Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly.

The first unicorn has now

When the time came to run out of oil, Tan Tan said lightly, "It's finally an old wish. I can also sit back and relax!"

talking.The first unicorn died after closing the moon

A generation of Kirin Emperor L, who once led the beasts to dominate the prehistoric world, eventually, could not escape the accumulation of karma from the heavens.In the end, he ended up dying.

"Father, humming..."

Sibu fell to his knees, and L burst into tears.

At the same time, Mrs. Wuliangshan. Yuanmu raised her head, looked at the east, her heart was desolate, she shook her head and sighed, "Hey, the old friend is still gone.

I'll send him some! '

Saying that, Yuan Feng stretched out his jade hand and ripped apart the void directly.

The next moment, Yuan Feng appeared in the ancestral land of the Qilin family.

Looking at Yuan Feng who suddenly appeared, Yuan Shi Tianzun was startled and jumped.

Tearing the space with bare hands and descending directly.Another super power!

Wanmu went to look at the fallen Shi Qilin L and closed his eyes, "Old friend - good road⊥"

Shi Qilin and Yuan Feng are Taoist friends for hundreds of millions of years.And in the later stage, in order to fight against the strongest dragon clan, the phoenix clan and the unicorn clan allied.It also makes the relationship between Yuan Feng and Shi Qilin compare favorably.

Zulong walked closer.

Now that an old friend has left, L Yuanfeng is inevitably sad.

Sibu looked at Yuanfeng who suddenly appeared and said in surprise, "Patriarch Yuanfeng!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was shocked when he heard it.He exclaimed, "It's Yuan Feng, and you're not dead!"

Yuan Feng snorted coldly and glared at Yuanshi Tianzun, and said solemnly, "You better keep your mouth clean." If you talk nonsense again, be careful of your life! '

Yuan Feng used to be the overlord of one side, and he had an impressive aura.

At the same time as he speaks, this momentum is revealed invisibly.

out.The mighty pressure to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face changed slightly.Don't dare to make a sound.

Although he claims to be the authentic Pangu, and most looks down on the people in the scales, but in front of Yuan Feng, the big man who once shone a calamity, he is still a little false.

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun is only the realm of the early stage of the quasi-sage, and Yuan Qi has broken through the realm of the quasi-sage peak in thousands of years.

Intimidating Yuanshi Tianzun, Yuan Feng looked at the four dislikes and said, "Hey, your father emperor died due to the erosion of karma. There is no way to do it!"

Sibu looked at Yuanfeng, frowned and said, "The Yuanfeng family

long.Why haven't you been eroded by karma?"

It stands to reason that Yuan Feng and Shi Qilin are the same. Phoenix Z clan should be karma-ridden, but look at Yuan Feng's appearance.The breath is continuous, and the whole body is flickering. Where the integrity and elegance are in the slightest decline, there is only one room in the four dissimilarities. .u_.-

Yuan Feng also did not hide the four dissimilarities.road

"The reason why this palace can survive is entirely due to my son's protection. It is my son who remodeled the golden body for me. There is only this palace of Lingri! Not only this palace. Even our Phoenix family. Ruling is also prosperous. , gradually became angry, and the clan became famous!"

"Really 3 your son actually has such supernatural powers? He was able to save the Yuanfeng Patriarch 3

Four unlike exclaimed.

Yuan Feng said with a smile, "Of course, the young master has immeasurable magical powers, it's naturally true."

Four is not like one - gritted his teeth and said, "I also ask the Yuanfeng patriarch to introduce him and save the father and emperor!

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly and said, "Your father and emperor have already died. Even if the son of Yuanfeng Daoist friend has magical powers. I'm afraid it is difficult to save your father and emperor. You should go with the poor way. Poor way. It can also protect the integrity of your Qilin family!".

Sibu looked up at Yuanshi Tianzun coldly, and said angrily,

"You man, you don't have the ability to save my father. It doesn't mean that others didn't come."

Yuanshi Tianzun was furious.Shen said. .Hmph, don't forget who you are. .You are Pindao's mount. How dare you talk to Pindao like that?"

"Hmph, from now on, I'm no longer your mount."

Four is not like a deep voice.

"you wanna die"

Yuanshi Tianzun is now so regretful that his bowels are blue, and he regrets pretending to force-:shi.I didn't receive 4.6 anymore _ the life and soul of the four dislikes, suddenly rushed to the four dislikes in anger.

"Hmph. Dare to roll wildly in front of this seat⊥"

Yuan Feng snorted coldly, and with a sleeve, the violent mana surged out, and the mana at the peak of the quasi-sage z exploded completely, and with just one sleeve, he directly swept Yuanshi Tianzun into the air.

Poor Yuanshi Tianzun, dignified and authentic Pangu.It was turned over by Yuan Fengyi's sleeve fan and fell backwards, crashing into a big mountain behind him.buried by rubble.

Yuanshi Tianzun crawled out of the rocks in embarrassment, and said angrily, "Hmph, you wait for Pindao, if you have the ability, don't go. Pindao is looking for someone, you must look good!"

Saying that, Yuanshi Tianzun turned into a stream of light and fled into the distance.

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