This million merits fell into Yang Mei's body.

Yang Mei was overjoyed and said, "Thank you Tiandao."

He looked very happy.

"Yang Mei shocks the undead emperor and takes down the Immortal Phoenix Realm. It's really easy."

"Why don't we have such good luck as Yang Mei."

"To be honest, it's too easy for Yang Mei to get millions of merits this time."

"The main thing is that the undead emperor is too weak."

Those great powers in the wild, there are many discussions.

Some are very envious of Yang Mei.

However, the great powerhouses like Old Ancestor Ming He and Zu Long were happy on the surface and angry in their hearts.

Who made Yang Mei reject them?

In the void!

Qin Tian felt that the prehistoric land had grown stronger.

He returned to the Heavenly Dao space.

Just arrived!

A system prompt sounded in his ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, scanning a large world, do you open a space channel for the host?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian couldn't help stunned.

The system automatically scans to a large world?

Immediately, Qin Tian said, "Get through!"

He wants to know what kind of world will appear in this space channel.

Will this Great Thousand World be like the Immortal Phoenix Realm of the Immortal Emperor?


"Ding, opening a space channel for the host!"

"Ding, the space channel has been opened for the host. Scanning for the host!"

A burst of system prompts came to my ears.

Space channel, the other end!

This is a world full of magic.

Endless magic energy, rendering the land of trillions of trillions.

In this devilish world, the largest devil palace.

Thirteen soaring shadows descended from the sky.

These thirteen shadows are all the main gods of the demon world in this world!


Thirteen main gods of the devil world, sitting in the magic palace of hundreds of millions of feet!

In the void!

The dark clouds are dense, and the magic is rolling.

Countless magic clouds shrouded the sky.

These Demon World Lord Gods looked at each other, quite proud.

"Today, we have returned from fighting in various places and have gained a lot!"

The Lord of Judgment, swept away the Lord God of the Demon Realm present, with a burst of ecstasy.

"We have fought for countless years and conquered countless worlds, but our Primordial Demon Realm has reached a bottleneck."

The Lord of Slaughter swept away the Demon Lord God present, and said solemnly: "Now, we need a way to break through the bottleneck!"

As soon as this statement came out, the rest of the main gods of the demon world felt the same way.

The Primordial Demon Realm has been fighting for countless years.

As the main gods of the demon world, they have also conquered many worlds.

However, the development of the Primordial Demon Realm has reached a bottleneck.

It is impossible for their cultivation to improve.

However, if a powerful world emerges, perhaps, this status quo will be changed.

After all, it is not the way for the Primordial Demon Realm to keep invoking and inflicting such constant internal friction.

The Thirteen Master Gods of the Primordial Demon Realm looked at each other.

For so many years, they have fought in the Quartet, and they are also inquiring about a more powerful world.

However, this kind of world is like a rare breed.

The Lord of Destruction heard the words and said solemnly: "If we can find this more powerful world, or even take this world as our own, it will be very useful for us to improve our cultivation base!"

The Lord of Destruction, with a fierce face.

As the main god of the demon world, he is good at destroying the world.

In the past, he slaughtered a world with his own hands.

"Extremely true, but where do you find this higher world?"

A Demon World Lord God pondered for a moment and asked.


In the ancient demon world, the void shook.

In the giant earthquake, the terrifying demonic energy was dispersed.

The billions of trillions of demonic energy originally shrouded in the ancient demon world were separated.

This ray of light that broke through the Primordial Demon Realm instantly aroused the idea of ​​the Thirteen Primordial Demon Realm Lord Gods and the creatures of the Primordial Demon Realm.

After all, under the shroud of billions of trillions of demonic energy, suddenly, a beam of light descended, which must attract the eyes of most creatures.


The beam spreads, dispelling endless demonic energy.

A huge space channel appeared in the sky above the ancient demon world!

For a time, the Thirteen Master Gods of the Primordial Demon Realm showed a look of shock.

"Space channel?"

"Space channel?"

The Thirteen Primordial Demon Lord Gods looked towards this space passage.

The Lord of Order, who is in charge of the Law of Order, pinched his fingers, and in an instant, a touch of joy appeared.

"Everyone, everyone, this space channel is really for the sake of our Primordial Demon Realm Lord God!"

"You may not know that at the other end of this space channel, other worlds are written in series!"

The words of the Lord of Order caused the rest of the Lord of Demons to be ecstatic.


I really do whatever I want.

The thirteen main demon gods of the ancient demon world all looked towards the space passage.

One of the main gods of the Demon Realm pondered for a moment and said, "Let's do it!"

He couldn't wait, and wanted to rush out of the space channel to see what kind of big world that side was.

Even, he can get some rare treasures from this big world, which can assist his cultivation.

The Lord of Order pondered for a moment and stopped: "Don't worry, we don't know yet, at the other end of this space channel, the strength of that world's powerhouse."

The Lord of Order is relatively calm.

He felt that the space channel that suddenly appeared was very unusual.

Another Demon Lord God thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, why don't I send someone to spy on the truth!"

The rest of the Demon Realm Lord Gods heard the words and said in unison: "Good!"

Immediately, the thirteen Primordial Demon World Lord Gods began to discuss!



Heavenly Space!

Qin Tian stood in the Heavenly Dao space and heard a system prompt!

"Ding, the system scans the world successfully!"

"Ding, this world is a vast world called the Primordial Demon World!"

"In this ancient demon world, there are thirteen main gods, known as the main gods of the ancient demon world. Each of the main gods of the demon world has survived for countless years, and their strength is in the realm of quasi-holy."

"Furthermore, the Heavenly Dao of this ancient demon world has the cultivation of a saint!"

A system notification sound came into Qin Tian's ears.

Qin Tian's expression changed slightly when he heard the words.

The thirteen main gods of this ancient demon world turned out to be quasi-sacred realms?

This is a small challenge for the great power of Honghuang!

But Qin Tian knew.These prehistoric powers are not afraid of these ancient demon gods.

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