Chapter 27

Immortal volcano!

Yuan Feng called his heir, Jiutian Kunpeng.

Back then, when the Dragon and Han Dynasty were robbed.

Yuanfeng derived from the Phoenix clan, leading birds and the like.

Tiandao sensed the negative and positive energy and entered Yuan Feng's body.

Later, Yuan Feng gave birth to a phoenix egg.

This phoenix egg, entering the realm of nine days of sun, can be transformed into a Peng.

Entering the shadow of the nine secluded earth, it can be transformed into a Kun.

Jiyin made nine sounds and broke out of the shell, named Jiutian Kunpeng.

Nine-day Kunpeng roams the world, feeding on dragons.


Knowing that Yuan Feng had returned, Jiutian Kunpeng came to see him.

"My son Kunpeng obeys the order!"

"Baby obey!"

Jiutian Kunpeng strode forward, and he bowed to Yuan Feng with a respectful look!

"My son, today, Tiandao assigned a battle mission, and I won this battle mission for the Phoenix Clan. This mission is to conquer a Middle Thousand World. Today, I send you to lead an army of millions of Phoenix Clan to conquer this Dou Qi Continent."

Yuan Feng said, and told Jiutian Kunpeng some information about Dou Qi Continent.

When Jiutian Kunpeng heard the words, he immediately showed a touch of joy.

"Follow the law!"

Sound off!

Jiutian Kunpeng strode out, and he gathered an army of millions of Phoenix clan to gather at the undead volcano.


The sound shook the four wilds!

The army of millions of Phoenix tribes gathered in the undead volcano.

Jiutian Kunpeng waved his big hand, gave an order, and shouted: "You and other strong Feng people, follow me to the battle spirit continent!"




A loud bang shook the flood.

Jiutian Kunpeng led the army of millions of Phoenix clan and flew towards the space channel.

East China Sea Dragon Palace!

Zu Long learned that Jiutian Kunpeng went to Dou Qi Continent.

He exerted his supreme mana, and wanted to see how the Nine Heavens Kunpeng would conquer the Battle Qi Continent.

Zixiao Palace!

"Yuanfeng didn't go, just sent Jiutian Kunpeng to fight?"

Daozu Hongjun also paid attention to this Nine Heavens Kunpeng Continent.

Mount Sumeru!

The Demon Ancestor Luo Hu also stood in the void, looked at the strong Phoenix clan, and went to the space passage.

All the great powers of the Great Desolation are paying close attention to this matter.

Hearing this, Qin Tian smiled slightly.

He stood in Tiandao space and set up a broadcast screen directly in the group.

The prehistoric powers in the group, from the screen, can clearly see how the Jiutian Kunpeng of the Phoenix clan is conquering the fighting spirit continent!


Flood shock!

Under the leadership of Jiutian Kunpeng, the army of millions of phoenixes stepped into the space passage and came to this Dou Qi Continent.

The pictures of them fighting the Qi Continent were all broadcast in real time.

Yuan Feng took a sip of the nectar and smiled lightly.

In this kind of middle-thousand world, he doesn't need to take action.

Dou Qi Continent!

Jiutian Kunpeng led an army of millions of Phoenix tribes to invade the Dou Qi Continent.

As soon as he stepped into it, Jiutian Kunpeng was stunned.

He sensed it, and showed a look of surprise.

It turned out that the strength of this Dou Qi Continent was too weak.

And he brought too many strong Feng clan.

The army of millions of phoenix clan is simply crushing this Dou Qi continent.

This is really a cannon to shoot flies, making a big fuss!

Jiutian Kunpeng slapped his forehead and was stunned.


Seeing the great powers of the Great Desolation of Dou Qi Continent from the group, they were also shocked.

isn't it?

Is this Dou Qi Continent?

Dou Qi of this level is like an ant at all.

These prehistoric powers immediately knew why Yuan Feng didn't make a move.

This Dou Qi Continent can be destroyed by the Nine Heavens Kunpeng alone.

So, why should Yuan Feng go?

"This Dou Qi Continent is worthy of the Middle Thousand World, it's too weak."

Shi Qilin was a little annoyed.

This time, the Feng Clan easily earned [-] Heavenly Dao merits.

Why didn't he get it.

Shi Qilin was very angry in his heart.

But he couldn't.

The Demon Ancestor Luo Hu said solemnly, "It is too easy for the Feng Clan to obtain these [-] virtues of the Heavenly Dao."

Yuan Feng heard the words, smiled and said, "Thank you for your praise!"

He looked very happy.

The rest of the great powers of the Great Wilderness were all stunned for a moment.

Once this army of millions of Phoenix clan makes a move, it will destroy the creatures of this Dou Qi Continent.

Zhongzhou World!

As the strongest Soul Emperor, he sat cross-legged.

The sudden appearance of the space channel made him have a strong idea of ​​​​invading.

Immediately, he led the powerhouse of the soul clan to appear directly in the space passage!


The Soul Emperor and other Soul Clan powers encountered the Jiutian Kunpeng who also appeared suddenly, and the Phoenix Clan's army of millions.

Seeing this, the Soul Emperor and the powerful Soul Clan couldn't help being shocked and uneasy.

What's happening here?

How come so many strong men suddenly appeared in the Dou Qi Continent?

He found that these powerhouses were too many.

And these powerhouses all looked at them contemptuously, as if the comers were not good.

The Soul Emperor looked at the leader, and he said solemnly, "I am the Soul Emperor, who are you? Why did you break into the Dou Qi Continent!"

As the strongest person in Dou Qi Continent, although the Soul Emperor was shocked, he was also a little angry.

This group of people of unknown origin suddenly broke in and did not say hello to him.

There was a touch of majesty in his voice.


He released a grudge and stared at Jiutian Kunpeng.

"I am Jiutian Kunpeng, I am here today to conquer the Battle Qi Continent. You wait, either surrender to me or die!"

Jiutian Kunpeng's voice was cold and there was no room for relaxation.

Or, your Soul Emperor will surrender.

Or, kill them directly!

Jiutian Kunpeng's words actually looked down on the powerhouses of the Dou Qi Continent.

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