The gods and demons were too loud.

Tai Chu looked at everyone with disdain.hand over

, showed the Hunyuan sword, and said solemnly; "You want the treasure gourd, you can, but you have to ask the sword in the hand of Jian Pendao and answer it!"

The gods and demons - a sigh.Can't believe any more.

Tai Chu sneered, his eyes fixed on the Kunpeng ancestor in the crowd, and he said solemnly

"Humph. Kunpeng and Pindao used to help you deal with Zhunti. I thought of you but avenged my revenge. I'm still fanning the flames here. Well, today we will count the old and new hatred together. Eat Pindao-sword!"

With that said, a sword in the very beginning stabbed Kunpeng's old eyes.

Kunpeng's ancestor was too terrified.Transform into one - a huge one

The Peng Bird soared up to [-] miles, and rushed straight into the sky trying to escape for his life.


The sword light whistled, as if it had grown eyes, chasing Kunpeng's ancestor and soaring straight up.


A heart-piercing scream came from the clouds.The blood splattered in the sky. Feather floated down the sky.

Apparently, Taoist Kunpeng was seriously injured

The faces of the gods and demons changed greatly, and they dared not say more.

For a while, the scene was eerily silent.Needle drop is audible.

With just one sword, the demon master Kunpeng was seriously injured in the beginning.

It's amazing...

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Chapter 2 One person fights three clears alone, perfect suppression! ([-]) Please subscribe!

Kunpeng's ancestor established the character of the demon clan, so he was honored as the demon master by the demon clan.

The demon master Kunpeng looks at the whole flood.It is also a great power, a top-level expert, and he can't walk in the hands of Taichu in one round!

This shows how great it was in the beginning!

The gods and demons are horrified, how dare they call

Bi Yi.Even if you have a baby, you have to live to enjoy it!

In the beginning, Fu Jian stood against the wind... glaring at all the gods and demons, he said solemnly, "Humph. Whoever refuses to accept it. Stand up. Take a sword from the poor!"

The gods and demons sighed.

A moment's gong is gone,

It was almost all gone.

They saw that Taichu was bound to win against the seven treasure gourds.. How did the district dare to touch Taichu's bad luck?

But there are also some gods and demons who stayed behind, among them, there are the Taoists of the Three Purities and the Three Earths" stepped out and said, _"Senior brother.The reason why you were able to hurt Daoist Kunpeng with a single sword is because Pangu's coercion from Buzhou Mountain has suppressed nearly half of Daoist Kunpeng's strength, but my three brothers are the authentic Pangu. , Not only was he not under pressure from Pangu's coercion, but he also increased his holdings a lot. It is not as good as Senior Brother Tai, who would give three treasure gourds to the three people of the poor road, so as not to hurt the peace with hands, what does Senior Senior Brother think? 2

"Brother Tai... stay

The next three treasure gourds, we look good on each other l_"

Tongtian sect master also said solemnly a

Originally, the sect master of Tongtian was grateful to Taichu for pointing him. But when he saw the fire and water gourd on the gourd vine.I understand everything J

The water and fire hyacinth and his rumors are like a chance, and they are completely cut off in the end.

This shows what?

It shows that Taichu was planning his water and fire gourd!

Second, thinking that Taichu sold him, and he counted the money for Taichu, Tongtian sect master was angry!,

Taishang Laozi can sense the purple gold gourd

Knowing that Taichu took his chance. _Naturally, he refused to give in, glared at Taichu, and said, "Daoist friend in Taichu, ten treasure gourds, you divide us into three, and you still have four. Daoist friend, don't be too greedy!"

Taichu pouted.Disdainfully, "The poor way divides the three of you, and others will come to ask for one. How can these ten treasure gourds stand up to such a request? Isn't it split up in an instant? Therefore, this head must not be opened!"

Taishang Laozi took a deep breath, and two divine lights shot out from his turbid eyes; "If that's the case, then it's no wonder that the three poor people are ⊥"

While speaking, Taishang Laozi turned over his hand, and a flat crutch appeared.

.Erbian smashed towards Taichu.

At the same time as Lao Tzu started to do it.The system has already analyzed the weakness of Taishang Laozi's move.

Tai Chu snorted coldly, took out a sword, and pointed it on the flat crutch.

Tai Shang Lao Tzu felt as if he was electrocuted. The flat crutches came out of his hands a few inches away, and he retreated a few inches away from the staggered back.

Yuanshi Tianzun - look, suddenly furious. Hand - turn.Pick up the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi, throw it upwards, follow your heart, and shout. "In the beginning. Hugh is crazy, look at the poor Taoist jade and the gods!"

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