The Nine Heavens Breath is extremely precious, and it is not inferior to the top-quality congenital spiritual treasures, and it is even better than that.

What's more, the source of the nine-day soil is different from the nine-day soil. The source of the nine-day soil can produce the nine-day soil. That is to say, if the nine-day soil is obtained in the beginning, there will be endless nine-day soil⊥

"This is this... how is this possible?

Yuanshi Tianzun almost burst out of his eyes.The face twitched violently

Chapter 7: The Ten Great Innate Spiritual Roots of the Gourd Vine, Taiyi is working with the East Prince ([-]) Please subscribe!

"Fellow Daoist Nuwa and Daoist Fuxi, why did you come here?"

In the beginning of time, we knew the old ways e

Nuwa needs to use Jiutian Xi soil and Sanguang Shenshui to make A. Nuwa must have sensed the birth of Jiutian Xi soil, so she came in a hurry.

Of course, this was also the original plan.

Saints pay attention to luck. Only with high luck can they cultivate high. Human beings are the protagonists of the world after B, so they have this plan in the beginning.

At the beginning of the time, I controlled the Sanguang Shenshui and the Jiutian Qiyuan, how could the luck be less 2

Nuwa looked at Jiutian Shiyuanyuan in Taichu's hands.After hesitating for a while, he said, "Elder Brother

.These nine days are of great importance to this palace.I don’t know if the senior brother can part with his love and give up Jiutian Xi Rangyuan to this palace!”

In the beginning it was the hard way. "The source of these nine heavens is also closely related to the Tao of Pindao, so let's take care of these nine heavens. Ho 2."

What else could it be?

You can't take it by force, right?

Moreover, even if she and the Great God Youxi start a shot, they are not necessarily opponents in the beginning.

Nuwa said helplessly 1_"Then I would like to thank my senior brother so much"

In the very beginning, in front of Nuwa, he put away Jiutianxi soil source.

Right here, not far away, the ten-color bright light rises into the sky, reflecting the sky of 940 Shenhua_The ten-color light, extremely amazing e

"Another treasure is born!"

Nuwa and Fuxi exclaimed a

At the same time, they saw many gods and demons whizzing away towards Baoguang.

"Let's go take a look too"

Taichu laughed.

."Good |"

Nuwa and Fuxi both nodded.

In this way, several people also whistled away to the earth-colored treasure light.

When Taichu, Fu Yi and Nuwa came to the place of earth-colored treasures,I saw green and verdant gourd vines entangled on the boulder.Below the gourd vines are seven precious gourds of different splendor.

These treasure gourds. Each one is the best innate spiritual treasure⊥

The eyes of the gods and demons stared at the seven treasure gourds.

At this time, there are many gods and demons next to the gourd vine, including Sanqing, Nuwa, Fuxi, Kunpeng, Jiehong, Zhunti, Dijun, Taiyizhen Yuanzi, Hongyun ancestor, Dongwanggong, etc. Thousands of Hongchen guests were halfway there.

"I've seen Big Brother!"


The devil bowed his hands to the beginning.

"Hello, big guy!"

Taichu smiled and said e

Then, the eyes of the gods and demons all stared at the ten treasure gourds.

And Ruling's Seven Treasure Gourds are still immature, so the condors didn't go straight to grab L, otherwise they would have been in a ball.

"The big guy said. There are so many of us, but there are only seven treasure gourds, how should we divide them?

Some gods and demons shouted.

"Yeah, how to divide?"

Another god and demon roared.

Yuanshi Tianzun stepped out,

The whole body was full of momentum, and he said, "Our Sanqing is the authentic Pangu. We need three treasure gourds!

The Daoist Zhunti stepped out and said loudly, "Pin Dao and Senior Brother are disciples of the Dao Patriarch and should be divided into two treasure gourds!"

"Oh, you want one for this, and one for the other. It's still messy, how do you divide it?"

And the gods and demons shouted e

At this moment, Duke Dong stepped out.Loudly said, "Pin Dao is the head of the male immortals proclaimed by the Taoist ancestors, and he should preside over this treasure distribution!"

The crowd was full of disdain.

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