Chapter 5 Refining Pangu's hard work, the flesh becomes a quasi-sage ([-]) Please subscribe!

As soon as Tai Chu walked out of the cave, Z Youxi greeted I and cupped his hands, "Brother Tai can solve the rune!"

Tai Chu smiled, "It's only a few hundred runes that have been solved."

"Hundreds of Rune 3s only?"

Fuxi heard that his eyes were too high, and he was shocked.

The avenue rune is so difficult to understand.Even Nuwa is the god of creation.It took hundreds of thousands of years to solve thousands of runes.In such a short period of time.How can Fu Yi not be shocked by solving hundreds of runes?

Fuxi looked at the beginning of time eagerly. . .

"Brother, you can

If you give Pindao some runes, the Pendao will be inexhaustible!"

With that said, Fuxi was about to take off his clothes.

Too surprised at first.He doesn't have this special hobby.He hurriedly flipped through his hands, revealing a jade slip, branded with hundreds of evolutionary runes, and threw it to Fuxi, saying, "This rune is for you!

Saying that, Taichu turned into a streamer.Escape far away.

Fuxi took the jade slip and immersed his spiritual consciousness in it, and he was shocked.

"Brother. You are:."

Nuwa looked at the jade slip in Fuxi's hand and asked.

Fuxi held the jade slip in his hand and said, "This is hundreds of performances.

rune.It's strange that Senior Brother Tai just gave it to Pindao, Senior Brother didn't look at Pindao, how come there are so many evolutionary runes?"

Nu Wa's pretty face changed slightly, and she hurriedly asked.Brother, can 620 take off his clothes?"_

Fuxi shook his head and said, "No

Nuwa - listen, she suddenly trembled with anger, and roared with gritted teeth 1_"In the beginning._You bastard..."

At the beginning of the distant escape, I staggered when I heard this voice.The speed suddenly increased several times.

Fuxi also came back to his senses and said in shock, "Sister, you mean, you don't need to take off your clothes at all.

, Can Senior Brother Tai also decipher the Rune of Fortune?"

Nu Wa's pretty face blushed like Hongxia.Nodding lightly, he gritted his teeth and said, too early.Don't let this palace meet you again, or this palace will definitely smash you to pieces::."

Violent convulsions appeared on his face and said: "That means, sister. You let that servant in Taichu watch for so long in vain?"

Nuwa glanced at Fuxi.Gritting teeth @ . own cave.

Fuxi was too angry.patted his chest and assured

"Sister, don't worry, Pindao will go out and catch that fellow at the beginning, and let your sister deal with it."

Saying that, Fuxi also turned into Dao Liuguang and went down to Buzhou Mountain.

On the other side, Taichu stopped at the foot of Buzhou (b2gci) mountain. Feeling the strong pressure of Pangu, secretly. "With the passage of time, the pressure of Pangu on Buzhou Mountain is getting lighter and lighter. The opportunity is rare, it is better to take this opportunity to practice again - let's go."

Xun thought about it. At the beginning of the day, he immediately found a big rock, sat cross-legged on the rock and began to practice.

The law of power that came out from the operation, quietly realized the power of Pangu in the beginning.

With the passage of time. At the beginning, the understanding of the law of power became deeper and deeper.

At this moment, a streamer flew.

I was shocked at the beginning of the day, and I grabbed it. I took a closer look and saw that it was actually a jade bottle. I immersed my spiritual consciousness in it, and I was surprised and happy: "Pangu blood essence, it's not Pangu's hard work⊥"

The blood of Pangu and the blood of Pangu are different!

Pangu's blood is the blood of Pangu's heart

- Drop the blood of Pangu, a full amount of three hundred and sixty-five suitable blood of Pangu⊥

"Zhencao, there are still such treasures that automatically recognize their masters, the character of the poor is really good."

Although, from the very beginning, I also knew that Pangu's painstaking efforts to recognize the master were fundamentally related to his character.

It doesn't matter.It may be caused by his practice of the law of power, but he still can't help but praise his character.

"Good things, if the poor Taoist refines them..."

At the beginning of the day, it was double and bright. When I started to refine Pangu's efforts.

The physical body has always been the shortcoming of the beginning.With this drop of Pangu blood.In the beginning, I believed that my physical body could have a qualitative-flight.

I don't know how long it took, the momentum on Tai Chu's body became more and more amazing, and a circle of terrifying ripples rippled from its surroundings, destroying everything around it.

A ray of blood went straight into the sky, stirring the wind and clouds, and the heaven and earth were for it


After a while, the breath on Tai Chu began to converge.

Taichu opened his eyes and said ecstatically

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