Holding the Dou Qi Continent, he directly threw the Dou Qi Continent into the sea.


A Dou Qi Continent turned out to be in the sea, like waves.

Jiutian Kunpeng completed the task and returned to the undead volcano!

"Jiutian Kunpeng, he succeeded in conquering the Qi Continent, and rewarded [-] heavenly virtues!"

Heavenly Space!

Qin Tian's voice spread throughout the entire flood.

All the great powers of the Great Wilderness are envious of the Feng Clan and the Nine Heavens Kunpeng.

Jiutian Kunpeng returned to the land of the Feng clan and bowed to Yuan Feng.

Hearing this, Yuan Feng smiled gratified, and said, "Okay, my son is working hard, you can go to rest first!"


Jiutian Kunpeng agreed and went back to the cave.

This time, [-] merits and virtues of the Heavenly Dao fell into the hands of the Feng Clan.

Yuan Feng was very happy when he heard about it.

Prehistoric age does not know.

During this period of time, the great powers of the Great Desolation also went to kill those people from other worlds and obtain the merits of heaven.

Heavenly Space!

Qin Tian was not idle either. As the floods continued to grow, he also felt that his cultivation was much stronger.

Even, in the future, it can catalyze more Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Qin Tian smiled and looked at the chat group.

During this period of time, these great powers of the Great Desolation went to their own to experience, and they were quite rewarding.


in the chat group.

Daxian Yang Mei, who had been silent all the time, told what he had encountered recently.

"Everyone, I recently discovered a world, but that world is guarded by the World Crystal Wall System. With my strength, I cannot break it!"

Daxian Yang Mei sighed and said the difficulties he encountered.

The world crystal wall system is like a spirit formation, which protects one side of the world.

The words of Daxian Yangmei were soon heard in the group.

Hongjun: "This world's crystal wall system, even you can't open it? This world, I have some expectations!"

"Yes, the world with the world crystal wall system, I am afraid there is a supreme existence."

The ancestor Rahu sneered: "Any supreme existence is vulnerable in the eyes of my ancestor Rahu."

The ancestor of Yin Yang smiled and said: "Raise your eyebrows, if you can't break the crystal wall system of this world, let me come!"

Daxian Yang Mei was speechless for a while.

This world was originally discovered by him.

Therefore, he will never allow anyone to interfere.

Immediately, Immortal Yang Mei devoutly turned to the sky and said, "The way of heaven is above, the disciple has encountered a problem, please ask the way of heaven to solve the doubt for the disciple!"

Raising eyebrows, Daxian bowed devoutly.

Qin Tian, ​​who was looking at the chat group, heard the words and said, "I already know, you give me the coordinates of this world, and I will open up the space channel!"

Sound off!

Daxian Yang Mei couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

And those great powers of the Great Desolation all showed envious expressions.

With the help of heaven, the crystal wall system of the world will definitely be opened.


Immortal Yang Mei was so excited that he hurriedly gave the coordinates of this world to Tiandao.

Qin Tian saw the coordinates of this world.

He drank in a deep voice, and with the power of heaven, he planned to break the crystal wall system of this world.


Five-colored light shrouded the sky.

The entire void exudes terrifying holy might.

The great powers of the Great Desolation were too frightened to speak.

The strength of Heavenly Dao is really powerful!


The world of trillions of trillions was shaken.

This world's crystal wall system is like a spirit formation.

There seems to be only one crystal wall fetal membrane.

But this fetal membrane is not easy to break.

At least, in the eyes of Daxian Yang Mei, this fetal membrane is too terrifying.

All his spells were blocked by this fetal membrane.

Seeing this, Qin Tian drank in a deep voice.

The power of heaven, turned into the power of countless laws, runs through the crystal wall system of this world.


First, the crystal wall system of this world cracked.

What followed was large-scale cracking and falling off.

The crystal wall system of this world fell off piece by piece.

One after another brilliance, illuminating the heavens!

The great powers of the Great Wilderness were all shocked.

The way of heaven really broke the crystal wall system of this world.

With the rupture of the world crystal wall system.

Qin Tian heard a system prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, a big world has been detected, is it connected?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian put his hands on his back and said solemnly, "Open it!"

"Ding, I'm opening up the world for the host!"

Soon, the system opened up the world for Qin Tian.

Compared to getting through Dou Qi Continent, this scan and get through will take some time.

Qin Tian waited patiently.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have successfully opened up this world!"

"Ding, scanning the world for the host!"

"Ding, the system scan was successful. This is a big world, and in this big world, there is a powerful existence."

The system will tell Qin Tian the information of this great world.

Qin Tian heard the words and knew the end!

"It turns out that this is the Great Thousand World called Immortal Phoenix Realm."

Qin Tian smiled lightly as he looked at the data transmitted by the system.

The supreme existence of this Immortal Phoenix Realm is called the Immortal Emperor!

The name of this supreme power is domineering.

Qin Tian smiled lightly and returned to the chat group.

Those great powers in the wild are all guessing what kind of world this is.

Yang Mei Daxian was afraid that these great powers would take the credit.

He thought in his heart: "No matter what kind of world this is, I will win it for Heaven!"

He is waiting for the coming of heaven.


The prehistoric land was shaken.

Countless golden lotuses fell from the sky.

In the vast void, a space channel suddenly appeared.

Five colors of light, shining on this space passage!


All the great powers of the Great Wilderness showed excited expressions.


The chat group fluctuated.

Qin Tian came to the group and said solemnly: "This place is called the Immortal Phoenix Realm, it is a great world, and its supreme power is the undead emperor!".

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