He wants to blew himself up with the Demon God and let him know that he is strong.

He wants to perish with the gods and gods and guard the primordial demon sect.

Thinking of this, the Primordial Spirit of the Lord of Fierce Evil instantly blasted away.


Demon God, how could he be frightened by this fierce master?

He snorted coldly and said, "How dare a mere primordial spirit make trouble?"

With a big wave of his hand, billions of trillions of magic light instantly covered the Lord of Fierce Evil in the sky.

Immediately, he reached out and squeezed.

The fierce master Yuanshen, who was trapped in the trillions of trillions of magic lights, screamed and turned into ashes in an instant.

The Lord of Fierce Evil has also died in battle!

The Lord of the Ancients, the Lord of Humans and Demons, was furious and even more ferocious.

The lord of human beings and demons, forming the power of law, heaven and earth, and fiercely fighting the demon gods of the earth.

The Earth Demon God smiled and waved his hand, turning it into a billion trillions of celestial phenomena, just like the Lord of Humans and Demons.


The Lord of Humans and Demons and the Earth Demon God, both of which are billions of trillions of law, heaven and earth, blasted towards each other.


This punch is like shattering and tearing the world to pieces.

Countless stars were instantly reduced to ashes.

One after another universe, turned into nothingness!

The Lord of Human Demons and the Earth Demon God fought countless times.

The Lord of Humans and Demons shouted angrily and said, "Today, the Lord of Humans and Demons must kill you."

With a loud shout, the Lord of Human Demons punched the Earth Demon God again.

The Earth Demon God smiled and said, "Really?"

With a big wave of his hand, billions of trillions of magic light turned into a terrifying power, and smashed towards the Lord of Humans and Demons.


This Demon Lord and Earth Demon God are both very tyrannical and very powerful beings.

The Lord of Human Demons and the Demon God of Earth smashed to the ground, and there was a fierce battle.

Suddenly, the Lord of Human Demons groaned and was blasted tens of thousands of miles away by the fist of the Earth Demon God.

The Lord of Humans and Demons showed a shocked look.

He looked at the Earth Demon with a shocked expression on his face.

It turned out that the body of the Lord of Humans and Demons was shattered by this punch.

This shocked the Lord of Humans and Demons.

He said in shock, "How is that possible?"

At this moment, the Lord of Humans and Demons was completely stunned.

He is a very tyrannical lord of demons.

A tyrannical existence of the Primordial Demon Sect was shattered by ants from another world?

For the Lord of Humans and Demons, this is like a great shame.

The Lord of Humans and Demons roared and said, "I want to explode, I want to kill you."


The Lord of Humans and Demons came into being, with a body of billions of trillions, as if covering the entire void.

The land of trillions of trillions is shrouded in his figure.

Once self-destructed, this trillion trillion land will instantly be reduced to ruins and become nothingness.

Such terror really excited the Lord of Greed and Lord of Cruelty.

After all, the self-destruction of the Lord of Humans and Demons will turn the army of hundreds of millions of demons into ashes.


In the distance, the battle between the Lord of Minggu and the Seven Killing Demon Lords continues.

Seven kills of the devil, several times to block the offensive of the Lord of the Ancients.

The Lord of the Ancient Ming Dynasty shouted angrily and slammed towards the Seven Killing Demon Lords.

However, they were all blocked by the Seven Killing Demon Lords in an instant.

This time, the lord of the ancient world was angry.

He shouted angrily and slammed towards the Seven Killing Demon Lords again.


The Lord of Human Demons blasted towards the Earth Demon God.

The Earth Demon God waved his hand, and suddenly, a terrifying magic light instantly trapped the Lord of Human Demons who was about to explode himself.

At this moment, in the shocked eyes of all the powerhouses, the Earth Demon God opened his bloody mouth, which could devour billions of trillions of land.


The Earth Demon God devoured the Lord of Human Demons in one bite.

This time, the master of greed and cruelty was frightened.

The Demon God here devoured the Lord of the Demons and Demons who was about to explode, and he even licked his tongue unfinished.

"The Lord of the Demons, it tastes good."

Raising his head and sweeping away the greedy master and cruel master, the Earth Demon God said coldly, "Wait, who is coming?"

In the distance, the Lord of Underworld saw that the Lord of Humans and Demons was swallowed.

He shouted angrily and said: "You will kill my brother. Destroy my Yuanshi Demon Sect, the lord of my ancient Ming Dynasty, and you will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

The Seven Killing Demon Lord sneered, as if looking at an ant, he punched the Lord of the Ancient Ming Dynasty!


The lord of the ancient world was blasted thousands of miles away with a punch.

His body was arrogant, and he punched the Seven Killing Demon Lord again.

The two fists clashed, the fierce battle between the devil and the devil, the whole void was terrifying.

In a short while, between the demon and the demon, the body was broken.

At this moment, the bodies of the Lord of the Ancients and the Seven Killing Demon Lords were like cracks.

The cracks that spread like cobwebs did not stop the two powerful beings from fighting fiercely.

These two powerful beings, on the contrary, become more and more brave the more they fight.


The lord of greed and the lord of cruelty looked at each other.

The air of greed and cruelty instantly pervaded the trillions of trillions of voids!

In an instant, the void of trillions of trillions was chaotic! .

Chapter 205

The Great Demon Lord is dead!

The Lord of Humans and Demons has been swallowed!

The Lord of Evil is dead.

In this Primordial Demon Sect, the lord of the Ming Dynasty fought against the Seven Killing Demon Lords, and both sides were injured.

The bodies of the Lord of the Underworld and the Seven Killing Demon Lords are all broken.

The lord of greed and the lord of cruelty are formed separately.

The terrifying greed and cruelty instantly filled the void.

The greedy master and the cruel master blasted towards the Heavenly Demon God and the Earth Demon God respectively.

The Heavenly Demon God and the Earth Demon God are very tyrannical beings in the Prehistoric Demon Race.

Demon Venerable swept away two figures, and he said coldly: "These ants, kill them all, and leave none of them.-"

Sound off!

Heavenly Demon God and Earth Demon God nodded and said, "Okay!"

Immediately, the Heavenly Demon God and the Earth Demon God stepped forward.


The Lord of the Ancients and the Seven Killing Demon Lords are all covered with cracks like spider webs.

These two powerful beings, you come and go, and kill each other separately.

This time, the seven slaying demon lords and beheading the powerful demon lord completely angered the lord of the ancient world.

The lord of the ancient Ming Dynasty shouted angrily, and he must kill seven demon kings to pay for his life.

However, between him and the Seven Killing Demon Lords, they were both injured.

For a time, the lord of the ancient world was slightly startled.

"Why are these Seven Killing Demon Lords so tyrannical?"

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