
This punch is powerful.

Countless stars turned into powder!

A galaxy collapsed in an instant.

Every universe is crying.

The entire firmament, the land of trillions of trillions, seems to have been smashed and torn apart by this fist.

The demon emperor Jun, with Hetu Luoshu on his head, was not afraid.

He drank in a deep voice, and Hetu Luoshu instantly formed a great formation of Hunyuan Heluo.


A loud bang!

This Hetu Luoshu, the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array formed, directly enveloped the entire sky.

The Lord of the Pill Realm came with a fist.

In an instant, it was covered by the Hunyuan Heluo formation and volleyed.

At this moment, the Lord of Pill World was instantly shocked.

He was actually trapped in the magic formation carefully designed by the demon emperor Jun?

He did not know that this was the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array.

Immediately, the Lord of the Pill Realm showed an extremely shocked look.

He wants to rush out of this Hunyuan Heluo great formation.

However, no matter how he punched and how powerful he was, this Hunyuan Heluo formation remained motionless.

The Lord of the Alchemy Realm suddenly felt a burst of fear and anxiety in his heart.

He suddenly felt scared for a while, and didn't know how to break through this magic circle.


This terrifying magic formation instantly released the might of world-annihilation, and the Lord of the Alchemy World who was in it was completely frightened.

Hetu Luoshu, hovering in the void.

The Hunyuan Heluo Great Array directly suppressed the Lord of the Pill Realm in the air.

The Lord of the Pill World has completely collapsed.

As the Lord of the Pill Realm, the most powerful existence in this immortal realm.

But he was instantly covered by the demon emperor Jun, trapped in the formation.

Lord of the Pill Realm, how can you not be afraid?

In his heart, there was incomparable fear.


This Hunyuan Heluo Great Array is full of everything.

The Lord of the Alchemy Realm, trapped in this Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, he suddenly felt that time was passing by in an instant... 0

In the distance, the sea has turned into mulberry fields, and the mountains have become barren.

Time seems to be passing by rapidly, and even the Lord of Pill Realm feels that his body is under unprecedented pressure!

When you think about it, everything is born!

When a thought falls, all things perish!

This Hunyuan Heluo Great Array is very terrifying, Vientiane Senluo.


Suddenly, the Lord of Pill World felt an unprecedented fear.

He roared and hurriedly threw his fist towards the Hunyuan Heluo array.

This Hunyuan Heluo great formation did not shake at all, as if it had taken root.

Even if he used the escape technique, he would not be able to escape this Hunyuan Heluo great formation.

The Lord of the Pill World, roaring frantically, he was going crazy.

The demon emperor Jun looked coldly at the trapped Lord of the Pill Realm.

The great powers of the Great Desolation, seeing that the Lord of the Alchemy World was trapped, instantly blasted towards the hundreds of trillions of expeditions.


Millions of war troops, instantly turned into powder.

Millions of war troops were instantly annihilated.

Each of the great powers of the Great Desolation will kill millions of troops.

Rivers of blood flowed and corpses piled up like mountains.

Hundreds of trillions of battle troops were brutally slaughtered by the gods of the flood.

All of this was seen by the Lord of Pill World.

He roared angrily and roared: "The Lord of the Pill Realm, I want to kill this great wasteland!"

With a loud roar, the Lord of the Pill Realm blasted towards the Hunyuan Heluo formation.

At this moment, the Hunyuan Heluo formation did not shake.

The Lord of the Pill Realm roared like crazy.

His eyes were about to be torn apart, and his eyes were blood red.

He saw that this army of hundreds of trillions of trillions was brutally slaughtered under the suppression of the gods.

Moreover, this army of hundreds of millions of trillions of battles is like an ant.

Hundreds of millions of trillions of troops fought, and most of them died tragically in the suppression of the gods of the floods.

The gods of the Great Wilderness, or sacrificed weapons, or waved palms and fists.

Every time they attacked, there were millions of troops who fought and vanished.

Hundreds of trillions of cultivators from the prehistoric times also came forward.

This is a massacre against countless immortal crusades!

Soon, under the suppression of these great powers, none of the billions of trillions of otherworldly expeditions survived.

The blood flowed into a river, and the blood light dyed the sky and the land of trillions of trillions of red.


The Lord of Pill World, with a roar, suddenly rushed out of the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array! .

Chapter 217


The gods of the Great Desolation have taken action one after another, slaying the army of hundreds of millions of trillions of wars in the other world.

The Lord of Pill World, who was trapped in the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, was furious.

He desperately hit the Hunyuan Heluo formation, and finally, rushed out.

Standing in the void, he looked towards the gods of the Great Wilderness, towards the Demon Emperor Jun.

He shouted in a deep voice: "Demon Emperor Jun, I want you to pay for your life!"

If it weren't for Di Jun, his billions of trillions of battles would not have been killed.

If it weren't for Di Jun, he wouldn't be trapped in this Hunyuan Heluo Great Array.

Thinking of this, the Lord of Pill World was very angry.

He shouted angrily, punched in the air, and slammed towards Di Jun.

The demon emperor Jun was slightly surprised.

The Lord of the Pill World actually broke through his Hunyuan Heluo Great Array?

Even this Hetu Luoshu has some cracks.

This time, the Demon Emperor Jun was also very angry.

He shouted angrily and said, "Lord of the Pill World, die for me!"


The demon emperor Jun drank in a deep voice, punched in the air, and slammed towards the Lord of the Pill Realm.

The Lord of the Pill Realm roared and punched.


The two powerful beings threw their fists and blasted away.

As far as the fist is, the world is tearing apart, and the universe is crying.

Immediately after the confrontation, the Lord of the Alchemy Realm was shaken 30 miles away.

Demon Emperor Jun, but a saint of heaven.

With a big wave of his hand, a vast holy might blasted towards the Lord of the Pill World.


This vast holy power made the Lord of the Pill Realm feel like he was hit hard.

This punch directly smashed the body of the Lord of the Pill World, and the primordial spirit was about to collapse.


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