Bai Hetong

The son respectfully said.

After all, the original body (money) is there.He was a little boy who didn't dare to be presumptuous.

Tai Chu smiled and said, "Go ahead... Pindao can do it himself!"

Baihe boy did not dare to be disobedient, and said hurriedly, "Yes, Master, if there is anything, you can call the little scum at any time!"

"Okay. Go!"

Taichu laughed.

The white crane boy turned into a huge white crane and fluttered his wings.

At the beginning, he looked at the three halls and grinned.He walked towards the Yuqing Palace.

Outside the Yuqing Palace, there are forbidden guardians.At the beginning, he ignored it and broke into the Yuqing Palace directly.

Yuanshi Tianzun is retreating and practicing.However, he saw that Tai Chu actually broke into his palace directly.Suddenly furious, he said solemnly, "What did you do in the beginning?"

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't even call Tai Shixiong _ directly called Taichu's name. From the words, it can be seen how angry Yuanshi Tianzun is.

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Chapter 4 The Yuanshi Tianzun who is about to explode ([-]) Please subscribe!

Looking at Yuanshi Tianzun who was jumping like thunder, Taichu said with a smile, "Daoist Yuanshi sit down and sit down, poor Daoist is here to teach daoist friends the secret method and help daoists break through the realm of quasi-sage."

Only then did Yuanshi Tianzun calm down.-He looked at Taichu suspiciously.The expression is clear, are you so kind?

Taichu said with a smile. 2 "Being bold and bold... Who is the strongest in Sanqing?"

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly and said, We Sanqing belong to the Pangu authentic sect.Comparing with each other!"

Tai Chu pouted his lips and said, "It doesn't matter."

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned tightly.

Looking at Taichu like a thief.angrily. _ "What are you going to do in the beginning? Are you here to provoke our Sanqing relationship? Hmph, if that's the case, Pindao advises you to leave early. We Sanqing are both authentic Pangu, and we are like brothers and sisters, how can we suffer? Are you picking?"


What about cheating?

If you are siblings.How do you end up breaking up?

And in the Battle of Conferred Gods, you killed me to the death.Fight to the death!

Taichu looked at Yuanshi Tianzun with a smile

Dao, _ "Aiya. How could Yuanshi Daoist friend Pindao come to provoke you Sanqing?

relationship.Pindao came here this time... nothing more than making a business with Yuanshi Daoist friends! '

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Taichu suspiciously and asked, "Trade? What kind of business?

Ouch hey!

Fish 207 took L,

A charming smile appeared on Tai Chu's face.Said, "Pin Dao helped Yuan Shi Daoist to break through the quasi-sage first, and Dao friend folded the branches of Xian Xing to Pin Dao one by one. How?"

In fact, in the very beginning, it was precisely because of the incompatibility of Sanqing face and heart that he came to find Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun has a thin skin and a feisty temperament.

Deep into the bone marrow!

In the beginning throw this olive branch.Don't be afraid. Yuanshi Tianzun won't take the bait."

Sure enough, the next moment, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Tai Shi suspiciously and asked, "Straight?, How do you help the poor?"

"How to help fellow Daoists, that's a matter of the poor, and the poor will decide whether or not fellow Daoist Yuanshi will do this business?"

Taichu said with a smile

Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath and looked at Taichu with burning eyes.Dao, "How can a poor Taoist trust you?".

In the beginning, with a finger to the sky, he said with a smile, the two of us can learn from the way of heaven! '

Take Heaven as a lesson.It is to let Tiandao be the referee.If one side breaks their promises, they will be punished by heaven, even Taichu and Yuanshi Tianzun dare not violate the way of heaven.

Yuanshi Tianzun doubled and lit up, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay.. That's the case. Pindao will promise you!"

"Ha Ming, fellow Daoist Yuanshi is indeed a happy person,"

Da Chu Tai smiled and said, "Yuanshi Daoist friends can run the exercises, look at the poor Dao!"

Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath, and immediately sat cross-legged. He started to run the exercises.

Yuanshi Tianzun is not afraid of learning his exercises at the beginning, after all, it is just running:

- only once.In his opinion. Even if the aptitude in the beginning is against the sky, it is impossible to read it again.learn his kung fu e

What Yuanshi Tianzun didn't know was that Dachu did not rely on comprehension, but on the system.decomposition.At the beginning, he knew more about Yuqing Gongfa than Yuanshi Tianzun himself.After the Congling Order was resolved, I am afraid that Yuqing Gongfa has no secrets in the very beginning. "Ding.." "Found that Yuqing Gongfa is being analyzed_1%, [-]%[-].." - "Ding.." .."

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