But it was Wu Qiangliang, the irascible ancestor of Lei, who couldn't stand it any longer and took the lead.

Taichu raised his brows and stretched out his big hand, like tearing a piece of cloth, with a forceful tug of space meant to be torn out by him.

The thunder struck directly into the void

in the air. disappeared

"Hmph, you stunned young witches of the Wu clan, it seems that you won't convince you, you won't talk about the whereabouts of Taotie!"

Tai Chu snorted coldly, and Tai Chu stretched out his hand and gave it a heavy grip.

A Yu Xushen thunder fell from the sky, slammed into Qiangliang, dropped Qiangliang's wall directly from the air, and smashed the ground into a deep pit.

The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, strong winds, and a terrifying tornado rolled into the sky one after another.

But it was the ancestor of the weather, Wu Shebi, the ancestor of electricity, Wu Hezi, and the ancestor of the wind, Wu Tianwu, who shot at the same time.

The wind and clouds gather.Thunder and lightning.The wind borrows the cloud, the cloud borrows the wind

"On Little Doyle"

At the beginning, he snorted coldly, his arms shook, and a pagoda appeared behind him.

The tower of chaos flew out.Thousands of rays of light bloomed from the base, directly sucking all the wind, clouds, thunder and lightning into it.

The three ancestors were dumbfounded.

At the beginning of the body - flash, he appeared in front of Xizi and threw a punch, directly flying Xizi Zuwu upside down, and even rolled and rolled over, hitting Tianwu Zuwu and Shebi corpse at the same time. , flew out.I don't know how many miles it fell.

At this moment, Wu, the ancestor of Dongfang Ben, shouted loudly - he slapped his hands heavily on the ground.The vines in Dadi 1 broke out of the ground and grew wildly, entangling towards the beginning of the day like green snakes as thick as buckets.

At the beginning, he snorted coldly. The source of the sun appeared in his eyebrows, and the flames all over his body were full of energy, and all the vines were burned and withered.

The flames continued to cast off, burning towards Jumang.

Ju Yi was taken aback.. hurriedly backed away.

However, he was caught up by Taichu, and the fist flew out, rolling over and over, and he fell thousands of miles.

At this moment, in the beginning, I only felt that my movements were slowing down.

, look outside again _ human head and dragon body, the crimson Zu Wuzhuo Jiuyin wow too screamed and rushed towards him s

"Time magic, it's not bad!"

Too early to grin - smile.The whole body's power rune turned two K. Tai shouted L with a powerful flesh. Body and Fa Jiu directly broke the restraint of time and L punched the turbid nine Yin with one punch.


The fists collide.Accompanied by a piercing scream, L Zhuo Jiu Zhan flew upside down and crashed into a big mountain.

At this moment, it started to rain in 0.7 of the L sky. __

In the beginning, I looked intently,

But I saw a giant beast covered with bone spurs in the clouds doing this.The rain poured down gradually.

This ferocious beast is Wu Xuanming, the ancestor of rain.

But all the places that have been poured over by the rain are completely destroyed, the grass and trees wither, the earth is full and devastated, and there are pits and pits.This rain has a strong corrosive effect.

In the beginning, the divine light flickered all over his body, no matter how corrosive the rain was.Can't help him either.

"Come down!"

At the beginning of the flash, he appeared above the giant beast, kicked out, and directly knocked the giant beast down from the clouds, hitting the ground heavily.

Smashed the ground into a huge pit.

At this moment, the space was torn apart, and a ferocious melon seed stood out from it. Turning to the back of Taichu:

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Chapter 7 The strength of the physical body in the beginning, crushing the twelve ancestors ([-]) Please subscribe!

witch tribe

In the Pangu Temple.

Except for the ancestral witch Hou Tu and the ancestral witch Zhurong, all the ancestral witches gathered together.

"Big brother, _ Houtu sister asked us to come to Pangu Temple, why didn't she come?"

It has a human face and a tiger body, with golden scales and wings.Wu Peichou, the ancestor of Western gold, who had a snake foot in his left ear and two dragons, shouted.

"I don't know about this either. I just heard it. The local girl said that a noble person came to my witch clan!_"

Like a yellow sac, red like a red fire, six-legged and four-winged, Wudi Jiang, the ancestor of the faceless space speed, frowned.

"What kind of noble person actually wants us all to gather in the temple!"

Wu Jumang, the ancestor of Oriental Wood, who is as green as green bamboo, with the body of a bird and the face of a man, said loudly.

"I don't know, I'll know the mountain when the Houtu girl comes."

Di Jiang pondered.

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