After all, Yujing Mountain was the dojo before Daozu became a saint.Before the dojo was sanctified, he had entrusted Taichu to take care of Yujing Mountain, and Taichu would also do a good job

The son asked Daozu to see.

When we arrived at Yujing Mountain.At the beginning of the day, he deliberately released a trace of breath, so that Daozu noticed that he had returned to Yujing Mountain.

although.Daozu is not at this dojo at all, but he can let Daozu know what Daozu ordered, and he still listened to it in the beginning⊥

In the beginning, this was considered a small lick.

His golden thighs, of course, have to be hugged and of course licked.

At the beginning, he felt that it was nothing, and what he was more at peace was what benefits he could get!

What's more, in the beginning, Yujingshan was regarded as his own dojo, and he took a look at his own way.

Field, this is a reasonable thing.

In Zixiao Palace, Daozu saw Taichu returning to Yujing Mountain.Immediately he smiled happily.He muttered, _ "Boy nose, you still have some conscience..."

I just don't know if Daozu knew. Taichu had already regarded Yujingshan as his dojo.How would you feel.I am afraid that Daozu will fry his hair.

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Chapter 1: Crazy Queen Mother of the West, Beautiful Kunlun ([-]) Please subscribe!

The Kunqi Mountains are known as the mountain of all gods and the ancestor of all industries.extremely vast.The rumor that has been extended for hundreds of millions of miles has no answer.I don't know about 5.

It is the second sacred mountain on the Great Desolate Continent The first sacred mountain is Buzhou Mountain

The most famous of Kunlun Mountains are Yujing Mountain, East Kunlun and West Kunlun.

Yujingshan is the dojo before the Taoist ancestors became holy, the East Kunlun is the dojo of the authentic Pangu Sanqing, and the West Kunlun is the dojo of the Queen Mother of the West.

West Kunlun also has an alias. The name is Kunlun Xu L,

This means that.West Kuncang is beautiful.Not like the realm of the world. There is a kind of illusory

feel l

Above the Kunlun Void... in the middle of the Xiyumu Palace.

Xi Ganmu is practicing self-cultivation. , suddenly sensed something, ecstatic road. “VIP guests are visiting!”

Said. The mother of the West King came down from the mountain to greet her

The fairies exclaimed in amazement

They didn't know what kind of distinguished guests could make the Queen Mother of the West, the head of the fairy goddess, go down the mountain to greet L in person. ,

The fairies did not dare to neglect. , and the Queen Mother of the West went down the mountain to welcome the people who came.

The visitor is a jade tree facing the wind

The young Taoist, the young Taoist rode a ferocious beast, which seemed to have disappeared in the legend. gluttonous.

Seeing the Taoist, Mother Xi Yu gave a blush and blushed. "Meet Senior Senior Brother. Senior Senior Brother can come to my West Kunlun, it really makes my West Kunlun flourish."

"Eldest brother? Could it be the first disciple of the Taoist ancestor Taichu?"

The female fairies heard it clearly, and they hid their faces and snickered.

It turned out to be old friends.No wonder the Queen Mother of the West is so happy.Xing hurried down the mountain to meet him.

At the same time, the fairies also looked at Taichu and found that Taichu was a jade tree.fair-faced,

Only in the heart of that handsome and scumbag man, L, did he understand why the Queen Mother of the West would never forget Taichu.

At the beginning, she looked at the Queen Mother of the West with a smile and said, "The Daoist friend of the Queen Mother of the West is joking, 1

The Queen Mother of the West - Think of the gossip and rumors circulating on the Great Desolate Continent.She was so ashamed that her pretty face flushed red, wishing she could find a seam to get in, and hurriedly said, "Senior brother, please go up the mountain quickly_"

"Okay. Fellow Daoist please!"

Taichu laughed.

Having said that, at the beginning of the gluttony.Walk side by side with the Queen Mother of the West.

And all the fairies behind them followed the 1-array to talk about it.

"This is the appearance of the empress, isn't it? The tall one is handsome. No wonder empress is so careful day and night!"

"Yeah. It's really handsome, and I heard that Taichu was the first disciple of the Taoist ancestor. Bo Zhengzheng, who has a noble status and ranks fourth in the alliance, is the most dignified - Shi'er." "

"Looks like we are going to be short of men." All the female fairies were chattering around. Originally, the Queen Mother and the Queen of the West couldn't hear it.Because the Queen Mother of the West has not yet broken through the quasi-Saint L, but is also Gao Jingnan, who is at the peak of the Golden Immortal Daluo, and they talk about it.How does Xi Yumu listen.The Queen Mother of the West was so embarrassed that her pretty face was flushed, and her neck and ears were also red.

