In the true realm of God, there are ten supreme beings.

How is this world?

Qin Tian, ​​I don't know for now!

"Ding, we are opening the time-space channel for the host!"

Sound off!

Qin Tian stood in the Heavenly Dao space, looking for his divine sense!

Immediately, Qin Tian saw a beam of light rising to the sky, appearing above the Jiehai dam!

This is arranged by Qin Tian, ​​the space-time channel, located in the sea dam, the Great Wall of Chaos.

The system is still opening the time and space channel to the real world of God.

If it is fully connected, it will take at least three thousand years!

Three thousand years, for the monks in the prehistoric times, is just a moment.


This beam of light soared into the sky, directly piercing through the infinite chaos, reaching the deepest part of the chaos!


The land of trillions of trillions was shaken violently by the appearance of this chaotic beam of light.

The Great Desolate Boundary Sea was shocked!

East China Sea Dragon Palace!

Zulong is sitting cross-legged and is retreating!

Suddenly, the entire East China Sea was like a river overturning the sea, and the sky and the earth collapsed.

In the Dragon Palace, it seemed that there was a violent shaking, and the rare treasures shattered on the ground.

Zulong was shocked, and the expressions of countless dragons changed suddenly.

Such tremors are definitely not just earthquakes!

Zulong soared into the sky and stood in the void.

But in the distance, a beam of light soaring to the sky appeared in the Great Desolate Realm Sea!

"What is this pillar of light soaring to the sky?"

Zulong's expression changed suddenly, and he couldn't figure it out.

Zixiao Palace!

Ancestor Hongjun is in retreat.

Suddenly, his divine sense probed, and he looked in the direction of the Jiehai dam.

"This beam of light soaring to the sky runs through infinite chaos. Is this what Heavenly Dao did?"

Hong Jun was shocked and stood up.

"Could it be that this is a new space channel opened up by Heavenly Dao?"

Hong Jun showed an excited look.

He can fight another world again!

Mount Sumeru!

The demon ancestor Rahu noticed this beam of light running through the chaos.

He seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes rolled, revealing the color of surprise.

He suddenly felt that this must be a signal to fight in another world.

Not Zhoushan!

The twelve ancestor witches stepped out of the Pangu Temple and looked up at the direction of the Great Desolate Realm Sea.


Di Jun and Taiyi also looked at Jiehai from the sun star.


Yuan Feng of the Undead Volcano, Shi Qilin of the Qilin Clan, and the gods of the Great Desolation who were in retreat were all awakened by this shock.

All the great powers of the Great Desolation looked in the direction of the sea dam.


The land of trillions of trillions was shocked.

Countless prehistoric powerhouses saw a huge space passage!

The Houtu Ancestral Witch said in shock: "This space channel is actually tens of billions of light-years in size!"

The voice of the Ancestral Witch of the Later Earth spread throughout the Great Desolate.

All the great powers of the Great Desolation are guessing.

This time, what world did Tiandao discover?

And the space channel opened up is actually so huge.

A space channel as large as tens of billions of light-years is comparable to a peak in the Kunlun Mountains!

Prehistoric Intelligence Group!

Ancestor Hongjun, Daxian Yang Mei, Luo Hu, the ancestor of the demon, were all discussing in the group.

Nothing more than this space channel, this mysterious world!

Immortal Yang Mei pondered for a moment and said, "With a space channel as large as tens of billions of light-years, it can be seen that this mysterious world must be very interesting."

The Great Immortal Yang Mei, the Dao Jin Immortal of Proving the Dao of Hunyuan.

Under the saints, all are ants.

Therefore, Yang Mei Daxian is not what it used to be, and there is no fear.

The Demon Ancestor Luo Hu laughed when he heard the words.

"No matter what world he is, I am willing to lead hundreds of millions of demon soldiers to conquer this other world!"

Hongjun frowned tightly and said, "Wait for the Tao of Heaven, when the time comes, ask the Tao of Heaven, what kind of world is this!"


Ancestor Qiankun nodded when he heard the words, and he suddenly felt that what he said was very reasonable.

The demon ancestor Luo Hu laughed and said, "Hongjun, as a saint, you are still so cautious?"

Hearing this, Hongjun pondered for a moment, and said, "In my opinion, this other world is not simple!"

Many great powerhouses, such as Pangu Sanqing, Twelve Ancestors, Emperor Jun Taiyi, Western Second Sage and other great powerhouses, all believed in Hongjun's words.

They are the guests of Zixiao Palace who went to Zixiao Palace to listen to the lecture!


Just when the great powers of the Great Desolation were guessing.

In the group, the voice of Tiandao came.

"You don't need to argue with the great masters of the Great Desolation. This world is a supreme world, and it is the only real world called the real world of God!"

"God's True Realm?"

"God's True Realm?"

There was a lot of discussion among the prehistoric powers in the group.

A supreme world!

A one and only real world!

Could this true realm of heaven be comparable to the ancient demon realm and the immortal fairy realm?

Chat group.

These great powers are all being discussed.


A vast heavenly sage descended from the sky!

"I don't know, the size of the real world of God is almost the same as that of the prehistoric world. Moreover, in the real world of God, there are also saints of the Tao of Heaven!"

"Furthermore, I would like to remind you here that even saints who come to the True Realm of Heaven will have the possibility of falling!"

"Wait, you know?"


Qin Tian's words immediately aroused the shock of the primordial gods!

"What? Even a saint may fall?"

The Demon Ancestor Rahu was shocked!

This is the word of heaven, and he is convinced that it is not a false statement.

Immortal saints will also perish in this world.

So, how powerful are the saints of this world?

But if you kill the saints in this world, the merits you will get are also very considerable.

The demon ancestor Rahu changed from shock to excitement.

Kill the saint!

He would like to try it!

"This supreme world, the only real world, is almost the same as the prehistoric world!"

"Having a saint shows that this world is not simple!"

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