This is really embarrassing enough!

Therefore, Daxian Zhenyuanzi couldn't hold his face a little, and his old face was flushed.

Ancestor Hongyun also bowed his hands to Tai Chuyi embarrassedly and said with a scornful smile, "Then...that senior brother, misunderstanding. Misunderstanding, Pindao here to apologize to Tai senior brother_"

In the early days, Xu Xu lifted up the great immortal Zhenyuanzi instead of the ancestor of Hongyun, and said, "Fellow Zhenyuanzi doesn't need a name and ceremony, please get up."

Zhen Yuanzi got up.

On the other hand, the ancestor of Hongyun was extremely embarrassed there.

Zhen Yuanzi also felt embarrassed

Embarrassed, he hurriedly said loudly, 2 "The eldest brother saved the ginseng fruit tree. The poor Taoist is grateful, Tong Er, hurry up and get the Jin Zhazi, and all the ginseng fruits will be shot down to the senior brother!"


Zhi Daotong hurriedly went to fetch the gold hammer.

At the beginning, he looked at Daxian Zhenyuanzi.Dao I "Daoist fellow Zhenyuanzi, Pindao has an unfeeling feeling, please ask fellow Daoist to agree!"

Zhenyuanzi Taixian hurriedly said 2 "Big Brother Qing said"

Taichu pointed to the ginseng fruit branches on the ground and said, "Daoist Zhenyuanzi needs these ginseng fruit tree branches to cultivate. Please also ask the Taoist friends to put these ginseng fruit tree branches.

Branches to Pindao! '

Zhenyuanzi Taixian hurriedly said, "Even the ginseng fruit tree was rescued by the senior brother, not to mention these branches, if the senior brother wants it, just take it!"

"Okay, then you're welcome!

Tai Chu laughed three times, and Tai Shou waved.Put away all the branches of the ginseng fruit tree on the ground

There, these ginseng fruit tree branches.The purpose of this trip is to achieve L

"Senior brother, please in the main hall."

Zhenyuanzi Taixian made a gesture of invitation.road.

Taichu strode forward.

Taotie followed.

Only Ancestor Hongyun was left in a mess, smiling bitterly.

When they arrived at the main hall, their own children brought ginseng fruit.

The crowd began to eat ginseng fruit.

Taotie-0 a ginseng fruit, eat it is called a joyful peace.

In the early days, he secretly kicked Taotie, and only then did he regain his temper.

Zhenyuanzi Daxian laughed too much and said, there are thirty ginseng fruits, gluttonous daoists can eat as much as they can!”

Taotie was overjoyed and continued to bury his head and eat hard.

Ancestor Hongyun got up and looked at Taichu and bowed his hands.

"Eldest brother, it was just abruptly. I don't know the good intentions of the senior brother. Please don't blame the senior brother!"

The so-called hand does not carry the smiling face.What's more, they apologized twice, and they beat them up at the beginning of the day.

If he still refuses to forgive Old Ancestor Hongyun at the very beginning, he would seem a little petty.

Looking at the ancestor of Hongyun at the beginning, he said lightly, "Okay, in the future, you have to go through your brain, fellow Daoist Hongyun, you..."

I originally wanted to tell you to go on like this.I was afraid that sooner or later I would kill myself, but after thinking about it, I didn’t continue talking, ___

"Thank you

Big Brother! '

Ancestor Hongyun was too happy, and hurriedly thanked him.

On the side, Daxian Zhenyuanzi seemed to hear something.Wei Zou frowned.

Taichu looked at the crowd.When he flipped through his hand, three Huang Zhongli appeared. He held it with mana and handed it to Daxian Zhenyuanzi.Then he left the remaining two to himself and gluttonous, and said lightly, "There is also some fruit in the poor road. Daoist Zhenyuanzi, try it out!"

"This. One. This is the legendary Huang Zhongli?"

Zhenyuanzi Daxian looked at Huang Zhongli on the table, and Yue was stunned. He exclaimed.

Although Huangzhong Li and ginseng fruit are both among the ten congenital spiritual roots, the efficacy of one is not the same.

Ginseng fruit blooms every three thousand years. Three thousand years - results.It will take another three thousand years to mature. A total of nine thousand years before and after will mature.

But Huangzhongli blooms every ten thousand years and bears fruit every ten thousand years, and it will take another ten thousand years to mature. A total of [-] years before and after the fruit can mature, which is more than three times longer than the ginseng fruit.

And Huang Zhongli only bears nine fruits at a time.The fruit of ginseng bears thirty loons, so Huangzhong Li is very precious.

33 The effect of face and fruit, Huang __ Zhongli

Also much stronger than ginseng fruit!

It can be said.Thirty ginseng fruits can't exchange for one yellow plum!

Such fetishes like Huang Zhongli are really available but not sought after⊥

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