Sects appeared in the void.

The four great vajra and the eight tribes drank in a deep voice, shouting: "You are trespassing in the Buddhist holy place, and you still don't get out!"

Zhu Rong Zuwu smiled and said: "I Zhu Rong here, who dares to stop me."

With a loud shout, the Fist of Fury smashed towards the Eight Divisions.


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