At the beginning, he looked at the ancestor of Hongyun and said indifferently, "Fellow Daoist Hongyun, you are not far from cutting out the good F, and Huang Zhongli is useless to you, so I won't give it to you, and you listen to the words of the poor.

The body of a fellow Daoist is the number one between heaven and earth. The red cloud, the so-called wind follows the cloud, the cloud follows the wind and the wind: the invisible cloud has a form, the fellow Daoist should carefully feel the power of the wind between heaven and earth, and use the heart to control the wind:.”

Red cloud

The ancestor quietly listened to what he said in the beginning, and only felt that ten days were like a knife, and every word was like a sword.Clanging into the ear.Like a daigo empowerment, he suddenly realized that the places he didn't understand before were gradually becoming more cheerful.

The words spoken in the beginning are like the sound of the Dao, straight into the heart of the Dao

Gradually, Ancestor Hongyun entered a wonderful state of enlightenment.

Zhen Qizi Taixian was stunned and exclaimed, "This..."

Ancestor Hongyun. He didn't realize the Dao early, he didn't realize the Dao late, but he realized the Dao when he said it in the beginning.This shows what?

It explains what was said in the beginning, the ten sentences hit the key point of the ancestors of Hongyun!

This makes Zhen Yuanzi a little suspicious that Taichu is the same as the ancestor of Hongyun, and the body is a red cloud."

Taichu stopped talking. 2 turned his head to look at; Zhenyuanzi Daxian smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, this is what happened here. Pindao is about to leave!"

Zhenyuanzi Taixian came back to his senses and said with some regret, "Eldest brother is leaving now!"

In the past few days with Taichu, Daxian Zhenyuan has benefited a lot. He has long regarded Taichu as a good teacher and friend.

The first means have been

After thoroughly convinced Zhen Yuanzi Taixian!

Tai Chu smiled and said, "Poor Dao still has some things to deal with. Let's say goodbye first!"

Zhenyuanzi Taixian nodded, / Xiang Taichu copied his hands and said, "That's the case. Then the poor Daoist will not keep the senior brother, and the fellow Daoist Hongyun will be sent out by the poor Daoist when he is enlightened..."

"it is good!"

At the beginning of the year, he searched for gluttonous food, and went out of Wuzhuang Temple with Daxian Zhenyuanzi.

"Brother take care!"

Zhen Yuanzi bowed to Taichu.

Tai Chu smiled and said, "Daoist fellow Zhenyuanzi also take care!"

Saying that, we're going to push

Taotie left.

Zhenyuanzi Daxian smiled and said, "Master Yuan

Wedding wine in the coming day. Pindao will go to the door to congratulate, take care! '

When Tai Chu heard it, he looked confused and turned to look at Daxian Zhenyuanzi. He asked suspiciously, _What kind of wedding wine did Daoist Zhenyuanzi say?

Daxian Zhenyuanzi was stunned. 2 Doubtful and said: "The whole world knows that the Daoist friend of the Queen Mother of the West has died. Senior Brother Yu. She has already made a private life with Senior Senior Brother Tai. Moreover, Senior Senior Brother and Daoist Fellow Queen Mother of the West have already become husband and wife. In the future, they will definitely become Daoist partners. , too senior brother, don't hide it from the poor Dao⊥ When the senior senior brother gets married, the poor Dao will be the dojo to congratulate him


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Chapter 3: Unhindered back to Kunlun Mountains?Violent Sanqing! ([-]) Please subscribe!

Tai Chu heard black lines all over his head, and said speechlessly, "Who made this rumor? Pindao and the Queen Mother of the West have only had a relationship with each other. 2 How could it be so fast?"

Zhenyuanzi suddenly said, "No?"


In the beginning, he rolled his eyes wildly.He bowed his hands to Daxian Zhenyuanzi, "Friend Zhenyuanzi, farewell⊥"

talking.He patted the policeman on the head.The gluttonous gluttonous gluttons roared with joy, carrying the Taichu into the sky.Go straight to Kunlun Mountain.

Zhen Yuanzi stayed in place for a long time.Di Gu said, "Isn't there? Could it be said that the senior brother is thin-skinned? Harmful?"

After speaking, he shook his head and walked towards the Wuzhuang Temple.

On the other side, Taichu left Wuzhuangguan and went straight to Kunlun Mountain.

Two - At the beginning of the road, he was wondering what Daxian Zhenyuanzi said, and he didn't know how the rumors started.

But he didn't care about it either.After all, she was a woman and didn't say anything, and he wouldn't suffer as a big man.

After thinking about it, I decided to go to East Kunlun first, and then go to West Kunlun to visit the Queen Mother of the West.

There is Xian Xing above Dongkun Enterprise, Xian Xing should be in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun

Taichu and Sanqing though

On the surface, they are harmonious, but in fact there are still some gaps._Especially with Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun is a good-natured person and thinks that Taichu has been touched. Their name Pangu Zhengbao has already been remembered: they hate Taichu.

Last time, if the Supreme Being was not forcibly pulling Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master to apologize to Taichu, they would never go there.

After reaching the foot of East Kunlun, Tai Chu surrendered to East Kunlun.Said, "Sanqing Daoyou Dachu visit!"

In fact, Kunqishan's Primordial Promise Formation was the most familiar from the beginning.It is possible to break in directly, but it would be too rude to break in directly, so it was too early.

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