What followed was an incomparable shock.

He thought of what Tiandao said before.

At the time, he was still hesitant.


The demon ancestor Rahu crushed the jade cup, his face full of surprise.

He regrets it!

God knows how he hesitated and lost this opportunity to be sanctified!

The annoyed Luo Hu couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"If I had known this earlier, I should have promised the way of heaven immediately."

"It's better now, the sanctification opportunity that originally belonged to me was robbed by Hongjun."


Rahu was very angry and blamed himself very much.

And not far from Mount Sumeru.

The Zhun mentioning and receiving by the Bade Pond, faintly felt the anger of the demon ancestor Rahu.

Zhun Ti and Jie Yin, guarding the Bade Pond, have been cautious, for fear of annoying the powerful Demon Race.


Hearing the voice of Hongjun descending the holy power, three thousand years later, he will preach in the Zixiao Palace.

This quasi-examination and reception, looked at each other, overjoyed.

They suddenly felt that their chance had come. .

Chapter 58

Prehistoric age does not know!

In the blink of an eye, three thousand years have passed.

For all sentient beings in the Great Desolation, these three thousand years are just a flick of a finger, and they are gone in an instant.

Three thousand years later, it will be the day when the ancestor Hongjun preached in the Zixiao Palace!

In the prehistoric times, countless great powers and powerhouses all went to the Zixiao Palace.

Pangu Sanqing in Kunlun Mountains!

Sun Star Emperor Jun Taichi!

Bade Pool quasi-raised and received!

There are also Nuwa Fuxi, Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun, Jiutian Kunpeng and other prehistoric powerhouses.

Countless great powers in the wild, crossed the chaotic turbulence and came to the outside of the Zixiao Palace.

Zixiao Palace!

standing in chaos.

Auspicious clouds are shrouded, and the rays of light are ten thousand.

A holy power shrouded the Zixiao Palace.

All the great powerhouses looked towards Zixiao Palace.

Among them, the most embarrassing thing is this quasi-promotion and reception.

Sitting cross-legged, Hongjun sensed the arrival of the gods.

"Today, Wu Hongjun preached in Zixiao Palace, please return to your position quickly!"

"I have left six futons in Zixiao Palace, waiting for those who are destined."

"Anyone who is destined can come!"


The vast holy power is shrouded in the void.

This ancestor Hongjun gave an order and the gate of Zixiao Palace opened wide.

All the great powers of the Great Desolation, filed in, all very happy.

"Six futons, six destined people, we Sanqing, are the authentic Pangu, can account for three of them!"

That Pangu Sanqing came quickly.

Yuan Shi's face was full of joy, very happy.

Lao Tzu and Tong Tian were silent for a while.

If you can sit on the futon, you will be instructed by the saint at that time.

Even, they Pangu Sanqing, can also be sanctified.

Fuxi and Nuwa, who came later, also looked at each other.

Nuwa looked at the futon in the palace and was very happy.

She has the heart to sit on the futon.

Fuxi saw Nuwa's thoughts and said, "I am not as good as Nuwa's sister, so I won this futon for her."

Zhenyuanzi looked at Hongyun and said with a smile, "Fellow Daoist Hongyun, why don't you fight for him!"


Hearing this, Hongyun nodded in response.

Seeing these great powers coming, Hong Jun smiled slightly, and asked Tiandao: "Heaven's Dao is above, such a grand occasion, I beseech the heavenly Dao to come, and all beings will be blessed!"

In Tiandao space, Qin Tian heard the words and said indifferently: "I'm very busy, I don't have time!"

Qin Tian categorically rejected Hongjun's plea.

When Hongjun heard the words, his expression changed slightly, and he was suddenly disappointed.

And in Zixiao Palace.

Pangu Sanqing, who entered first, took up three futons without saying a word.

And Nuwa also occupied one of them with the assistance of Fuxi.

The other two, one was occupied by Jiutian Kunpeng, and the other was occupied by Hongyun.

Unexpectedly, the Western Zhunti and the receptionist burst into tears when they saw that the futon was occupied.

They traveled through the chaotic turbulence and were very embarrassed.

Crying bitterly at this time made Hongyun feel sympathetic.

Hongyun got up and said, "My position will be given to the two fellow Daoists."

"Thank you!"

Zhun mention and receive hurried forward to seize the futon.

For a while, they were arguing.

Yuan Shi glanced at Jiutian Kunpeng, snorted coldly, and said, "I am the Sanqing of Pangu, and I am ashamed to be in the company of people with hair and horns!"

Yuan Shi's words were clearly referring to Jiutian Kunpeng.

Kunpeng was furious when he heard this.

He stood up, pointed at Yuan Shi, and shouted, "What did you say!"

He is the prince of the Phoenix family.

Seeing this, Zhunti hurried forward and took Kunpeng's place.

Jiutian Kunpeng was furious, very angry.

The land of the phoenix!

Yuan Feng was very angry when he saw Jiutian Kunpeng being accused by Yuan Shi!

In this sermon, there are some small episodes.

Hongjun didn't care about this, he was about to start preaching.


Heavenly Space!

"Ding, congratulations to the host, I found a big world, do you get through?"

Qin Tian, ​​who was paying attention to the preaching of Zixiao Palace, heard the system prompt, and he smiled lightly: "Get through!"

Another big thousand world has appeared. I don't know what kind of strong people will be in this big thousand world.

Qin Tianjing is waiting for the system prompt?

"Ding, congratulations to the host, opening up the world!"

"Ding, I'm scanning this great world for the host!"

Another system prompt sound came into my ears.

Soon, Qin Tian knew about this great world.

"Ding, the scan was successful, this world is called Immortal Immortal World!"

"Ding, the space channel has been opened!"

A system alert sounded.

Qin Tian instantly knew that this was the Immortal Realm.

And in this immortal world, there is an immortal master named Immortal King An Lan.

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