Emperor Jiuli and Emperor Guhua were extremely shocked.

Two emperors were killed, which is truly unique.

"You wait for the ants, dare to destroy my dynasty, even if you are powerful, the Great Emperor of Jiuli is not afraid, die!"

Emperor Jiuli slapped it with a palm, turned it into a giant palm of billions, and slapped it towards the first unicorn in the sky.

Seeing this, Shi Qilin sneered, he stepped out and threw a punch.

The fists clashed, and countless stars were annihilated.

Even the void was shaken, and countless sects, holy places, and aristocratic families were reduced to ruins.

At this moment, the entire Zhongzhou is like purgatory!

Countless creatures are crying and trembling.

Between the heavens and the earth, there is chaos, and the spiritual energy is completely destroyed.


Yuan Feng waved his hand, and a fire of origin rushed towards the Great Emperor Gu Hua.

The Great Emperor Guhua hurriedly sacrificed a magic weapon to try to block the fire of Yuanfeng's origin.


How powerful is this fire of origin?

Emperor Guhua didn't have time to react at all, so he was trapped by the fire of the source.

For a time, the fire of the source rose into the sky, burning the Great Emperor Guhua wildly.

The Great Emperor Guhua cried out incessantly, and was instantly refined.

Then, the ancient Hua Dynasty dissipated, and countless creatures turned into nothingness!

On the battlefield, only Emperor Jiuli was still struggling to support him.

The army of the three tribes went to fight against the major forces in Zhongzhou.

Zu Long and Yuan Feng stood by and watched the battle.

Emperor Jiuli knew that he would die, so he shouted loudly and rushed forward, wanting to explode himself and die together with Shi Qilin.


In the void, an Ancestral Dragon spear suddenly appeared.

With a loud bang, Emperor Jiuli directly penetrated!

Emperor Jiuli screamed, and he shouted: "I am the emperor, who dares to harm me!"

He screamed in pain, and his entire body shattered.

The Jiuli Dynasty collapsed at the moment when the Great Emperor Jiuli fell.

The immortal dynasty of Zhongzhou is completely destroyed!

Zhongzhou was reduced to ruins, reduced to purgatory.

Not only Zhongzhou, but Donghuang and Beiyuan were all spared overnight.

Knowing that Nanling, Zhongzhou and other places were all destroyed.

The entire heaven is deadly silent! .

Chapter 115

Heaven, deathly silence!

Every Heavenly Court powerhouse is shocked!

For the first time in the universe, such a terrifying change has occurred.

Overnight, it seemed as if the sky had changed.

Nanling, Western Desert, Zhongzhou, Donghuang, Beiyuan and other places were destroyed one after another.

Even now, the powerhouses in the heavenly court still don't know who did it.

This is ridiculous!

In the entire Heavenly Court, the powerhouses had gloomy faces and were very angry.

"As far as I know, the Holy Son was slaughtered, the Holy Land was destroyed, and countless living beings were wiped out. Who the hell committed such a crime!~"

A Heavenly Court powerhouse will inform the Heavenly Court Powerhouse of the news he knows.

"Not only the Eastern Wilderness, but also the Northern Plains have been wiped out. Even the Zhongzhou Daxia Dynasty, the Jiuli Dynasty, the Guhua Dynasty, and the Shenzhou Dynasty have all been wiped out, and hundreds of millions of lives have been reduced to ashes!"

Another Heavenly Court strongman clenched his fists, resentful.

"I heard that Taihuang, Jiuli, Guhua, and Shenzhou also came from the ancient times, but they were also killed. It can be seen that this is a very mysterious group of intruders!"

"First the Nanling barbarians were killed, then the Western Desert Buddhist Sect, and even the Great Emperor Amitabha, the master of the Daleiyin Temple, was also killed. It can be seen that this was a very meticulous and planned massacre!"

"Nanling, Western Desert, Zhongzhou, Donghuang, and Beiyuan were slaughtered one after another, and none of them survived. It can be seen that this other world is here to conquer the universe!"

"Next, will it be our Heavenly Court?"


The entire Heavenly Court shook violently.

All the powerhouses in Heavenly Court looked at each other, dumbfounded and stunned.

Another world!

A dark shadow looked towards the space passage located in the ancient forbidden area.

This space channel is tens of billions of light-years long.


A dark shadow, with a deep gaze, looked towards the space passage.

Suddenly, he said these two words.

All the powerhouses in Heavenly Court were stunned for a moment, and looked at him in shock.


The strong people are puzzled, what is the flood?

"The space channel is connected to a great world called Honghuang!"

This dark shadow seemed to smell something, and said with more certainty!

"Honghuang? Could it be that it is a monk in the world of Honghuang?"

A thoughtful Heavenly Court expert, his eyes sank, and he blurted out his debut.

"We have nothing to do with the prehistoric world. Why is this prehistoric world fighting against the universe?"

A Heavenly Court expert asked with a puzzled look.

"Do you still need a reason to fight?"

A Heavenly Court master strode forward and shouted: "What are we waiting for? Nanling, Zhongzhou and other places have all been slaughtered. What are we waiting for?"

This almighty, very regretful said.

He learned that his fellow Daoist Emperor Taihuang and Jiuli the Great were all killed.


This powerful man shouted in a deep voice, "If Emperor Ye Xian leaves the border, this prehistoric world will never dare to invade the universe that covers the sky!"

When it comes to Emperor Ye Xiandi, this great man has a face full of respect.

"Black Emperor, I don't know Emperor Ye, when will he leave the customs?"

This powerful man looked at a dark shadow and asked anxiously.

"I don't know either."

Hearing this, Black Shadow shook his head.

"To deal with the wild ants, why should Immortal Emperor Ye take action? We can take it!"

Another living fossil powerhouse who has lived for hundreds of millions of years drank in a deep voice.


Suddenly, the entire heaven was shaking.

A monk came running in a panic.

"Report: Outside the heavenly court, the war cloud is shrouded in murderous aura, and an army of about [-] trillion, suddenly appeared!"

The monk's words shook the heaven.

The living fossil powerhouse said angrily: "It really came, let me go!"


He shouted loudly and stepped out of the heaven.

Outside the heavenly court, the battle cloud is shrouded!

Hundreds of trillions of troops, banners and flags cover the sky, cover the sky and the sun.

The powerhouses in the Heavenly Court, such as Zhang Bairen, Heihuang, etc., are about to fight.

A monk rushed over.

"The big thing is bad, the Eternal Emperor was killed by an ancestor in Honghuang, and he died!"

As soon as these words came out, the powerhouses in the heavenly court were suddenly shocked.

This Eternal Emperor is the powerful living fossil powerhouse.

A desolate ancient powerhouse shouted, "Let's go to battle!"

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