Zulong heard the words, hehe smiled, and said: "I am Zulong, I'm afraid you can't do it?"

With a loud shout, Zulong waved his hand and punched a dragon fist, slamming towards the ancestor of the dragon world.

The fists clashed, and countless stars were instantly annihilated.

Two dragons shrouded in trillions of trillions are entangled in the cracked void.

The ancestor dragon and the ancestor of the dragon world are indistinguishable.

On the other side, Shi Qilin and the Immortal King of Truth also fought fiercely together.

This Qilin and the Immortal King of Truth instantly killed them.

The Immortal King of Truth hated Shi Qilin for daring to destroy his Holy Land of Truth.

He shouted loudly and punched Shi Qilin with a punch.

Shi Qilin was not afraid of danger, he shouted loudly and punched the Immortal King of Truth.


This Immortal King of Truth clashed with Shi Qilin with one punch, and countless stars were annihilated in an instant.

At this moment, all the powerhouses looked towards the battlefield.

The gate of eternal life.

Through the crystal wall, the Primordial Demon Lord saw a figure that shocked and hated him.

This figure is the demon ancestor Rahu who defeated him.

The Primordial Demon Lord snorted coldly, he pointed in the direction of the ancestor Luo Hu, and hummed: "It was him who destroyed my Primordial Demon Sect!"

As soon as these words came out, Immortal King Ji Yuan looked into the distance.

This is a ghost like the primordial demon master.

This ghost looks stronger than the Primordial Demon Lord.

Even, Immortal King Ji Yuan saw that not far from Luohu, the ancestor of the devil, there are several supreme beings.

One of the Taoists is very tyrannical.

Immortal King Ji Yuan showed a look of shock, and he said in shock: "This Taoist is very powerful, so be careful."

Obviously, Immortal King Ji Yuan felt the terror of this powerhouse.

The Immortal King of Fortune snorted coldly and said, "My Fortune Heaven was destroyed by the hands of these ants."

At the thought of the creation of the Heavenly Court being destroyed.

The Immortal King of Creation was very angry.

The Primordial Demon Lord on the side snorted coldly and said, "The Immortal King of Creation, how about we join forces to kill all the ants that invaded the gate of eternal life?"

As soon as these words came out, the Immortal King Fortune nodded and said, "Good!"

At this moment, these Immortal Kings all looked towards the battlefield.

On this battlefield, several immortal kings fought against the powerhouses of the three prehistoric clans.

This immortal king of truth, the immortal king of origin, the ancestor of the dragon world, fought the first unicorn, Yuanfeng and Zulong.

The battle of these six powerful beings can be described as earth-shattering.

The entire immortal world seems to be collapsing.

Good Fortune Immortal King, snorted coldly, and said, "These ants in the great wilderness have some skills."

As soon as the voice fell, the entire sky was torn apart.

This is the wrath of the Immortal King Creation.

Good Fortune Immortal King, very angry.

Among these prehistoric powerhouses, there must be someone who killed him and created the Heavenly Court.

"If I catch it, I will definitely turn you into powder."

Immortal King Fortune thought in his heart and was very angry.


Ancestor dragon battles the ancestor of the dragon world.

This ancestor of the dragon world shouted angrily, wanting to kill Zulong.

In the void, two very tyrannical beings formed a terrifying power.

This Zulong drank in a deep voice, and suddenly sacrificed his magic weapon Zulong's spear.


This ancestral dragon spear came out as the ancestral dragon transformed, and with a bang, it slammed towards the ancestor of the dragon world.

This ancestor of the dragon world suddenly felt the power of this ancestral dragon's spear.

With a big wave of his hand, he punched in the air and smashed towards the Zulong's spear.

How powerful is this ancestral dragon's spear.


The ancestor of the dragon world suddenly felt that his fists were all shattered by this ancestral dragon's spear.

The ancestor of the Dragon Realm was completely shocked.

Could it be that this Ancestral Dragon is so powerful?

He is also a strong dragon, so he can't kill Zulong?

Do not!

He doesn't believe it!

The ancestor of the Dragon Realm roared and said, "Ancestral Dragon, the ancestor of the Dragon Realm, how powerful, how could he be afraid of you?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

With a big wave of his hand, he sacrificed a magic weapon and blasted towards Zulong.

Zulong held Zulong's spear and secretly sacrificed Zulong's seal.


The spear of the ancestor dragon instantly collided with the magic weapon of the ancestor of the dragon world.

The magic weapon of the ancestor of the dragon world is quite powerful, and it has the potential to suppress the spear of the ancestor dragon.

The ancestor of the Dragon Realm smiled proudly and said, "You are like an ant, die today!"

This magic weapon was instantly suppressed towards the Ancestral Dragon Spear.

Seeing this, Zulong secretly sacrificed the Zulong seal, and with a bang, smashed the head of the ancestor of the dragon world.


A loud bang.

This ancestral dragon seal directly suppressed the ancestor of the dragon world.

The ancestor of the dragon world screamed, and the dragon body of the trillion trillion seemed to be shattered.


He showed a look of panic and anxiety.

His body was shattered, and a primordial spirit burst out in an instant, showing panic.

Seeing this, Zulong smiled solemnly, and then sacrificed the Ancestral Dragon Seal, and smashed it towards the ancestor of the Dragon Realm.


The primordial spirit of the first ancestor of the Dragon Realm cracked in an instant.

He roared and yelled unwillingly.


This ancestor of the dragon world, the primordial spirit was broken, and the body died.

The ancestor of the dragon world died in battle.

This is a very tyrannical existence.

His death in battle shocked some Immortal Kings.

"How could this be?"

The gate of immortality, an immortal king, showed a shocked look.

The ancestor of the Dragon Realm who was killed was tyrannical.

And he was killed by this Zulong.

Thinking of this, these Immortal Kings showed a look of surprise.

Origin Immortal King vs Yuan Feng.

The truth fairy king battles the beginning of the unicorn.

The existence of the two supreme powers also felt that the ancestor of the dragon world died in battle.


The Immortal King of Origin and the Immortal King of Truth drank in a deep voice, and the offensive was even more severe.

The ancestor of the dragon world died in battle.

The flood camp.

Some ancestor-level powerhouses are praising Zulong.

Daozu Hongjun said lightly: "The first battle of Honghuang won the victory, and the ancestor dragon killed the ancestor of the dragon world, a great achievement."

Zulong killed the ancestor of the Dragon Realm, and he turned around and stepped towards the prehistoric camp.

Suddenly, a figure stepped out.

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