The primordial spirit of the King Buddha of Freedom in this world wailed and screamed, and the painful body died and the road disappeared.

"Damn it!"

The mythical old man and the first ancestor, the holy king, saw that the primordial spirit of the world's free king and Buddha was killed.

The existence of these two supreme beings is very angry.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

The King Buddha of Freedom in the World is dead.

The old man Shinhwa directly knocked Zhunti's blessing divine pestle down with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, the Mirror of Mythology hit Zhunti.

Zhunti shouted and retreated.

After receiving the hard-fought ancestral king, he suddenly felt that the first ancestral king was stronger than him.

"I take the lead, willing to fight the last drop of blood for the flood?"

Jieyin roared and sacrificed his magic weapon.

The first ancestor, the holy king, sacrificed the gate of killing immortals and sacrificed the axe of nature.


The gate of Zhuxian traps the Dang Moji.

The axe of nature, like the axe of billions of trillions, slammed toward the treasure house.


How can this fetching treasure building block the axe of nature?

With a loud bang, this natural axe directly shattered the treasure house.


With a scream, he was knocked back.

The Western Second Sage, the magic weapon was broken, and the army was defeated.

at this time.

The mythical old man and the first ancestor, the holy king, shouted sharply and said, "You wait for ants, who dares to fight us?"

In this myth, the old man and the first ancestor, the holy king, defeated the two western saints.

They suddenly felt that these wild ants were nothing more than that.

Therefore, this mythical old man and the first ancestor holy king showed a very arrogant look.

The demon ancestor Rahu snorted coldly, and he was about to step forward.

Suddenly, a figure cut him off.

"I Tongtian, come to fight with you!"

In the Three Clears, Tongtian strode out and looked at the old man of the myth!

"My Yuanshi, come to fight with you!"

Yuan Shi stepped out and looked at the first ancestor, the holy king.

This Yuanshi and Tongtian strode out, and countless stars were instantly annihilated.

This mythical old man and the ancestor holy king looked at each other and sneered.

The old man of Myth held the Mirror of Myth, and he said solemnly: "Tongtian? You are like an ant, do you dare to fight me?"

The first ancestor, the holy king, swept away Yuanshi, and his eyes as deep as abyss flashed a bright light.

He sneered and said, "Yuanshi. You are like an ant, dare to fight me?"

The mythical old man and the ancestor holy king both showed very arrogant expressions.

Yuan Shi was very angry, he was already arrogant enough, and there was someone more arrogant than him.



Yuanshi and Tongtian stepped forward together.

Star rivers, unable to withstand the holy prestige of these two saints, collapsed suddenly!

The vast holy prestige covers the land of trillions of trillions!Husband.

Chapter 236

The gate of eternal life!

The powerhouse who stepped out of this step is not someone else, but the strongest existence in this immortal world.

He is the master of the three ancient emperors. Except for the great destiny technique, he has practiced all three thousand avenues.

Even, he sat quietly at this gate of eternal life for [-] years.

His strength is the number one among the Immortal Kings.

His magic weapon is the Hongmeng Temple, the divine artifact of the heavens!

His appearance shocked the Primordial Demon Lord and the Immortal King of Era.

The Immortal King of Fortune, seeing his arrival, was deeply apprehensive.

He is the supreme being of this eternal world.

"I meet the Daoist Hongmeng!"

Immortal King Ji Yuan stood up, bowed devoutly to him, and saluted.

He is the Daoist of Hongmeng!

The Taoist Hongmeng heard the words and said solemnly: "I am practicing at the gate of eternal life, who disturbed my purification?"

He swept away the Primordial Demon Lord and the Immortal King of Creation.

Seeing this, the Immortal King Good Fortune and the Demon Lord Ersanqi Yuanshi couldn't help lowering their heads.

Immortal King Ji Yuan hurriedly said: "It's a group of ants in the wild."

Immediately, inform the Daoists of Hongmeng about the evil deeds of Honghuang in the great world of eternal life.

Hongmeng Taoist heard the words, his face was not wavered.

He said lightly: "It turned out to be a group of ants named Honghuang, I want to see how powerful they are!"

He sat in front of the gate of eternal life, with a pair of eyes, looking at the battlefield.

Out of bounds!

On the battlefield, the prehistoric sage Tongtian and Yuanshi, the ancestor sage king and the mythical old man, started a fierce battle.

Hongmeng Taoist raised his head and looked into the distance.

His eyes fell on Hongjun Daozu, Demon Zu Luo Hu and Yang Mei Daxian.

"These three powerful beings are not ordinary. They should be the most powerful beings in the wild!"

Hongmeng Taoist, feeling the strength of the Taoist ancestor Hongjun, the ancestor Luo Hu and the great immortal Yang Mei, was slightly afraid in his heart.

The flood camp!

Hongjun Daozu, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu and Yang Mei Daxian raised their heads in unison and felt a gleam in their eyes, as if they were peeping at something.

The demon ancestor Luo Hu sacrificed the God-killing spear and said solemnly: "Who is peeping!"

The land of trillions of trillions is shrouded in vicious aura.

This Hongmeng Taoist froze in his heart and hurriedly retracted his gaze.

The Demon Ancestor Luo Hu felt the light from his eyes disappear and snorted coldly.

This Hongmeng Taoist suddenly felt a shock.

"These prehistoric powerhouses are too strong."

However, this also happened to arouse the desire to conquer the Daoists of Hongmeng.

Daoist Hongmeng smiled proudly and said, "In this way, it is just so that these prehistoric powerhouses know how powerful I am!"

When Immortal King Ji Yuan heard the words, he immediately showed a relieved smile.

With the help of the Daoists of Hongmeng, we will definitely be able to defeat the ants in the flood.

It's done!

on the battlefield!

The old man Shinhwa looked at Tongtian, and he said solemnly, "Are you going to fight me with your bare hands?"

Hearing the words, Tongtian waved his hand and shouted, "Come on the sword!"


In this void, the land of trillions of trillions.Covered in an instant.

An infinite sword intent came towards the bottom.

In this sword intent, a magic weapon flew towards Tongtian.

In an instant, this precious sword fell into Tongtian's hand.

Sword name, Qingping!

Tongtian held the Qingping sword and looked at the old man of the myth.


The old man of the myth, with a roar, said: "You are like an ant, even if you have a sword, it can't hurt me!"

With a loud shout, the mythical old man took out the mirror of myth and blasted towards Tongtian.

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