This demon saint snorted coldly and said, "Die."


The Primordial Hammer volleyed out and smashed at the Lord of Yin and Yang.

The Lord of Yin and Yang screamed and was smashed by the Primordial Hammer to shatter the Primordial Spirit, and his body died.

Lord of Yin and Yang, died in battle.

Patriarch Wumeng was even more shocked, and he hurriedly wanted to escape.

Several demon saints stopped him in an instant.

These demon saints directly trapped Patriarch Wumeng.

Ancestor Wumeng was startled, and he hurriedly dodged to a place.

A demon saint stopped him instantly.

This demon saint sneered and said, "Want to escape?"


This demon saint slashed at the body of the ancestor of Wumeng with an axe.


Ancestor Wumeng shouted and was directly hit by an axe.

His body was broken, and the primordial spirit hurriedly escaped.

Another demon saint picked up the Primordial Hammer and blasted his Primordial Spirit.

There are several giants in the world, none of them survived.

Several demon saints were only injured.

The two saints of the demon clan looked at each other and said coldly, "Kill all the army of the upper realm in this realm!"


The army of hundreds of millions of demon clans shouted in unison, and they all rushed towards the army of the realm.

Several demon saints, or slashed wildly with an axe, millions of troops were wiped out.

Or hit it with a hammer, and kill a million troops.

Soon, the realm was defeated, the corpses piled up like mountains, and the blood flowed into rivers.

The second saint of the demon clan, with a big wave, led hundreds of millions of demon clans into the space passage. .

Chapter 202


The second sage of the demon clan, leading the army of hundreds of millions of demon clan, left the ruined realm, and went directly to the space channel in the distance.

At this time, the desolate world above the realm was reduced to ruins.

In this upper realm, countless creatures have died.

The corpses of these creatures are piled up like mountains.

The blood flowed into a river, and the blood light dyed the earth and the sky red.

The air of desolation and defeat, the air of depression, permeates the sky above the realm.

All of a sudden, a black shadow swept up a wind of trillions of trillions, and instantly fell to the desolate world.

The corpses are all over the world.

This dark shadow was furious.

He roared angrily and said with great indignation: "Who is it, who killed my life!"

It turned out that he was the Lord of the Upper Realm, a very powerful being.

He looked up and saw a space passage as large as [-] billion light-years in the sky.

Space channel, shadowy.

His eyes sank, and he rushed forward in an instant.


The space channel as large as hundreds of billions of light-years, rich in spiritual energy, surged outward.

This powerful being, listening attentively, was instantly furious.

"It turns out that 30 turned out to be a world called Honghuang. Damn it, I want to kill it!"

This black figure suddenly thought of something, and he said solemnly: "I will go back and tell Immortal King Ji Yuan."

When the sound fell, he waved his hand, obliterating the entire Upper Realm.

Immediately, disappear!


The Great Wilderness Sea!

In the space channel of hundreds of billions of light-years, hundreds of millions of demon figures appeared.

The two saints of the demon clan, Di Jun and Taiyi, led the army and returned to the Jiehai dam.


The Feng Clan and the Qilin Clan, led by their respective patriarchs Yuan Feng and Shi Qilin, returned to the sea.

It turned out that this monster race was fighting the upper realm of the world.

Yuan Feng led an army of hundreds of millions of Feng clan to attack the origin dynasty.

Shi Qilin led an army of hundreds of millions to attack the Holy Land of Truth.

This is the beginning of Qilin and Yuanfeng, back from the battle.

"My Yuanfeng destroyed the origin dynasty!"

Yuan Feng stood on the Jiehai dam and smiled solemnly.

"My first unicorn also fought in the Holy Land of Truth."

Shi Qilin looked up to the sky and smiled, looking quite dashing.

At this time, Qilin and Yuanfeng were standing in the void respectively.

The demon emperor Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi drank in a deep voice and said, "Our demon clan has also conquered the upper realm."

The three tribes of the Great Desolation have all fought against the small worlds of the Great World of Eternal Life.

Even, this battle has gained merit.

This move made the ancestor Rahu happy.

The demon ancestor Rahu stood in the void, he waved his hand and said, "Where is the strong one in my demon clan?"


With a loud bang, the Demon Venerable of this Demon Race led hundreds of millions of Demon Races across the void.


Hundreds of millions of demons, their momentum is soaring, and they are shaking the sea of ​​​​the world.

"You wait for the demon army, there is a Primordial Demon Sect in this immortal world, and you go to fight the Primordial Demon Sect."

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Lord planned the capital, led the Heavenly Demon God, the Earth Demon God, and hundreds of millions of demons, and said in unison: "Follow the decree of the Demon Ancestor!"

"Follow the decree of the ancestors!"


This Demon Venerable planned the capital and led hundreds of millions of Demon Races to step into this space passage as large as hundreds of billions of light-years.


Seeing the hundreds of millions of demons leave, the demon ancestor Luo Hu said with a deep smile: "My demons will definitely be able to defeat the ants of the primordial demon master!"

In the eyes of his ancestor, Luo Hu, the demon of the Primordial Demon Sect was nothing but a fake demon.

And his demon ancestor Rahu is the real demon.

Thinking of this, this demon ancestor Luo Hu smiled proudly.

He looked at the void, hundreds of millions of demons, and instantly disappeared in the space passage.

The entire void, the army of hundreds of millions of demons, instantly stepped into the space channel.

Eternal life!

Primordial Demon Sect!

Several terrifying shadows instantly appeared in the land of the Primordial Demon Sect.

These terrifying ghosts looked at each other, and there were several killing intents in their eyes.

At this moment, several ghosts sighed in unison.

"The upper realm has been defeated, and several powerful people, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Lord of Yin and Yang, and other giants of the upper realm have already died in battle."

As soon as this statement came out, one of the powerful beings said solemnly: "Not only the upper realm, but also the dragon realm, the Buddha realm and other strong people, all were killed."

"Who is it that dares to kill so many strong men like us?"

"It is said that it is a group of invaders from another world!"

"Another world? Is the other world so powerful? Will the powerhouses of the Primordial Demon Sect still be afraid of these other worlds?"

A powerful demon powerhouse drank in a deep voice.

His eyes sank, and he looked towards the void.

In the void, a space channel as large as [-] billion light-years appeared in an instant.

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