The Master of the Way of the Sword was double suppressed by the Blessing Divine Pestle and the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, and his body was shattered, leaving only one Primordial Spirit, trembling in the void.

How can this be so?

The Lord of Kendo was shocked and completely stunned!

As a powerful being in the Holy King God Realm, his master of swordsmanship, lost so fast?

The Lord of Swordsman, shouted angrily, turning into endless sword intent.

"Zhunti, you dare to destroy my body, damn it!"

Yuanshen, the master of kendo, resisted stubbornly.

When Zhunti heard the words, he looked up to the sky with a smile and said, "Ant, die!"

With a big wave of his hand, he turned it into a giant palm, and slapped it fiercely at the Master of Swordsmanship.


The giant palm that lifts the sky is extremely thick.

Countless stars, countless galaxies, are trembling and destroyed.


The infinite sword intent was instantly shattered by the sky-high palm.

The Primordial Spirit of the Master of Kendo trembled and feared in the giant palm of the sky.

"I hate it!"

"My master of swordsmanship, how powerful, how can I be defeated by the hands of this ant?"

Yuanshen, the master of kendo, roared angrily, howling!

Furious! .

Chapter 147


The master of the swordsmanship, who was capable of slashing the wilderness, his body was broken, and a primordial spirit, under Zhunti's giant palm, wailed and trembled!

The void is shattered.

This giant palm that held the sky shattered billions of trillions of sword intents, and slapped wildly towards the Lord of Swordsmanship.

The Lord of Kendo, his expression suddenly changed.

This frenzy made his heart break.


Yuanshen, the master of kendo, was flustered and fled into the distance.


The giant palm that lifted the sky fell from the sky, and with a sound, the primordial spirit of the master of swordsmanship was smashed to pieces.

Do not!

The Master of Kendo roared wildly, and the infinite sword intent was instantly deflated.


Primordial spirit cracked like a spider web, the master of swordsmanship, with a scream, died and disappeared!

This master of swordsmanship finally died in the hands of Zhunti.

Lord of Kendo, dead in battle!

Several powerful beings looked at each other.


The king of idols, said solemnly: "Zhunti, I'm here to fight you!"

The king of idols was furious.


He shouted loudly, punched in the air, and slammed towards Zhunti

This punch is like a 30 trillion ancient giant elephant, surging forward, and wherever it passes, countless stars are instantly shattered.

Hundreds of trillions of ancient giant elephants have stepped out of countless cracks and smashed countless galaxies.

The power of the infinite giant elephant seems to suppress the heavens and the world.


The suppression of billions of trillions of ancient giant elephants has shattered the long river of time.

When he saw this, he was shocked.

How could he block this billion trillion ancient giant elephants?


The magic weapon that was sacrificed was also shattered by the power of the billions of trillions of ancient giant elephants.

This Zhunti shouted and shouted: "I will shed the last drop of blood for the flood!"

The shout was like thunder, shaking the heavens and the world.

Countless cultivators were shocked.

Hundreds of trillions of ancient giant elephants, turbulent and unstoppable!


God, trembling!

Earth, howling!

The suppression of these countless ancient giant elephants has destroyed the heavens and the earth, and the stars of the universe have been turned into nothingness!

The king of idols, standing proudly, is sure to slay all the ants in the wild.


Hundreds of trillions of ancient giant elephants blasted directly towards Zhunti.

He let out a scream and was blasted out.

Upon seeing this, the gods of the Great Desolation were shocked.


Hundreds of trillions of ancient giant elephants, the remaining power has not disappeared, and shot towards Zhunti.

The king of idols smiled proudly, and he suddenly felt that he had won!

This quasi mention, lost!


Hundreds of trillions of ancient giant elephants, ready to strike the final blow.

Suddenly, in the void, a giant palm lifted the sky, as if shattering the heavens and the world, destroying a long river of time.

The giant palm that lifts the sky towards the trillions of ancient giant elephants.

Hundreds of trillions of ancient giant elephants, how powerful?

The king of idols smiled proudly, and suddenly felt that this giant palm could not stop the trillions of ancient giant elephants.


However, the billions of trillions of ancient giant elephants were directly blocked by the giant palm.

Even, under the frantic shooting of the giant palm, hundreds of trillions of ancient giant elephants have been reduced to powder.

The king of idols, his expression suddenly changed.

He shouted angrily and shouted towards the void: "Who, who dares to shatter my trillions of ancient giant elephants!"

The king of idols, glaring ahead.

Suddenly, in the void, a figure appeared.

This figure made countless cultivators in the prehistoric state refreshed.

The gods of the Great Desolation, worshiped sincerely, and said, "We will pay tribute to the Taoist ancestors!"

It was Hongjun Daozu who shattered billions of trillions of ancient giant elephants.

The appearance of Hongjun Daozu also shocked the king of idols.

The king of idols turned pale in shock, and said in shock, "Hongjun?"

"In my wild land, it's still not your turn to be savage!"

Hongjun snorted coldly and looked at the king of idols.

The king of idols was shocked and shuddered.

Of course he knew the tyranny of Daozu Hongjun!

Half a step into the heavens, the supreme-level Xeon existence died tragically in the hands of Hongjun.

That one billion trillion real body, holding the sky-high blade, he vividly remembers it.

The pupils of the king of idols shrank suddenly, and he took a few steps back subconsciously.

Hongjun Daozu, standing in the void, the infinite holy prestige, suppressing the land of billions and trillions.

The king of idols was shocked when he felt such a powerful holy prestige.


Hongjun Daozu took a step, and hundreds of millions of stars were annihilated.

He waved his hand, and a giant blade that lifted the sky appeared in the void!

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