The Ruthless Empress was about to speak, when suddenly, she heard a click.

Immediately afterwards, the mask on her face cracked, revealing half of her face.

All the creatures, when shocked, looked up at the void.

Is the prosperous face of this empress finally presented to the world?

What a beautiful face this will be!

However, all beings are a little disappointed.

This mask fused again in an instant.

The prosperous face of the Ruthless Empress did not appear.

Nuwa smiled lightly and said, "You have already lost, become my Taoist boy!"

Sound off!

The Ruthless Empress raised her head and looked at Nu Wa with clear eyes.

"I haven't lost yet!"


Her figure was like a dream, as if time had frozen.

Just to stop for her.

But, how could this kind of magic trap Nuwa?

The figure of the Ruthless Empress changed, and in the void, countless colorful clouds suddenly appeared.

These countless colorful clouds turned into countless fairy blades.

Some take the shape of a dragon, and some take the shape of a phoenix.

For a time, it seemed like the sky was shaking, and the power was shocking.

Wherever he goes, God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha.

Her figure was erratic, and the countless immortal blades were heading towards Nuwa.

Countless powerhouses have seen that the Ruthless Empress is showing her power.

More powerful than before!

When Nuwa saw this, she immediately sacrificed the lotus lantern.


On the lotus lantern, the wonderful fire of the Seven Treasures forms a trend of billions of trillions.

On the lotus lantern, infinite divine power was released.


The lotus lamp suddenly released a brilliance, and wherever it passed, the innumerable fairy blades instantly shattered and annihilated!

"Hmph, destroy my fairy blade and exchange it for a magic weapon!"

With a cold snort, the Ruthless Empress directly sacrificed the avenue of treasure.

This auspicious bottle of the Great Dao looks simple and natural, but it actually contains the profound meaning of the Great Dao!

This avenue treasure bottle is one of the imperial soldiers of the Ruthless Empress, which can suppress the heavens and the world.


The Avenue Aquarius came out.Immediately, he swallowed the essence of the sun and the moon, and the vitality of heaven and earth.

For a time, the black light flashed, and a blossoming fairy flower bloomed.

This piece of crystal clear, dancing fairy flowers, instantly turned into the real body of a ruthless female emperor.

When the flower blooms, the world reigns!

The infinity of the Tao, covering his body, is truly terrifying!


The void shook, and the Ruthless Empress waved her jade hand and shouted, "Come on the sword!"

A fairy sword came from the void in an instant and fell into her hands.

The ruthless female emperor, with peerless elegance, holding an immortal sword, looked at Nuwa.

Nu Wa sacrificed a lotus lantern and red hydrangea to block the avenue of the Ruthless Empress.


The lotus lantern and the avenue aquarium collided with a bang.

A magic weapon, an imperial soldier, all flashed together.

Seeing this, Nu Wa and the Ruthless Empress both brought out their immortal swords and came with them.

Two female saints, you come and go, and the killing is indistinguishable.

The blossoming fairy flowers turned into nothingness.

The treasure vase of the avenue and the lotus lantern kill the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon have no light.

Nuwa and the Ruthless Empress, each with a sword, come and go.

The more the Ruthless Empress fought, the more she felt the strength of Nuwa.

This female saint who came from the Great Desolation is simply more powerful than her.

Seeing this, the Ruthless Empress could not help but be a little cautious.

Nuwa smiled lightly and said, "This covers the universe, it is not as good as my prehistoric world, it is better for you to be my Taoist boy, and in the future, your cultivation will improve."


The Ruthless Empress stood proudly, she shouted loudly, and slapped her lightly with her palm.

Seeing this, Nu Wa said, "Hmph, I can't beat you today!"

With a loud shout, Nu Wa also slapped her palm lightly.

The two female saints began to fight again.

This battle was slapped with a fluttering palm.

Behind the two female saints, the stars annihilated and the universe collapsed.

Countless strong people are all shocked and shocked.

This battle of the strong is really terrifying and powerful!


With a fluttering palm, the duel begins.

Nu Wa and the Ruthless Empress do not give in to each other.

Suddenly, only a sound was heard.

This avenue treasure bottle, the light is dim.

Suddenly, the lotus lantern released billions of trillions of brilliance, and in an instant, it enveloped the sky.


The lotus lantern smashed down, smashing the avenue bottle on the spot.

The Ruthless Empress turned pale in shock, she hurriedly waved her jade hand and took back the treasure bottle of the avenue.


Nu Wa slapped her palm lightly, and immediately cast a spell to imprison the Ruthless Empress... 0

The face of the Ruthless Empress changed suddenly, she wanted to break free, but how could she break free from Nuwa's spell?

She was trapped in it, for a moment, at a loss.

Many sky-covering powerhouses were all shocked!

Ruthless Empress, how arrogant, how powerful, to be defeated by this Nuwa?

Do not!

This is never true!

Many strong men who covered the sky rubbed their eyes and looked again, suddenly shocked.

This Nuwa's magic is really powerful, the Empress Ruthless is trapped in it, and she has no resistance at all.

From this, we can also see the gap between Nu Wa and the Ruthless Empress.

The Ruthless Empress was trapped in the spell. At first, she was very anxious and angry.

Then, she seemed to feel something, like an epiphany, a thought flashed in her mind.

It turned out that before Nuwa fought her, she was letting her.

She, the ruthless queen, is peerless.

This battle made the Ruthless Empress fully recognize her shortcomings.

There was even a thought in her mind.

Nuwa's white robe is peerless, dazzling the heavens and the world.

She swept away the Ruthless Empress and said indifferently, "How do you feel?"

The Ruthless Empress raised her head and looked at Nu Wa with complicated eyes.

Many strong people looked at Nu Wa and the Ruthless Empress in the void.

Especially, the delicate body of the Ruthless Empress trembled, as if she was making an important decision.


The Ruthless Empress raised her head, her eyes shining brightly.

She sighed softly and floated down not far from Nuwa.

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