"Hmph, say, do you have a gluttonous glutton in your Wu tribe?"

Tai Chu said solemnly.

"I don't know!"

Zhu Rong swallowed his saliva., said.

"Hmph, it seems that you will only be able to tell the truth if you beat all of you idiots!"

At first, I thought it was Zhu Rong who didn't say anything. Immediately, he rushed towards Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong is too scared, and welcomes the beginning.


The two collided fiercely.Zhu Rong flew out again.

Taichu caught up and rode on Zhu Rong's body, his fists were like a hurricane, and slammed into Zhu Rong's old face frantically, Tai shouted; don't talk, talk or-"

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Chapter 7 The strength of the physical body in the beginning, crushing the twelve ancestors ([-]) Please subscribe!

witch tribe

In the Pangu Temple.

Except for the ancestral witch Hou Tu and the ancestral witch Zhurong, all the ancestral witches gathered together.

"Big brother, _ Houtu sister asked us to come to Pangu Temple, why didn't she come?"

It has a human face and a tiger body, with golden scales and wings.Wu Peichou, the ancestor of Western gold, who had a snake foot in his left ear and two dragons, shouted.

"I don't know about this either. I just heard it. The local girl said that a noble person came to my witch clan!_"

Like a yellow sac, red like a red fire, six-legged and four-winged, Wudi Jiang, the ancestor of the faceless space speed, frowned.

"What kind of noble person actually wants us all to gather in the temple!"

Wu Jumang, the ancestor of Oriental Wood, who is as green as green bamboo, with the body of a bird and the face of a man, said loudly.

"I don't know, I'll know the mountain when the Houtu girl comes."

Di Jiang pondered.

The back soil is the ancestor of the central soil.Things have always been calm.The ancestral witches, the "Seven Earths", also believed in the Hou Earth.Therefore, he waited for the back soil in the battle of Pangu.

But they did not wait for Houtu, but waited for a witch!

The two shamans rushed in in a panic and shouted. "Master Zuwu, it's not good, isn't it?

Well, Zhu Rongzu Wu was beaten!_

"What? What did you say? Zhu Rong was beaten?"

Wu Gonggong, the ancestor of water, exclaimed.

The Zuwu of Lei was horrified and said, "What did you say? Don't talk nonsense. How could Zhurong Zuwu be beaten?".

The rest of the ancestral witches also got up and looked at the witch with an incredible look.

The sorcerer looked flustered.He said anxiously: "The little one can see clearly., Zhu Rongzu Wu is fighting with that person. The two sides are head-to-head. The fists are facing each other. Zhu Rongzu Wu was beaten and flew out, and then the man rode on Zhu Rongzu. On Wu's body, there was a frantic beating

I wish Rong Zuwu..."

"You mean flesh to flesh? Zhu Rong lost"

The weather ancestor Wushe Biyue, who has a human face and a beast body, ears like a dog, and a green snake hanging around his ears, asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, body to body. Zhu Rongzu Wu was crushed.."

The witch was horrified.

When he thought of the scene where Zhu Rongzu Wu was beaten up by Tai Chu, he was so frightened that he trembled all over.

"...:how can that be?"

All the ancestor witches exclaimed, _could hardly believe their ears.

Zu Wu is a descendant of Pangu, and his physical body

I wish Rong Zuwu..."

"You mean flesh to flesh? Zhu Rong lost"

The weather ancestor Wushe Biyue, who has a human face and a beast body, ears like a dog, and a green snake hanging around his ears, asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, body to body. Zhu Rongzu Wu was crushed.."

The witch was horrified.

When he thought of the scene where Zhu Rongzu Wu was beaten up by Tai Chu, he was so frightened that he trembled all over.

"...:how can that be?"

All the ancestor witches exclaimed, _could hardly believe their ears.

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