The Eternal Heavenly Sovereign sacrificed the eternal divine furnace and smashed it at the corpse ancestral witch.

Chaos Heavenly Sovereign sacrificed the Chaos Divine Chain and moved towards Xuanming Ancestor Wusuo!

Eternal immovable true me tactics!

Chaos and Transparency Dean's Paradise!

The Eternal Heavenly Sovereign and the Chaos Heavenly Sovereign were killed separately.

Shebi Corpse Ancestor Witch, Xuanming Ancestor Witch, was not afraid, but a little excited.

This is a great opportunity to earn merit.

Shebi Zuwu laughed loudly and said, "Sister Xuanming, this time you have a great opportunity to earn merit, so I will give it to me."

Xuanming Zuwu nodded and said: "Brother fights eternity, I fight chaos."

Shebi Shizu Wu nodded and said, "Okay!"

He shouted loudly, punched in the air, and slammed towards Eternal Heavenly Sovereign.

This punch was powerful.

Wherever he passed, the stars shattered and the galaxy shattered.

The eternal divine furnace sacrificed by the Eternal Heavenly Monarch is even in the void, turning like a top.

The Eternal Heavenly Monarch was taken aback, he shouted loudly and punched the corpse ancestral witch Shebi.

The twelve ancestral witches were transformed by the blood of Pangu.

Fleshly tyrannical.

This extravagant corpse ancestral witch slammed a punch and smashed into the eternal divine furnace.

The Eternal Divine Furnace flew straight out after spinning in an instant.

The Eternal Heavenly Monarch was furious, and with a bang, he smashed over.

As soon as the two fists clashed, the judgment was made.

This Eternal Heavenly Sovereign was directly smashed out by the punch of the corpse ancestral witch.

The ancestral witch, the corpse, smiled proudly and said, "An ant, dare to fight me?"


With a loud shout, the extra corpse ancestral witch, another punch, slammed towards the Eternal Heavenly Sovereign.

Eternal Tianjun hurriedly sacrificed the eternal divine furnace in an attempt to block it.

However, this Eternal Divine Furnace simply can't stop the punching power of the corpse ancestral witch.

With a loud bang, this eternal divine furnace was directly cracked.

The Eternal Heavenly Monarch was furious and shouted: "Damn, you dare to shatter my Eternal Divine Furnace!"


Eternal Heavenly Sovereign, as if going mad, the land of billions of trillions is enveloped by his fierce aura.

At this moment, the entire sky was shaking.

The corpse ancestral witch, looking up to the sky, smiled and waved her fists to start a fierce battle with the Eternal Heavenly Monarch.

On the other side, Chaos Heavenly Monarch's Chaos Divine Chain flew towards Xuanming Zuwu.

This Chaos Heavenly Sovereign tried to trap the Xuanming Ancestral Witch.

Xuanming Ancestral Witch, how could he succeed?

Only a loud noise was heard, and Xuanming Ancestral Witch instantly sacrificed a wall of ice crystals, rushing towards the Chaos God Chain.


The Chaos Divine Chain directly shattered the ice crystal walls.

At this moment, Chaos Tianjun was very excited and excited, and he suddenly felt that he had won.

Xuanming Ancestral Witch, lightly tap your jade feet.

She stepped on the green snake, and the laws of ice blasted towards Chaos Heavenly Sovereign.

The law of ice instantly caused the temperature between heaven and earth to plummet.

One after another chaotic chain, as if frozen.

"how can that be?"

Chaos Heavenly Monarch, his expression suddenly changed.

His Chaos Divine Chain was actually frozen by the law of ice?

At this moment, Chaos Tianjun's expression suddenly changed.

He seemed to have thought of something, and said solemnly: "If you surrender, Wuliu's body will be completely dead!"

Sound off!

Xuanming Ancestral Witch said solemnly: "My Xuanming Ancestral Witch, isn't it easy to kill this ant?"

With a loud shout, Xuanming Ancestral Witch threw a punch at Chaos Heavenly Sovereign.

Chaos Heavenly Sovereign smiled and said, "The female class. How powerful can this punch be!"

He smiled solemnly, and with a bang, he smashed at Xuanming Ancestral Witch.

Xuanming Zuwu's punch directly blocked Chaos Tianjun's punch.

Chaos Tianjun suddenly felt that his breathing was not smooth, revealing a look of shock.

He was completely bewildered.

The fist of this Xuanming Ancestral Witch is so terrifying!


One punch, countless stars, instantly annihilated!

With one punch, this piece of the sky turned into nothingness and was defeated!

With one punch, the universe trembled and wailed.

Chaos Tianjun was taken aback, this punch is too terrifying!

This punch instantly shook Chaos Heavenly Sovereign thousands of miles away.

Chaos Heavenly Sovereign was furious, a female class, An dare to do this?


Chaos Tianjun punched and rushed forward.

He and Xuanming Ancestral Witch fought fiercely.

Ancestral witch camp.

With a wave of Hou Tuyu's hand, all the monks of the Great Desolate Wu clan who died in battle entered the cycle of six paths.

Di Jiang stood on top of Zhan Yun, with his hands behind his back.

"Xuan Ming, Shebi Zhe, this fierce battle will definitely win."

A pair of eyes as deep as abyss swept towards Lei Di Tianjun in the distance.

"Next, this is Lei Di Tianjun."

Di Jiang suddenly felt that it was very easy to attack and create the Heavenly Court this time.

Among the twelve ancestral witches, the two saints slaughtered the Heavenly Lord of Slaughter and the Heavenly Lord of Disaster before they fought.

In this way, it won't take long before you can win the Heavenly Creation and earn merit.

Thinking of this, the rest of the ancestral witches, such as Gonggong ancestral shamans, Chushou ancestral witches, etc., looked at Lei Di Tianjun.

Create the Heavenly Court camp!

Lei Di Tianjun felt the gaze from the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

He suddenly felt that these twelve ancestor witches did not seem to be afraid, and even a little excited and excited.

Lei Di Tianjun was suddenly stunned.

Why are these twelve ancestor witches excited and excited?

He was a little confused.

He looked at Hua Tianjun.

Hua Tianjun gave a deep smile and said, "These ants can be killed by Wu Hua Tianjun!"

Hua Tianjun smiled arrogantly and looked over the battlefield.

When Lei Di Tianjun heard the words, he said solemnly: "With your words, I am relieved!"

He knew the strength of this Hua Tianjun.

Hua Tianjun smiled arrogantly and said: "My Hua Tianjun, is the proud son of the heavens in this great world of eternal life. Looking at the heavens and the world, who can compete with me?"


Hua Tianjun released a powerful aura that shook the heavens.


A universe, unable to withstand Hua Tianjun's powerful aura, shattered and turned into dust.

Hua Tianjun looked up to the sky and smiled, his eyebrows were quite proud.


The entire void trembled.

This was shaken by Hua Tianjun's aura.


In the distance, the corpse ancestral witch shattered the eternal divine furnace of the Eternal Heavenly Monarch with a punch.

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