However, he was trapped by this quasi-ti.

The King Buddha of Freedom in the World roared and slammed towards Zhunti.

The reception on the side, sacrificed the swinging magic pestle, and smashed it at the free king Buddha of the world.


The King Buddha of Freedom in the World shouted loudly.

He was smashed by the swinging pestle that was brought in, and the golden lotuses fell from his body and shattered! .

Chapter 234


One after another, golden lotuses, one after another Buddha's light, fell piece by piece from the body of the King Buddha of Freedom in the World.

He took out the swinging magic pestle and hit the king Buddha of freedom in the world.


The King Buddha of Freedom in the World cried out, trembling all over his body.

With a shocked look on his face, he hurriedly backed away thousands of miles away.

This quasi-examination and reception, look at the world's free king and Buddha.

The two saints of the West showed a playful look.

In this world, the King Buddha of Freedom, I suddenly felt that this quasi-advancement and reception is very powerful.

He was very angry, very angry.

His Buddha characters, his Zen characters, were all shattered.

"Damn it!"

The Worldly Freedom King Buddha roared angrily.

He wants to kill these two Western saints.

He is the great master of the Buddha world and the founder of Buddhism.

However, the two saints in the West destroyed his Buddhist realm.

Thinking of this, the King Buddha of Freedom in the World shouted angrily.

This is more powerful than other Immortal Kings.

The Buddha's light of the King of Freedom in this world shrouded the four fields, as if it enveloped the two saints in the west.

The two Western sages looked at each other with a smile, and said indifferently: "The king of freedom in the world, we, the two Western sages, want you to submit, are you willing?"

As soon as these words came out, the King Buddha of Freedom in the World was furious.

He roared angrily and said, "I, the King of Freedom in the world, will never surrender, never admit defeat."


The King Buddha of Freedom in the World rushed towards Zhunti and Jieyin.

When Zhunti and Jie Yin heard the words, their expressions changed, and they said coldly, "In this case, we will kill you."

With a deep voice, the two Western saints each waved their magic weapons and blasted towards the King Buddha of Freedom in the World.

The king of freedom in this world, without fear.

With a big wave of his hand, a terrifying Buddha light spread over the land of billions and trillions.

The entire sky is shrouded.

Countless stars, in this Buddha's light, were instantly annihilated.

A universe collapsed and tore apart.

The King of Freedom in this world is very tyrannical.

He shouted angrily, and the entire void was shaking violently.


A piece of Buddha's light turned into a Buddha's palm to lift the sky, and it slammed towards Jie Yin.

A piece of Buddha light turned into a lifting Buddha fist and blasted towards Zhunti.

In this world, the King Buddha of Freedom actually fights to mention and lead by himself.

Zhun mentions and receives Yin, with a cold expression on his face, he said coldly: "The King Buddha of Freedom in the World, die!"

Then he took out the swinging magic pestle and slammed towards the Qingtian Buddha's palm.

Zhunti sacrificed the blessing divine pestle and blasted towards the Qingtian Buddha Fist.

How can this Heaven-raising Buddha Palm and Heaven-raising Buddha Fist be blocked?


For a time, the swinging magic pestle shattered the Qingtian Buddha's palm.

Blessed the divine pestle and shattered the Qingtian Buddha Fist.

The King of Freedom in this world was shaken thousands of miles away by the power of the two Western saints.

With a look of horror on his face, he looked at the two Western Saints.

Could it be that he could not kill the two Western saints?

Do not!

The King Buddha of Freedom in the World roared angrily, and with his hands, he raised an infinite Buddha power and slammed towards the Second Saint in the West.

To mention and receive, look at each other.

The two Western sages and the world's free king Buddha began to fight.

The gate of eternal life!

The Primordial Demon Lord saw it in his eyes and couldn't help but exclaim: "Not good!"

He suddenly realized that the world is free, the king and Buddha, and dangers are all around him.

The first ancestor holy king and the mythical old man saw this, and their faces turned cold.

The ancestor saint king said coldly: "The king and Buddha of freedom in the world can't stop the two saints in the west."

He raised his head, looked at the old man Shinhwa, and asked, "Shall we go?"

The old man Shinhwa nodded when he heard the words.

Immediately, the mythical old man and the first ancestor holy king left the gate of eternal life and went far away.


In this world, the King of Freedom, how can he stop this quasi-advancement and reception?

Soon, it was crushed by this quasi-promotion and reception.

This makes the world free king and Buddha, and dangers abound.

When the demon ancestor Luo Hu heard the words, he snorted coldly, and said, "It's really slow to mention and lead."

The demon ancestor Rahu looked towards the battlefield.

If it were him, he would directly kill the King Buddha of Freedom in the World.

These two Western saints are clearly procrastinating.

When the Western Second Sage heard the words, it was like a deaf ear.

I am afraid that only the two sages of the West know how powerful the King of Freedom in the world is.

Immortal Yang Mei said indifferently: "Rahu, the ancestor of the devil, the King Buddha of Freedom in this world is also a powerful being."

The demon ancestor Luo Hu heard the words, snorted coldly, and said, "You can't wait, I'll come!"

After striding out, he was going to kill the King Buddha of Freedom in this world.

Daozu Hongjun took a step forward and blocked the demon ancestor Luo Hu.

"Fellow Daoist Luohu, are you going to violate the way of heaven?"

"The way of heaven?"

When the demon ancestor Luo Hu heard the words, he was shocked.

He, no matter how powerful, did not dare to go against the will of Heaven.

Immediately, this demon ancestor Rahu stopped talking.

At this time, the two sages in the West are fighting against the Buddha of Freedom in this world.

The King Buddha of Freedom in the World was suppressed by the two Western saints, and his body shattered.

But see, the primordial spirit of the King and Buddha in this world has fled in a hurry.

He fled directly to the barrier.

Upon seeing this, he shouted loudly, and took out the swinging magic pestle.


His swinging magic pestle slammed towards the primordial spirit of the Buddha of Freedom in the World.


The entire void shook for a while.

From the enchantment, a powerful axe stretched out.

The axe slammed directly towards the Dang Mo pestle.


The swinging magic pestle that he brought out was blocked by the axe, and the time was suddenly dimmed.

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