"What exactly is going on?"

Immortal King Ji Yuan was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand a little.

"Another world invades our immortal world?"

Immortal King Ji Yuan thought for a while, and looked at the Primordial Demon Lord and Immortal King Creation in amazement.


The origin fairy king, with black hair like a waterfall, strode forward.

He raised his head and looked at Immortal King Ji Yuan.

"Era Immortal King, my holy land of truth, has also been destroyed 々~."

An old man stepped into the door of eternal life.

He is the creator of the Holy Land of Truth.

The king of truth.

Immortal King Ji Yuan's expression changed slightly. He swept away these Immortal Kings and said in shock, "What's going on?"

"I'm coming!"

The Lord of the future, appeared at the gate of eternal life.

He informed Immortal King Ji Yuan of the events one by one.

From the destruction of the Buddha realm and the dragon realm, to the destruction of the Holy Land of Truth, the realm of the realm, and the destruction of the Yuanshi Mozong.

After that, it was the lord of the alchemy world, the lord of the ghost world, the lord of the demon world, and other world heroes, who were smashed by the halberds, and the hundreds of millions of trillions of troops were destroyed by the floods.

These things are all presented by the Lord of the Future, who casts the laws and presents them.

At this moment, except for the Immortal King Ji Yuan, all the Immortal Kings related to these other worlds were very angry.


Immortal King Ji Yuan also instantly understood.

It turned out that this was an alien world called Honghuang.

In this other world called Great Desolation, those Great Desolate Powerhouses invaded the Great World of Eternal Life.

The small world, like the stars holding the moon, was destroyed.

Some world masters invaded the floods, but none of them survived.

Yuanshi Mozong, Buddha Realm, Jie Shangjie, Origin Dynasty, Holy Land of Truth and other places were all destroyed.

Immortal King Ji Yuan understood.

He said extremely angrily: "No wonder I feel the aura of desolation and despair, that's how it is!"

This Era Immortal King was furious.

He swept away these immortal kings and said solemnly: "Honghuang, this prehistoric world, dare to invade our immortal world, the Immortal King of My Era, I would like to fight the floods with everyone, everyone, what do you think?"

Hearing the words, the Immortal King of Xuanmen said solemnly: "The Immortal King Ji Yuan, this prehistoric powerhouse is like a cloud, and all the Immortal Kings should go."

Immortal King A and B seemed to think of something. He licked his tongue and said: "It is said that the spiritual energy of this prehistoric world is very abundant. I think that I can take down the prehistoric world and integrate this world into our immortal world."

The Immortal King of Truth said solemnly: "Good! I want to avenge my Holy Land of Truth!"

The Immortal King of Truth was furious.

Thinking of the destruction of the Holy Land of Truth, he was very angry.

The Origin Immortal King heard the words, nodded and said: "Me too, my Origin Dynasty has also been destroyed!"

Origin Immortal King, very angry.

These prehistoric ants dare to destroy his origin dynasty, and he will never forgive him lightly!

Hearing the words, the King of Witch Kings said solemnly: "I heard that there are still witches in this prehistoric wilderness, and what are the twelve ancestral sorcerers, the king of my sorcerer kings, willing to fight against the twelve ancestral sorcerers of this vast wilderness!"

Hearing the words, the Immortal King Taixu said solemnly: "My Immortal King Taixu, I would like to help all the Immortal Kings. These ants are too strong. It is really hateful to dare to kill so many strong people like me!"


All Immortal Kings are angry and angry.

At the same time, these immortal kings are also looking forward to how to win the flood.


In the void!

Impressively, the dragon of trillions of trillions appeared.

This is an infinite dragon.

He is the ancestor of the dragon world of the dragon world.

The ancestor of the Dragon Realm fell to Guanghua, sighed in a deep voice, and said: "々' My Dragon Realm has also been destroyed. My ancestor of the Dragon Realm, I would like to be the first to fight, I don't know the Immortal King Ji Yuan, what do you think?"

When Immortal King Ji Yuan heard the words, his eyes as deep as abyss swept away these Immortal Kings.

He nodded and said, "Don't worry about the Immortal King, we will go to the Great Wilderness, take the Great Wilderness, and kill those Great Wilderness Powerhouses!"


The anger of despair and the anger of desolation are accumulating more and more.

The rest of the Immortal Kings heard the words and said in unison: "Good, we will abide by the decree of the Immortal King Jiyuan!"

"We respectfully abide by the decree of the Immortal King Ji Yuan!"

These Immortal Kings all showed a touch of excitement.

One of the Immortal Kings seemed to have thought of something.

He said solemnly: "This prehistoric powerhouse seems to want to conquer our immortal world."

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, an immortal enchantment cultivator came quickly.

The monk guarding the immortality enchantment hurriedly said: "All the immortal kings, in the void of our immortal world, a space channel as large as [-] billion light-years has appeared, out of the [-] trillion battle army, and even more extraordinary. (Ok) Xeon's presence."

As soon as these words came out, these Immortal Kings immediately understood.

This is the great army of the Great Desolation.


Several immortal kings learned that the floods were coming.

The Origin Immortal King, the Truth Immortal King, the Lord of All Beasts and other Immortal Kings said solemnly: "Era Immortal King, we would like to go to the enchantment and take down these great powerhouses."

Think of the origin dynasty, the Holy Land of Truth being destroyed.

The Origin Immortal King and the Truth Immortal King were all furious and asked for a fight.

The ancestor of the Dragon Realm shouted: "What are we waiting for?"


The ancestor of the Dragon Realm, the Immortal King of Dimension, the Immortal King of Truth, the Immortal King of Origin, and the Lord of All Beasts.

The five supreme beings of the gate of eternal life strode out and left the gate of eternal life.


The existence of the five supreme powers directly walks out of the enchantment and looks at the outside world!

Enchantment nickname!

Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian and other prehistoric powerhouses, look at the enchantment! .

Chapter 219

The world of eternal life, outside the enchantment!

Hongjun and other flood camps lined up outside the barrier.

In the void, there was a wave of fluctuations.

In an instant, several tyrannical existences appeared.

These powerhouses are the ancestors of the Dragon Realm, the Immortal King of Dimension, the Immortal King of Origin, the Immortal King of Truth and the Lord of All Beasts who came from the gate of immortality.

This lord of all beasts is burly and very tyrannical.

The origin fairy king is a young man.

But the Immortal King of Truth is an old man.

The ancestor of the Dragon Realm, majestic, swept away from the distance, angry.

Dimensional Immortal King, this ancient Immortal King holds the power of different dimensions.

These immortal powerhouses were furious.

The Great Desolate Army stopped outside the barrier.

Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Yang Mei Daxian, Pangu Sanqing, Yaozu Ersheng and other great powers in the wild, all looked into the distance.

The immortal powerhouses that appear in these few statues are all the merits of walking!

Thinking of this, these prehistoric powerhouses were a little excited.


The origin fairy king, step out.

His sharp eyes swept away these great powers, and he said solemnly: "Wait for the ants in the wild, destroy the dynasty of my origin, the fairy king of my origin, I will kill you today!"

The Origin Immortal King shouted angrily, very angry.

As the ruler of the origin dynasty, his origin dynasty, countless strong people, countless creatures, were destroyed by the flood.

"Who is the one who destroyed the dynasty of my origin, stand up, and I will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

The Origin Immortal King shouted angrily, and his body erupted with infinite power.

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