So touching.

Could it be that there is finally a saint in the Twelve Ancestral Witches?

Thinking of this, all the ancestor witches were very excited.

This group of ancestral witches hurriedly began to protect the road for the back soil.


"I'm here to protect the road for the Houtu girl!"

Gong Gong Zu Wu shouted loudly and stood in the north.

Zhu Rongzu Wu stepped on the double dragon and stood in the south.

A group of ancestral witches, each protecting the way for the ancestors of the Houtu.

This is the most critical time, and no mistakes are allowed.

The ancestors were very cautious.

In the void, Houtu Zuwu closed his star eyes and raised his head, as if he was thinking about something.

The rest of the ancestor witches were all happy for her.

Emperor Jiang Zuwu said excitedly: "If the Houtu girl becomes holy, the Wuwu clan will have a saint 々~."


The twelve ancestral witches stepped out of the Pangu Temple, and their movements in the void quickly attracted the attention of the gods of the Great Desolation.

Supreme Demon Court!

Demon Emperor Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi seem to have seen something.

The two saints of the demon race looked into the distance in unison.

In the void, the twelve ancestral witches stood separately, and it seemed that the Houtu ancestral witches were surrounded by them.

After that, Tu Zuwu closed his star eyes and seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Di Jun and Tai Yi were stunned.

"Twelve Ancestral Witch, what is this doing?"

Di Jun was a little confused and asked Taiyi.

When Taiyi heard the words, he said solemnly, "I thought that among the twelve ancestral witches, there was an ancestral witch who might have to prove the Tao and become sanctified!"

"Prove Taoism and become sanctified? Houtu Ancestral Witch?"

When Di Jun heard the words, he was stunned for a moment.

He looked at it subconsciously, and suddenly felt that he couldn't be wrong.


Tai nodded, the second saint of the demon race, looking into the distance.

The Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, Qilin Clan and other prehistoric clans also learned about the changes of the Twelve Ancestors.

The patriarchs of Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin did not go to disturb them.

The patriarchs of the three clans knew that this was the most critical moment for the Wu clan.

Possibly, in the ancestral witch, a saint is about to be born.

Heavenly saint!

It finally came to the Ancestral Witch.

After all, the Twelve Ancestral Witch, who cultivated into the Primordial Spirit, may prove to be holy.

Boundary sea dam!

Daozu Hongjun sat cross-legged, he pinched his fingers, and instantly understood.

"The Houtu is about to be sanctified. This is the first among the twelve ancestor witches to be sanctified, and it is also the first of the witches to be sanctified."

Hongjun Daozu felt something, he raised his head and looked at the void.

"It is indeed the way of heaven, I admire it."

Hongjun Daozu showed a touch of respect.

West, Mount Sumeru!

The Demon Ancestor Rahu, looked at the void, he seemed to understand something.

"The witch clan is about to have a saint born."

What did the ancestor Rahu think of, he thought.

All the great powers of the Great Wilderness felt the vibration from Buzhou Mountain.

These twelve ancestor witches rose up into the sky and stood in the void.

Many great powers in the wild, instantly guessed that this is the twelve ancestors who are breaking through the cultivation base.

Even among these twelve ancestor witches, a saint will be born.

O saint!

Wu clan, will there finally be a saint?

Not only the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but the entire flood and countless creatures are looking forward to it.

The twelve ancestor witches fought in the wild world and integrated this world into the wild.

This time, Zu Wu is about to give birth to a saint.

Many great gods and great powers feel that the Ancestral Witch deserves its name.


The whole void is shaking.

The twelve ancestor witches stood in the void.

The body of the Houtu Ancestral Witch is condensed with the endless power of the earth.

This thick earth power seemed to wrap her around.

The rest of the ancestral witches, although protecting the Dao of the Houtu ancestral witches, did not dare to step forward.


The earth shook, the power of the earth, the way of the earth, like a chain of order, like a rune of heaven, shrouded in the back earth ancestor witch.

Immediately, it turned into streaks of brilliance, falling between her eyebrows.

All the ancestor witches felt the power of the earth, and they all showed excited expressions.


The Ancestral Witch of Houtu, standing between heaven and earth, countless authentic powers rushed towards Houtu.

At this moment, in this empty (good) sky, above the sky, countless heavenly mighty forces condensed a pupil of the heavenly path.

The pupil of the Heavenly Dao descends with a mighty force of the Heavenly Dao and falls into the body of Houtu.

A group of ancestor witches showed excited expressions.


The Eye of Heaven is here!

The primordial gods and countless creatures also saw the arrival of the Eye of Heaven.

The ancestors of Houtu are about to become sanctified.


The sky is chaotic, and the ground is full of golden lotuses.

Countless rays of light shrouded the dragon behind the ancestor witch.

At this moment, she stepped on the snake with jade feet, and opened her beautiful eyes to look at the sky.


The Ancestral Witch of Hou Tu is beautiful and charming, with a touch of arrogance in her beauty.

At this moment, she is more like a glacier goddess.

The entire void is shaking.

Among the billions of trillions of heaven and earth, the ancestors of Houtu stood proudly, enjoying the shroud of the power of one after another.

Boom! .

Chapter 179

Hongjun Daozu understood, and he watched quietly, the ancestor of the ancestors, which merged with the authentic way.

Boundary sea dam!

Nuwa Dojo!

Nuwa is talking to the Ruthless Empress.

The Ruthless Empress had just returned from preaching in the human race, and told Nuwa about the human race.

While the two women were talking, suddenly, the entire dojo shook violently.

Nuwa seemed to think of something, she stepped out and looked towards the void.

At this time, Nuwa finally understood.

She saw a group of ancestral witches, all of whom were protecting the Taoist ancestors.

The sky is chaotic, and the ground is full of golden lotuses.

Nu Wa was stunned for a moment, then showed a touch of joy.

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