Feeling the aura brought by Gan Lin, Sanqing showed a look of joy.

"Brother, we have three clears, and we have obtained the merits and virtues of heaven. Now, it is better to concentrate on practicing while taking advantage of this sweet rain."

Pangu Sanqing had just been born, and his cultivation was not high.

Yuan Shi's words caused Lao Tzu to nod his head and say, "Good!"

This Pangu Sanqing was all excited.

Sanqing entered the cave and retreated to practice.

Sanqing does not know.

After the Kunlun Mountains, under the nourishment of the rain, a gourd vine grew.

This gourd vine is slowly extending and growing.

Soon, a flower bone blossomed.

East China Sea!

The rain is pouring down, nourishing the East China Sea.

East China Sea Dragon Palace!

When Zulong learned that the rain was falling from the sky, he and the dragon family were on the East China Sea, enjoying the nourishment of the rain.

Some dragons with shallow cultivation bases, under the nourishment of the rain, have made breakthroughs in their cultivation bases.



Above the East China Sea, countless dragon races made a puff sound.

Seeing the improvement in the cultivation of the Dragon Clan, Zulong's face was full of joy.

"Thank you Tiandao!"

Zulong bowed devoutly.

The vast East China Sea is endless.

Immortal islands, rising from the sea.

These immortal islands, nourished by the rain, are overgrown with exotic flowers and plants.

There are also some immortal islands, which gradually merged with the currents of the East China Sea.

From a distance, this new immortal island is vast.

It is like a golden ao in the East China Sea!

Just above this Golden Ao Island, there are three islands supported by giant tortoises in the East China Sea.

These are the three immortal mountains of Penglai, Yingzhou and Abbot that stand above the East China Sea.

Above the immortal mountain, exotic flowers and plants are everywhere, full of spiritual energy.

Immortal volcano!

The rains fell from the sky, nourishing the land of the phoenix clan.

Countless Phoenix Clan experts, under the nourishment of Gan Lin, have improved their cultivation.

The faces of every Phoenix Clan strongman were filled with joyful smiles.

Yuan Feng was very happy when he saw this scene.

It's amazing.

He suddenly felt that Heavenly Dao was really thinking about the Phoenix Clan.

Today, the cultivation of these powerhouses of the Feng clan has improved.


Kirin Cliff!

When Shi Qilin saw this endless rain, his face was full of joy.

Even in the Western Demons.

The rain fell from the sky, nourishing the demon army.

The demon ancestor Rahu bowed devoutly and was grateful to Heaven.

Even, in the land of six reincarnations.

The ancestors of Samsara, the ancestors of Huangquan, and the ancestors of the Nether also felt the rain from the sky.

This endless rain fell into the six reincarnations, and fell into every inch of land in the prehistoric land.

Countless prehistoric creatures have been nourished by the rain.

Countless exotic flowers and plants radiate a vibrant scene.

All ethnic groups in this prehistoric wilderness are gradually recovering their vitality.

Longevity Mountain!

Zhenyuanzi sat cross-legged in the Taoist temple.

He felt the rain falling from the sky.

Zhenyuanzi heard the words and hurried to the backyard.

In the backyard of his Wuzhuang Temple, there is a ginseng fruit tree.

This is the best innate spiritual root between heaven and earth.

Zhen Yuanzi opened the courtyard door and walked into the courtyard.

When he raised his head and looked at the ginseng fruit tree, he was completely stunned.

This ginseng fruit tree is growing vigorously.

Picking up Jin Jizi, Zhen Yuanzi knocked on one and took a sip.

Suddenly, Zhen Yuanzi showed an excited look.

The originally bitter ginseng fruit has become extremely sweet and delicious after being nourished by the rain!

Zhen Yuanzi was very surprised and very happy.

"Thank you Tiandao!"

After Zhen Yuanzi finished eating the ginseng fruit, he bowed devoutly to the Tao of Heaven!

If there is no rain from heaven, these ginseng fruits will still be bitter.

Thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi showed a very excited look.

Not only that, but on the Kunlun Mountain, a yellow plum tree grew.

The Queen Mother of the West, who walked out of the cave, suddenly found this yellow plum.

The Queen Mother of the West was overjoyed and said, "This is Huang Zhongli!"

Huang Zhongli is also the best innate spiritual root.

The Queen Mother of the West looked at Huang Zhongli and was overjoyed.

Immediately, the Queen Mother of the West set up a magic circle around Huang Zhongli.

This is to prevent Huang Zhongli from being missed by others.

Lunar star!

Xihe and Changxi also felt the rain falling from the sky.

These two lunar goddesses suddenly felt that the spiritual energy of lunar stars was increasing.

The rain is falling, and all ethnic groups in the prehistoric are recovering their vitality.

Between heaven and earth, it has become more prosperous.

sun star.

Emperor Jun and Taiyi invited Sun Ancestor to be a guest.

Old Ancestor Sun readily agreed.

Tai Jun Taiyi had a chat with Old Ancestor Sun.

The ancestor of the sun taught his true sun fire to Di Jun and Taiyi.

Throughout the prehistoric times, all things flourished.

The rain fell from the sky and fell on every corner of the flood.

This endless rain falls day and night.

Prehistoric age does not know.

For three thousand years, for all ethnic groups in the prehistoric wilderness, for the great power of the prehistoric wilderness, it is just a moment.

Three thousand years passed quickly.

On the last day of the rain, the entire prehistoric land became full of vitality, with exotic flowers and plants, spiritual trees, etc., growing vigorously.

Three thousand years passed in a blink of an eye.

Zixiao Palace!

Hongjun opened the Zixiao Palace, and a strong innate spiritual energy rushed to his face.

East China Sea Dragon Palace!

Ancestral dragon soared into the sky, and on the sea surface, there was a strong innate spiritual energy floating.

Ancestral Dragon soared into the air and greedily swallowed it.

Throughout the prehistoric era, there are prehistoric powers going out everywhere.

They breathed the first strong innate spiritual energy!

In the past three thousand years, some great powers have grown in cultivation.

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