Chapter 197

Even if it was a tyrannical existence, the so-called invincible Hua Tianjun actually died.

In the distance, the sound of killing shook the sky.

Without the protection of the heavenly masters such as Lei Di Tianjun, these countless fortune-telling heavenly soldiers would be like scattered sand.


The army of hundreds of millions of witch tribes killed the countless panic-stricken heavenly soldiers of good fortune.

The twelve ancestral witches formed a large formation, which directly trapped these fortune-telling heavenly soldiers.

Therefore, in this massacre against the Heavenly Soldiers of Good Fortune, none of the Heavenly Soldiers of Good Fortune could escape.


Several great witches led hundreds of millions of witches to kill the heavenly soldiers.

This is not only a massacre, but also for the witches to earn merit.

The sound of killing shook the sky, and the blood flowed into a river.

This sky was also instantly stained red with blood.

The entire Heaven of Creation seems to be collapsing.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch, standing in the sky, looked at the massacre.

Not a single Ancestral Witch showed a look of pity.

There is fear in the helpless eyes of these countless heavenly soldiers.

Soon, these heavenly soldiers were all killed, and none of them survived.

Di Jiang swept away the ruined Heaven of Creation, he said solemnly: "We will return to the space channel!"


The twelve ancestral witches, leading the army of hundreds of millions of witches, retreated to the space passage.

This good fortune Heavenly Court collapsed suddenly, desolate and lonely.

The entire heaven is like a mountain of corpses.


Suddenly, a huge figure 30 seemed to shroud the heaven of billions of trillions of fortunes.

A powerful figure appeared in the void.

This powerful figure looked coldly at the Heavenly Court of Creation and was very angry.

"Who is it? Who destroyed my good fortune heaven? My good fortune Immortal King will never spare him!"

This powerful figure is the creator of the Heavenly Court of Creation.

The Xeon existence that mega-shakes the immortal world.

Create the fairy king!

The Immortal King of Fortune cast a spell, and quickly read the reason why the Heavenly Court of Fortune was so desolate.

"The Twelve Ancestral Witch, the great army of the Great Desolation, destroyed my Heaven of Creation?"

In an instant, the Immortal King Fortune watched this process again.

He was extremely shocked and very angry.

"Honghuang, Honghuang, I want to destroy Honghuang, destroy the twelve ancestral witches, and avenge my good fortune in heaven!"

The Immortal King Creation roared angrily.

This good fortune heaven was built by him.

However, it was destroyed in the great army of the Great Desolation.

He even saw that there were two saints in these twelve ancestor witches.

"Saints, saints will tremble under my feet!"

The Immortal King of Fortune stepped into the air and went to the Great World of Eternal Life.


This ruined fortune heaven collapsed suddenly and shattered into a pile of dust.

A space channel as large as [-] billion light-years.

The Twelve Ancestors returned with an army of hundreds of millions of witches.

At the same time, the second sage of the demon clan who grabbed the task, led the army of hundreds of millions of demon clan, and went across the border to the upper bound.

The upper realm is just a small world in the big world of immortality.

In the upper realm of this world, there are very powerful beings, and there are even giants that have never appeared in ancient times.

These giants have made the realm into a world that is enough to stand side by side with the heaven of creation in the great world of immortality!

The realm!

Several powerful giants got the news.

For some reason, the Heavenly Court of Creation, which is not far from the Upper Realm, collapsed and fell into ruins.

Even a very powerful existence annihilated the ruined Heaven of Creation with his bare hands!

This is news that shocked the world.

Several giants looked towards the void.

"I heard that the Heavenly Court of Creation was invaded by another world, just like the Buddha world and the dragon world, they were all destroyed. The whole world is in ruins!"

A giant from the upper realm, said solemnly.

He looked worried.

The heaven of creation has been destroyed, will the upper realm be invaded by another realm?

This giant, sweeping away the rest of the giants, said in a deep voice.

Another giant heard the words and said solemnly: "The destruction of the Heavenly Court of Fortune is beyond our expectations. The Thunder Emperor, Chaos, Eternal, Slaughter, and Disaster, these five ancient gods, What a tyrannical existence."

"However, this alien invader killed five Heavenly Monarchs, and even reduced the Heavenly Court to ruins. This kind of slaughtering and eradicating the roots is really cruel, and it is even the same as the destruction of the Buddha and Dragon Realms."

This giant swept away the other powerful giants, and said solemnly: "I thought that these alien invaders were a group, and even had careful plans."

Another giant, named Lord of Qiankun, nodded coldly and said: "Yes, it must be, the purpose of these other worlds is for our immortal world!"

"First destroy our small world, and then gather the strength to attack the great world of immortality!"

The Lord of Crazy Waves swept the void and said solemnly: "The space channel that is hundreds of billions of light-years in size must be weird, maybe it is the channel of another world!"

The Lord of Yin and Yang, his eyes sank, and he said solemnly: "Be confident, maybe get rid of it, this alien invader must have come from a space channel that is hundreds of billions of light-years long. However, who created such a huge space channel?"

Hundreds of billions of light-years, how big is that!

"No matter who it is, this alien invader is our strong enemy. I think that we should send people to the space channel to investigate the enemy's situation.

Lord of the two ceremonies, think about it and say.

The rest of the giants heard the words and said in unison: "Good!"

These giants of the Upper Realm are preparing to go to the space channel.


In the sky above the upper realm of this realm, a sneer spread across the land of trillions of trillions.

"Hehe, there's no need to investigate, we've already arrived!"

After this sneer, a vast holy power instantly shocked the upper realm.

Several giants from the upper realm suddenly changed their expressions, showing shock.

Holy Way!

What a strong Saint Wei!

Hundreds of millions of creatures from the upper world raised their heads and looked at the void.

Above the sky, war clouds shrouded, and a demonic aura shrouded the land of trillions of trillions.

Hundreds of millions of demon races fought against the army, standing on the battle cloud.

Several demon saints, surrounded by two powerful figures, appeared in the upper realm of this realm.

Even one of the figures was projected in front of these giants.

The vast holy prestige covers the land of trillions of trillions.

The monks in the realm looked nervously at the void.

Several giants from the upper realm of the realm, with a cold face, walked into the void.

"Our beings in the upper realm, the time to protect the upper realm has come!"

One of the giants in the realm, Wumeng Patriarch shouted loudly.

Hundreds of millions of monks from the upper realm have formed the army of the upper realm.

This army of hundreds of millions of upper realms, marching on the clouds of war, gathered together.

In the void, the lord of heaven and earth, the lord of Liangyi, the lord of yin and yang, the lord of raging waves, and other giants from the upper realm, looked gloomily at the army of hundreds of millions.

The two powerful demon shadows headed by them showed a playful sneer, as if the entire Upper Realm, even if it was a powerful being, were like ants in their eyes!

"Who are you waiting for?"

Patriarch Wumeng drank in a deep voice and looked at these powerful beings.

Behind the two terrifying demon shadows, several powerful beings shocked him!

"I am the Emperor Taiyi of the East. Today, in the upper realm of the battle world, you and other ants can surrender quickly!"

These two powerful demon shadows, one is Donghuang Taiyi, and the other is the demon emperor Jun.

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