In the past, the female fairies who had been rooted in chaos were kicked away one by one.Chew is just, it was here in the beginning. L she is not good, just keep her head down and move on! The Queen Mother of Faxi can hear it. . In the beginning, it must be clear.At first, in the beginning, there were still some who didn't believe in rumors, but I heard Yaoyan with my own ears, and I had to say it.It's just that he didn't know why he believed this rumor, but it didn't matter in the beginning. Anyway, the Queen Mother of the West was dignified, elegant and beautiful.It doesn't matter if it's a peerless beauty with a whole country and a city.Nü Taichu looked at the Queen Mother of the West. L found out that Xi was also peeking at him. She couldn't help but grinned at the Queen Mother and smiled. She showed a smile that she thought that the King Mixi was not paying for her life.The Queen Mother of the West was startled and jumped in a hurry.

He moved his head forward, but the head portrait of Hong Jijie, whose pretty face became more and more beautiful, was as messed up as a deer.Beating wildly, E Taichu raised her brows, and she felt sad in her heart, "Why does the Queen Mother of the West look like this? Could it be that L Pindao is too charming, and the Queen Mother of the West likes the right way?" _ on the Kunlun virtual.The atmosphere is surprisingly strange, and the surrounding temperature has also increased! When I stayed in Kunlun Xu L Taichu, I saw Kunlun Xu Yunwen lingering around.Xiaguang to go.Thousands of auspicious spirits are transpiring. / Lush and looming, auspicious beasts run and play 2 Beautifully beautiful, it is a fairyland.Fairy dwelling.This Kunlun virtual.Compared with the East Kunlun of Taoist ancestors, Yujing, Shanqing, it is simply superior and inferior.” And Kunlun

There is something beyond the void! The Jade Pond is extremely vast. Rather than calling it a sea, it is appropriate to call it a sea of ​​jade." Above the sea of ​​​​Yao, there are huge lotus flowers without lotus flowers. The rays of the sun are shining above, and there is a unique scene compared to the auspicious beasts such as cranes and golden toads.The most amazing thing is a mysterious turtle with a huge i on the Yaohai Sea.On the back of Xuanyu are huge islands, and on the back of the islands are high terraces, pavilions, palaces and bedrooms. .There are immortals playing chess in the upper 3 palaces. The fairy is amazed at the beginning of the game, and praised that IY is a good one - a Kunlun Xu is really not named "1⊥" The Queen Mother of the West said with a smile. "Senior brother. Can I visit the lake in this palace?_" "Okay, go," Tai Chu laughed.West

The jade mother called - a mysterious turtle.The two climbed on the back of Xuan Turtle and walked into the palace.The fairies in the back were chatting for a while again, "Ah, the goddess went to the palace with Taichu Shangxian. This lonely and widowed girl, alone - will something happen to the palace?" "The goddess has already made a private decision with Taishi Hxian. L.And the fact that he has already divorced his wife has never been seen.The two of them naturally have to be gentle for a long time (the king's) "That's right, it's not a rumor. It's a real thing!" At the beginning, he grinned. Being able to gossip like this, he said, knowing why the rumor started, it was finally spread from the mouths of some female fairies. Queen Congxi blushed when she heard it.

Incomparable palace.Glancing at all the fairies, he said, "I'm going to swim with the big brother on the lake. You can't wait for the original words. Don't talk about it. Otherwise, I'll take care of you." "Yes!" The women looked at each other in dismay.Hastily salute.The Queen Mother of the West returned to the palace, / Pretty face blushing is two ripe red apples, making people believe that they can take two bites, beautiful and flowing.Watch forbearance 2 for the first time. "That.. that big lady, don't listen to their nonsense, they. Shiya "It's all right!" Taichu pouted and laughed. ps. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please hide, recommend, share L(16__ 245698! [-]) Support this TXT is an abridged version, and more chapters are in the hands of the group owner.) This TXT is an abridged version, and more chapters are in the hands of the group owner., Enjoy ___ reading L

Chapter 2 The Queen Mother of the West fell in love and grafted a peach tree ([-]) Please subscribe!

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