
The appearance of these figures shook the Pill World.

"The Lord of the Pill World, the Lord of the Ghost World is here!"

"The Lord of Pill World, the Lord of My Demon World is here!"

"The Lord of the Pill Realm, the Lord of the Fire Realm is here!"

In an instant, the powerhouses of these several worlds came to the Pill Realm.

The masters of these worlds include the master of the shock world, the master of the soup world, the master of the poisonous world, the master of the underworld, and so on.

These world masters are all heroes who dominate one side.

Every World Lord is very tyrannical.

These world masters fell instantly and bowed towards the master of the Dan world.

When the Lord of the Alchemy Realm heard the words, he waved his hand and shouted, "Please!"

Immediately, these world lords were invited to the world palace of the alchemy world by the lord of the alchemy world!

This world palace is where the Lord of the Dan world lives.

All the world masters nodded and stepped into the world palace.

The lord of the alchemy world sits in the main seat, and the rest of the world lords sit separately.

Some of the creatures in the alchemy world suddenly discovered that these world masters who dominated one side and were invincible were all worried at the moment.

Every World Lord seems to have been hit by something.

For a time, these world masters all sighed.

The Lord of the Alchemy Realm said solemnly, "I didn't expect that an invader from another realm would be so tyrannical."

The strength of the Alchemy Lord is obviously above those who dominate the world.

These world masters, looking at the master of the alchemy world, said in unison: "It is the same for us."

These world masters all showed angry expressions.

Small worlds such as the Dragon Realm, the Buddha Realm, the Upper Realm, and the Origin Dynasty were all destroyed.

Even the Primordial Demon Sect was reduced to ruins, desolate and empty.

Even that powerful existence, the Primordial Demon Lord, fled away in an instant.

The entire immortal world, the world masters of those small worlds, is a cloud of misery.

The primordial demon master fled to the great world of immortality in a hurry.

This time, it completely caused a chain reaction in the immortal world.

The entire immortal world is shaking.

In particular, the world masters of those small worlds, although they used to be powerful in the past, are now wilted.

These small world world masters hurriedly gathered in the alchemy world, preparing to form an alliance.

These small worlds decided to form a group and form an alliance.

At that time, if one party is in trouble, all parties will support it.

Therefore, the world masters of these small worlds are all gathered in the alchemy world.

The world masters of these small worlds gathered in the alchemy world and looked at each other.

"These alien invaders are too hateful. I thought that we could form an alliance. Once the alien invaded, we would swarm them, how?"

"Having said that, among us, we should find a powerful being to lead us!"

The voice fell, these small world world masters, one side of the hero, all looked at the master of the alchemy world! .

Chapter 210

In the world of Dan!

All the world world lords looked at the alchemy world lord in unison.

The Lord of the Pill Realm is the most tyrannical existence among the realm masters.

The Lord of the Pill Realm felt the realm masters of the Fire Realm, the Ghost Realm, the Demon Realm, and the Shock Realm, and looked at him.

He smiled in a deep voice and said, "The Lord of my Pill World, He De He Neng, has the support of all the World Lords-."

He, this is just humility.

The Lord of the Fire Realm said solemnly: "The Lord of the Pill Realm, don't refuse. We think that it is better to form an alliance as soon as possible."

The Lord of the Shock World heard the words, nodded and said: "I agree, our small world may also be invaded by another world, it is better to form an alliance directly. Once one side is in trouble, we will swarm it."

The master of the ghost world heard the words and said solemnly: "Why don't we kill the other world that is hundreds of billions of light-years in size, we are all overlords on one side, once we are in alliance, are we still afraid of these other worlds? Besides, we There are hundreds of millions of troops."

As soon as these words came out, all the world masters were all bright.

In the current situation, it is better to take the initiative.

Thinking of this, these otherworldly masters all agreed.

These world masters looked at the master of the Dan world.

The Lord of the Pill Realm heard the words and said, "These otherworldly powerhouses have extraordinary strength, why don't we ask the Immortal King Jiyuan for instructions!"

"The Immortal King Ji Yuan and the Immortal King Ji Yuan are very powerful beings. If we go to invite, then, once we have conquered the Great Desolation, wouldn't the big head be given to Immortal King Creation and Immortal King Ji Yuan? I thought we would go. Conquer and conquer the Great Desolation!"

"There are billions of trillions of creatures in the prehistoric world, and there are hundreds of millions of trillions of our allied forces. What's more, once the overlord of our party, once the coalition forces, unless it is a prehistoric world, we can conquer this prehistoric world."

As soon as these words came out, these world masters were moved.

A world master nodded and said: "It's not too late, we will call the army immediately, how about going to the flood?"

The Lord of Pill World pondered for a moment, then he looked up and said, "Okay!"

Immediately, the realm masters of the realm of shock, the realm of fire, the realm of demons, and the realm of ghosts all stepped out of the realm of alchemy and went back to recruit troops and horses.

The Lord of the Alchemy Realm, convened an army of hundreds of millions in the Alchemy Realm.

He sighed in a deep voice and said: "The invasion of other worlds, the dragon world, the Buddha world, the upper world, etc., were slaughtered, and the blood flowed into rivers. The Lord of my alchemy world, now leading you and other hundreds of millions of troops, to form an alliance with the rest of the world masters, Form an allied army and fight the floods. You and others will go with me."

Sound off!

The hundreds of millions of alchemy cultivators said in unison, "We will abide by the decree of the lord of the world!"

"We respectfully abide by the decree of the realm master!"

Hundreds of millions of alchemy cultivators responded in unison.

These hundreds of millions of alchemy monks are gathered at the border of the alchemy world.

Once the rest of the world masters, lead the crowd to come.

This [-]-one-million-year-old army will fight over a space channel that is hundreds of billions of light-years long.

a few days later.

The Lord of the Earthquake Realm came with an army of hundreds of millions of the Earthquake Realm.

The Lord of the Fire Realm came here with an army of hundreds of millions of Fire Realms.

The master of the ghost realm, led the army of hundreds of millions of ghost realms to arrive.

The Lord of the Demon Realm came with an army of hundreds of millions of Demon Realms.


These world world masters led the hundreds of trillions of world alliances to fight the army, and went to the space channel as large as hundreds of billions of light-years.


Clouds of war shrouded, and the drums of war sounded.

Hundreds of millions of trillions of battles were fought against the army, and the sound of killing was shocking.

Every World Lord was shocked in his heart.

This time, the allied forces of all realms will be able to win the battle against the prehistoric world.


These alien world masters stepped into the space passage as large as hundreds of billions of light-years.


Jiehai dam, Great Wall of Chaos!

This demon ancestor, Rahu, stepped into the realm in an instant.

This time, the Demon Race fought against the Primordial Demon Sect and met the Primordial Demon Lord.

Tens of thousands of demons were reduced to ashes.

It also damaged the Demon Lords such as Po Jun, Greed Wolf, and Seven Kills.

Although the Demon Race fought against the Primordial Demon Sect, it also suffered huge losses.

The Demon Lord Jidu, the Heavenly Demon God and the Earth Demon God led the army of the Demon Race and worshipped the demon ancestor Rahu.

"We will meet the Lord Demon Ancestor!"

"We will meet the Lord Demon Ancestor!"

Countless demon races fought against the army and said in unison.

The Demon Ancestor Rahu waved his hand and said, "Wait a minute!"

With a smug smile, he went to the Honghuang chat group to show off.

In this chat group, Hongjun Daozu is talking.

It turned out that in this great world of eternal life, there are still some small worlds.

Such as the shock realm, the fire realm, the ghost realm, the demon realm, the Dan realm and so on.

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