Tai Chu grinned and said, "Fortunately, since Taoist Tongtian is so straightforward, he will say it directly. Taoist Tongtian borrows Pindao to kill immortals - view_Pindao's guidance to Taoist friend Song Po Quansheng. How?"

"It's good to have a deadline!"

Bui Wei hesitated.The Lord of Heaven.

In the beginning, I also knew the worries of the Tongtian leader.

The above is nothing more than worrying that he had learned about the Immortal Execution Sword Formation at the beginning of the day _ it would be bad for him in the future, and immediately said with a smile, "Don't worry, fellow Taoist Tongtian, the poor Taoist looked at the picture of the Immortal Execution Formation just out of curiosity to see what kind of sword formation... The four saints are indestructible, and the poor way can only see nothing. 1_”

Times of Day?

One day he's afraid he won't even be able to understand a fart

The Sect Master Tongtian immediately felt relieved.He laughed loudly, "If that's the case, then we'll settle for it."

"it is good!"

Tai Chu grinned and said with a smile, "Since the Taoist fellow of the heavens can run the exercises. Let's take a look at the poor Tao!"

Master Tongtian

Taixi hurriedly said, "Okay

Immediately.The Emperor of Heaven sat cross-legged on a futon.It began to run the Qigong method.


"Discovering the supernatural cultivation technique, it is being analyzed, two percent, two percent..."


"After the analysis, we found forty-nine weaknesses, and the way of strength is not complete. When you use the way of feeling power, you can run the exercise -z a thousand times at a time. You can understand the way of strength in detail."

at this time.The voice of the system sounded in Taichu's mind.

Tongtian sect master's practice is the same as that of Yuanshi Tianzun

a common point.It is an incomplete understanding of the way of power.Bi Yi Sanqing is Pangu Yuan's three-pointed view, and it is natural that he has incomplete understanding.

Xu Guitongtian sect master finished running - a week, opened his eyes.Looking at Taichu eagerly, he said, "How about Senior Brother Tai? What clues can you see?"

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Chapter 6 Instruct the Tongtian Sect Master to comprehend the Immortal Execution Sword Formation ([-]) Please subscribe!

Tai Chu looked at the Tongtian Sect Master with a smile, and said, "Tongtian Taoist friend. You will run the exercises a thousand times, and you will naturally understand!"

Tongtian sect master has the same problem as Yuanshi Wuzun, which is a lack of understanding of the way of strength.The exercises are running much more.Naturally, I realized that it is not difficult to break through the quasi-saint.

But this is appalling!

Running exercises -: Thousand times 2

Hundreds of thousands of Sundays?

Sure enough, Tongtian sect master, like Yuanshi Tianzun, heard the old face turn black. He said angrily, "Fellow Daoist in the beginning. Poor Dao sincerely seeks the way. Are you just entertaining the poor Dao like this?"


Rolling his eyes, he said speechlessly, "Fellow Daoist Tongtian, how can a poor Dao entertain you if you don't believe it. We can swear by the way of heaven"

Tongtian sect master said suspiciously, "You really didn't fool the poor?"

In the beginning, I was speechless for a while, my fingers were sky, and I said loudly. "Ben "[-]" Daoist instructs Taoist Tongtian to break through the quasi-sacred realm, and Taoist Tongtian gives Pindao the Immortal Execution Diagram for a day to learn from it!'

Shake grass!

Is it true to heaven?

Tongtian Sect Master was also stunned.Looking suspiciously at Taichu, he also pointed to the sky and said, "Pin Dao gave Taichu Daoist Zhu Xian Chen Tuguan for a day, Dachu Daoist friend.

Instructing the Pindao to break through the quasi-sacred realm and look to the heavens to learn from it.”


As soon as the oath came out, both of them felt that there was something between them.But the Heavenly Dao contract was established.

Once the Tiandao contract is established, if one of the parties violates the oath.must be punished

Even Taichu and Tongtian Sect Master did not dare to violate the oath of heaven.

In the very beginning, it was also to fool the Heavenly Sect Master's Immortal-Execution Sword Formation, so he made the Heavenly Dao Oath.Anyway, at the beginning of the day, he was fully confident that Tongtian Sect Master could make a breakthrough.Make an oath, just swear, he doesn't care ⊥

an oath to

In exchange for the Immortal Execution Sword Formation and the Shangqing Cultivation Technique, this transaction can be said to be quite profitable!

Tai Chu looked at the Tongtian sect master with a smile, and said, "Tongtian Daoyou. The oath of no Dao has been established, can you still believe in the poor Dao? The character of the poor Dao is absolutely unbelievable. If you do not believe in Daoist friends, you can go out and ask!"

Tongtian sect leader's face shook fiercely

Dao, _ "You can trust it, and the poor Taoist can naturally trust the big brother."

Tai Chu smiled and said: "That's the case. Daoist Tongtian, let's start practicing⊥"

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